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I hope Americans are ready for healthcare that resembles a trip to the inner city BMV.


219 people should be hung in the rotunda for declaring war on the American people and our way of life.:mad:

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I hope Americans are ready for healthcare that resembles a trip to the inner city BMV.


219 people should be hung in the rotunda for declaring war on the American people and our way of life.:mad:


Are you and your tea party friends confused about the difference between a single payer system and what was passed?

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Are you and your tea party friends confused about the difference between a single payer system and what was passed?


I am not confused at all. I know exactly what they just did. I am not a tea party member btw. The constitution was just burnt tonight.

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I am also not a Tea Party member. I am also extremely disappointed in my country tonight. I've been watching this all day (and for months), and can not believe the number of people believing some of these numbers and fairy tales being thrown out by the Democrats.
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I'M interested in some real dialogue, not rhetoric, about what specifically you oppose.


1. Being told I must by something I don't want.

2. Placing larger bureaucracies in healthcare.

3. Overstepping the bounds of the Constitution.

4. Place huge debts for my kids on their backs.

5. The creation of more people looking to put doctors in jail

6. Putting into motion a system that will artificially inflate healthcare cost even more.

7. Possibly have to lay off an employee because I cant afford to pay for government approved healthcare for everyone that works for me.


Just off the top of my head.

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Good luck. Prepare for links....


Can I pre-empt links to 5th amendment's Takings Clause with the precedent set by Minimum Wage laws under the commerce clause.


An individual mandate is not unconstitutional and the states challenging it are posturing.

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1. Being told I must by something I don't want.

2. Placing larger bureaucracies in healthcare.

3. Overstepping the bounds of the Constitution.

4. Place huge debts for my kids on their backs.

5. The creation of more people looking to put doctors in jail

6. Putting into motion a system that will artificially inflate healthcare cost even more.

7. Possibly have to lay off an employee because I cant afford to pay for government approved healthcare for everyone that works for me.


Just off the top of my head.


So is your solution to keep the system as is or do you support a different approach entirely?

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An individual mandate is not unconstitutional and the states challenging it are posturing.


The US government is a government of limited jurisdiction. Unless a specific provision in the constitution allows a particular law, the law is unconstitutional.

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So is your solution to keep the system as is or do you support a different approach entirely?


the different approach is to kill the bill and "start over". duh. if they wanted to do something, they would have done it during the 8 years of the last presidency. they're perfectly content with the status quo

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So is your solution to keep the system as is or do you support a different approach entirely?


I completely agree we need to fix the system. But within the confines of the constitution, and without bankrupting our country. There are ways to do it, but I dont think anyone has the nutz to do it.


Good night, I have to go work at the BMV tomorrow.

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1. Being told I must by something I don't want.

2. Placing larger bureaucracies in healthcare.

3. Overstepping the bounds of the Constitution.

4. Place huge debts for my kids on their backs.

5. The creation of more people looking to put doctors in jail

6. Putting into motion a system that will artificially inflate healthcare cost even more.

7. Possibly have to lay off an employee because I cant afford to pay for government approved healthcare for everyone that works for me.


Just off the top of my head.


Please elaborate on 3, 4, 5, & 7.


1 I wan't to opt out of building bridges and subsiding farmers. I'd like to risk it when driving my car and not buy auto insurance. We all buy things we don't want.


2 is debatable as the corporate bureaucracies are arguably worse than any government one might be.


With 6 I'd argue that the cost control measures, while inadequate to the sum of everything that needs to be done, will not make the situation worse than it already is.

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The US government is a government of limited jurisdiction. Unless a specific provision in the constitution allows a particular law, the law is unconstitutional.


Limited jurisdiction is defined under the establishment of the Judicial Branch and applies to Federal courts.


All federal laws written and Supreme Court precedents are not unconstitutional.

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I completely agree we need to fix the system. But within the confines of the constitution, and without bankrupting our country. There are ways to do it, but I dont think anyone has the nutz to do it.


Good night, I have to go work at the BMV tomorrow.


I'm interested in hearing your ballsy approach tomorrow.

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Please elaborate on 3, 4, 5, & 7.


1 I wan't to opt out of building bridges and subsiding farmers. I'd like to risk it when driving my car and not buy auto insurance. We all buy things we don't want.


2 is debatable as the corporate bureaucracies are arguably worse than any government one might be.


With 6 I'd argue that the cost control measures, while inadequate to the sum of everything that needs to be done, will not make the situation worse than it already is.


3.What will happen is someone will say the Government has the right to force me to buy something because of the commerce clause. The commerce clause can only be used when a person is purchasing something across state lines. What If I choose not to by a product? Therefore I would not be subject to the the clause. The clause only applies to those that are engaging in a voluntary transaction, it does provide for forced economic activity.


The Sixteenth Amendment allows an income tax. An income tax is imposed only on earnings, but people would have to pay this tax even if they had no income. I fail to buy insurance I will have to pay a tax. That oversteps the bounds of the constitution.


4. Only in washington do we spend a trillion to save a few billion.


5. Do you really think Uncle Sam is going to put this machine into gear and not have larger OIG enforcement? What to you think Obama means buy cutting fraud? The act of fraud in healthcare does not have to be an act that you commit on purpose, the government will prosecute you for being unaware of regulation. In other words, if I submit a bill to the insurance for an exam code and I forgot to write in my note for the day one of the components of that exam into the record. Bam, we now have fraud, I can be prosecuted for a mistake. There are many good doctors that are in jail now for this type of issue with medicare.


7. This same approach to healthcare has been tried in Mass. thanks to Mitt Romney. The premiums for health insurance in Mass. are now the highest in the nation. Since I may have to buy insurance for my employee that is government approved that cost has to come from somewhere. I only have a limited amount of funds to spend and if I am forced to provide insurance I may have to cut a job in our office to pay for the cost. I cant print money like the government does. I cant run my business like uncle sam runs the country. I would be broke, or in jail.

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I'm interested in hearing your ballsy approach tomorrow.


The only way to fix this system is to have a cash system. A way to do this is to not allow the doctors to accept assignment of the claims. Doctors bill insurance and wait to get paid. Pre 1960's/70's when you went to the doctor you paid the man for his service, and you submit the receipt to the insurance company. This system worked for decades and allowed natural price controls. Now we have system that artificial inflates rates and adds cost due to the billing systems that must be in place just to get paid.


Cash is the only sustainable system. Third party pay will always inflate prices and drive down quality. We could still maintain insurance but yet control prices because consumers will be more aware of cost and shop around for lower cost. This will drive down cost dramatically. Big pharma cant sell drugs that cost 3k per month if people had to pay the cost up front. The prices will quickly drop.


Too many people in america afford cell phones at $100 per month cable tv at $100 per month and then complain they cant pay for healthcare.


I agree we should have a safety net for those that cannot provide for themselves ( I see too many people that should not be on that system because they are lazy). Medicaid/mediucare should remain in effect and the fees should be paid to the doctors should be slightly higher than the average cash fees to compensate for the cost of billing.

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"We're going to have a health care plan written by a committee whose chairman says he doesn't understand it, passed by a Congress that hasn't read it but exempts themselves from it, to be signed by a president who smokes, funded by a treasury chief who didn't pay his taxes, to be overseen by a surgeon general... who is... obese, and financed by a country that's broke. What the ---- could possibly go wrong??"
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I hope Americans are ready for healthcare that resembles a trip to the inner city BMV.


219 people should be hung in the rotunda for declaring war on the American people and our way of life.:mad:


Aaah the beatuy of america! If people don't agree with me they MUST be worng! How dare they have a different view....

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The black dude from Goergia said it best yesterday, "there are no rules today." Iwishiwascool, ive got a bunch of reasons but i bet youll just shoot them down like you do on CDSM. I live with my grandma who has a pretty set income and has to work. She is 65. Her Medicade is going to go up now. She will not be able to make ends meet more than likely now or be living close to the edge. IS THAT FAIR TO HER? A woman who has raised two kids, struggled living on her own for 30 some years and worked since she was 18.


Secondly, how about all those people that make only enough or dont even live in a home and are now going to be forced to buy health care. What happens if you dont? The IRS will take your money. If you dont pay, you go to jail. Then what happens, the state is force like they are now to provide health care coverage to you when you are in the pen. Great! Even more handouts that the state is forced to give because of FEDERAL laws.


We need to FIRST, give back the states rights and remove federal deviousness. Secondly, we need to remove this bill from law and make health care reform by doing TORT reform. Which is the best way to remove those idiotic health care companies rules. Like no covering because of a preexisting condition. Thats the MOST INHUMANE thing a company has EVER done and they get away with it. Tort reform is what needed to happen. NOT THIS BILL!

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