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John Bruh

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Well my fiance was out tonight at park street patio and her friends car was broken into. She left her purse in the truck of the car and left her engagement ring there as long as everything else that was inside the purse. Anyone that works at a pawn show if you guys could keep a look out and if it shows up call me or if you can let any other pawn shops know i would greatly appericate it. I have to change the house locks tomorrow, that is easy but im pissed about the ring. It was not insured eaither. Here are some pics.












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I'm sure he has already asked that question... lord knows that would be the first thing out of my mouth if my wife told me her ring was stollen out of the trunk of a car that she wasn't physically locked in herself.


to keep the thread on topic, if I hear anything I'll let you know...


have you filed a police report as well as visited the pawn shops in the area with pictures of the ring? Any special engravings in it?

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I already asked that question and I'm only concerned about trying to find it. Yes I know I should if insured it but we bought it from a friend that owns a store so I got a better deal that what u would think. Still I should of had it insured this happened last night I'm going to contact pawn shops today.
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why did she take her engagement ring off to go to the bar?





I already asked that question and I'm only concerned about trying to find it. .


Lets be real here...the chances of you finding a ring that was stolen are slim to none. You might as well start looking into another one, that is if this young lady is ready to get married.

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Lets be real here...the chances of you finding a ring that was stolen are slim to none. You might as well start looking into another one, that is if this young lady is ready to get married.

ummmm why would he get her another one, she's already proved that she can't take care of what she has.... that's like your kid breaking one of their toys and just replacing it.... broken = you don't get another one.... next one SHE should buy if she really wants to be married... just my $.02

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Yes I know I should if insured it but we bought it from a friend that owns a store so I got a better deal that what u would think.


Just wondering what that has to do with insuring it? I mean no offense, just kinda confused. If you have a homeowners or renter's policy it's super cheap to insure them. My sister's is insured for like $5500 and it's an extra $3/month on her homeowners policy.

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In case you didn't see the other replies, the bitch is taking off her ring to go to bars. Instead of showing it off to her friends, she leaves it in the truck and talks to other guys. Kick that cunt to the curb and don't look back.


LMAO. OP you had to know this thread was going to take this turn..

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ummmm why would he get her another one, she's already proved that she can't take care of what she has.... that's like your kid breaking one of their toys and just replacing it.... broken = you don't get another one.... next one SHE should buy if she really wants to be married... just my $.02



My view on this is she's still weighing her options. Otherwise, we wouldn't be reading this thread. If he determines via discussion that they are going to fix whatever issue she's dealing with, they need to look into a new ring together. Telling her it's your fault and you find a way to get another one is no way to be. My kid breaks a toy....I complain...then I replace it.



In case you didn't see the other replies, the bitch is taking off her ring to go to bars. Instead of showing it off to her friends, she leaves it in the truck and talks to other guys. Kick that cunt to the curb and don't look back.


Talk about harsh....sheesh!



My sister's is insured for like $5500 and it's an extra $3/month on her homeowners policy.


It's actually quite a bit more than that. My wife's is like 10k and I pay like $30 on the HO policy.

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This thread is strange...it almost feels like we are being asked for validation of the relationship. You had to know that people were going to beat you up like this.


Second note...I will keep my peepers open for the ring. Sorry for the misplacement issue...sucks and I hope you get to the bottom of it quickly.

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It's actually quite a bit more than that. My wife's is like 10k and I pay like $30 on the HO policy.


My grandpa pays $35/month on his wife's 30k ring. You need new insurance my friend!!!

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My view on this is she's still weighing her options. Otherwise, we wouldn't be reading this thread. If he determines via discussion that they are going to fix whatever issue she's dealing with, they need to look into a new ring together. Telling her it's your fault and you find a way to get another one is no way to be. My kid breaks a toy....I complain...then I replace it.





Talk about harsh....sheesh!





It's actually quite a bit more than that. My wife's is like 10k and I pay like $30 on the HO policy.

trust me dude, you don't want to do that... it will lead them down the road of thinking they can do whatever they want and have no concequences.... if you don't believe me, talk to my 12 year old.

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