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84 Diesel Rabbit


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Came across a 1984 diesel rabbit today. Guy wants $800 for it. Its not in perfect shape cosmetically but he says it runs fine. Its a 5-speed with 240k on it.


My question, what kind of problems can i expect from it?

I need a cheap beater thats good on gas with how unpredictable the audi is, and these have always fascinated me.


I put the audi up for sale and have been entertaining a few offers on it, but I'd still want a backup just in case.


Also: I talked to him today, and he said that the title was still in his friends name, because he was given the car to try to make a project out of it. I told him if there was going to be any issues with the title i'm not going to buy it. How do you think that will go?

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I had one for a little while (about a month, actually), it had a little rust, but other than that it was a good little runner. Mine was a 1.9 SDI swap by the previous owner, with the 1.9 TDI upper half in the hatch (never installed it though). It was good off the line, in fact I'll bet the 60's were AWESOME for a street car, but after shifting to 2nd it fell on its face. An n/a 1.6 is going to be SLOW, and a 1.5 might well get passed by fully loaded semis...


I got it for CHEAP, the PO had electrical issues and wanted shut of it. I sold it for ready cash, kinda wish I'd kept it.

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These can be made into very cool looking rides. They last forever and are great on gas 40+ MPG. They leak oil like crazy, rust is a big deal on these, bushing, bearings will probably need replaced. Other than that I think they are turn key and drive cars.
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I'm not looking to drag it, or race it by any means. Its going to be something solely for getting to school and work. As I've said b4 I go to vocational school, and can have the auto body shop bondo up any rust holes. Its primer black now too. He said the interior is pretty bad too... what would I be able to expect to pay on a reupholstery job for the seats? Called the carpet "grunge" too lol
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check the shock towers and floor boards. they rust fast. the guy was going to take it to my grandpas to have the timing belt replaced about a month ago. my cuz who works with him said if its fixed it prolly has new time b and head. in which case its worth it. depends on the engines current situation.
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I just figured it out!!!!





Been doing some reading, and correct me if I'm wrong, But it seems in the summer / warmer months if you mix some reg diesel with filtered out restaurant grease you can run just fine!


I heard a lot about 2 tank systems, and heating systems due to the low freezing / solidifying temp, but i dont thing that'd be TOTALLY necessary.


Heard a lot of success's from just putting it in and going even.


Any opinions?

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It would be a pretty rough commuter car, rough ride, tons of wind noise/vibration/general discomfort.


Doing a proper greasel setup takes a fair amount of cash or a bunch of time, just throwing roughly filtered grease in the tank will result in untold problems. You may get away with it for a while but it will eventually bugger something/things up.


Veg oil is also incredibly messy and difficult to clean up, it eats most rubber and smells terrible.


Having said all that, lowball the guy, turn up the injection pump and have some fun with the thing for a few months.

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  cinergi said:
I think you could find a much better deal for $800 with your ability to scour the internetz.


+1. With my '82 diesel Silverado, I've always been interested in a VW Diesel for even better fuel economy. Check out searchtempest.com for diesel VW's in rust-free states...MUCH better investment in the long run...

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  SilverxxxMike said:
Oh, link to the Audi for sale?




and as for traveling to find one, I have to say no to that. I go to school full time and still work 26 hours a week so a trip isn't really in the near future.


I really just need something good on gas, and in the range of around $800. I just thought the idea of greasel sounded really cool, but I wouldn't want to pay a bunch of money if it's just gonna keep breaking.

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If you are interested in 100% biodiesel, I've got a company I buy from for my truck. IMO, biodiesel would be easier/cheaper to run that Rabbit on (after converting rubber to Viton where needed in the fuel system) than doing grease.


Grease kits seem like a great idea, but there are enough diesel greenie/hippies in Columbus to make getting a reliable source of used veggie oil difficult. For as busy as you are, the last thing you'll want is to be low on fuel and hunt around for more, while going to school...and working. :(


I love the simplicity of diesel cars/trucks, and biodiesel makes them run better (in warmer weather like now). I can hook you up with biofuel if you make the plunge. It'll be less than $2 a gallon, too. :)

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