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"Chocolate Rain"


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OK serious runners, I have seen this image floating around the net for years, and I always wondered, "Does this shit (Pardon the pun) really happen? Is that a marathon runner who literally shit himself while running?" Seriously, does it? And if so, why the fuck?


Image in question...



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When I jog... I have to make sure I go drop the kids at the pool first, otherwise within ten minutes I have to stop. I had a doctor that worked for me that was a serious runner (he did the Boston Marathon) he said when he runs he always carries a little toilet paper with him just incase he has to go behind a bush.
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It's a natural thing the body does during or after physical activity. Not sure if it's a stress reliever or anxiety from long bouts of exercise or what. I'm sure there is a medical name for it, but I don't care to find it.


I have a coworker who runs marathons and says it's a problem for a lot of people, and I've been to the cross training store where they sell tons of stuff to settle your bowels while running for long distances.

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I used to do long distance running back in high school, did a couple of 8km races...never had the urge to crap myself.


Here, here. However, maybe this guy wasn't used to the water or he traveled or whatever. Hell, maybe he was just sick. Either way, the man has balls... No matter how much they're covered in shit.

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thats just wrong lol, but i guess you do what you gotta do to win right?

To win in a major event sure. But not to finish in the 21st :lol:


Maybe it was a tactical move on his part. Could you imagine the last few hundred yards having to be close to this guy. It probably caused a few runners to stay back or distract them long enough for him to finish in front.

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