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What happened to freedom of speech????


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I've always hated the term "African-American", unless someone's born there. A white from South Africa is an African-American, a black from Jamaca is a Jamacian-American. A black born here is an American that just happens to be black.

I'm not seeing where this is a freedom of speech issue. The paper's a privately owned company and the Government isn't saying anything about it one way or another. It's more like someone saying "boy" about a black guy on the street and getting called out on it. Sure, you're allowed to say it, but you'd better be ready to man up to the consequences. Say it at work then get fired and guess what, it's still not a freedom of speech issue.

That said, the NAACP kind of reminds me of MADD, when their agenda is realized as far as they can get it(maybe not as far as they want, because you're never going to rid the world of racism or drunk driving), they can't just come out and say "well, it looks like we've done about all we can do" since they're still bringing in a lot of money, so they keep taking it another step and in MADDs case, trampling on our rights.

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