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monthly cable bill?


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does this seem high to anyone or is it just me? i don't pay the cable bill at my house, so i never look at it, but happened to see it sitting out today and my jaw about hit the floor


included -


WOW standard bundle - $79.99

Monthly Guide (is this the shit that comes in the mail or the guide on the cable box?) - 2.70

HD Pak - 7.99

Additional Digital Receiver - $6.99

HD DVR Receiver - 11.99

Showtime - $15.00

Cable Modem lease fee - $4.99


Taxes/Fees - 6.30


so in a nutshell, we have "full basic" cable, HD DVR receiver for the bigscreen tv, a digital receiver in the bedroom, showtime, and internet, and its $135.95/mo. does this seem really high to anyone else?

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Solution: Get out the house more while only keeping internet for video games and porn. After getting out of the house more you will have a rippling 6 pack like Sam. Once this is achieved you can cancel all internet because the games you play will be with hot young woman that double as real life porn.
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call wow customer service, let them know time warner is now offering service in your area, and they are going to match your package for 89.99 a month...they will price match for a year, problem solved until you have to call again next year and do it over again.



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does this seem high to anyone or is it just me? i don't pay the cable bill at my house, so i never look at it, but happened to see it sitting out today and my jaw about hit the floor


included -


WOW standard bundle - $79.99

Monthly Guide (is this the shit that comes in the mail or the guide on the cable box?) - 2.70

HD Pak - 7.99

Additional Digital Receiver - $6.99

HD DVR Receiver - 11.99

Showtime - $15.00

Cable Modem lease fee - $4.99


Taxes/Fees - 6.30


so in a nutshell, we have "full basic" cable, HD DVR receiver for the bigscreen tv, a digital receiver in the bedroom, showtime, and internet, and its $135.95/mo. does this seem really high to anyone else?

- Dump the HD Pak, it's only 3 channels - most people don't get it.

- Monthly guide is what you get in the mail. Just use the internet / guide on the box.


There, saved you $10/month.


FYI, Time Warner is more expensive. I'm sadly stuck with them. :(

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My Uverse bill is somewhere around 95$ a month for One DVR box, one standard box for my bedroom, and "medium speed" internet connection. no HD channels or pay channels. After I called and complained a few times about my service and the shoddy installation they gave me $20 off a month for the next 6 months so now my bill is around $75-80 depending if i buy any movies or not.


BTW, Uverse may indeed be cheaper for some service's but the service/installation and some customer service sucks. I would go back to time warner but that pause between changing channels drives me crazy.

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Here's my time warner bill every month....... I happen to have it on front of me.


basic service........$13.50

Standard service..$28.45

RR w/powerboost $39.95

turbo RR..............$4.97

Digital variety package $10.95

DVR service..........$9.95

HD DVR rental.......$7.95


for a total of $115.72

tax and fees $3.57


Grandtotal of $119.29

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- Dump the HD Pak, it's only 3 channels - most people don't get it.

- Monthly guide is what you get in the mail. Just use the internet / guide on the box.


There, saved you $10/month.


FYI, Time Warner is more expensive. I'm sadly stuck with them. :(


g/f said she called and the guide is on the tv...hm. makes me wonder if she even called.


what channels are on the "HD pak"? i thought thats what i had to get to get all the HD channels (all the 200-299 channels)

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I have Wow. The monthly guide is what comes in the mail, I cancelled mine after I was charged for it the first month. The guide on the TV works fine. I have no idea what the "HD Pak" is. I guessing that is for the 3 HD channels I don't get, but don't care about. Here is my bill:


Wow Bundle...............$85.99

HDTV Receiver............$6.99

Additional Digital Rec....$6.99

Cable Modem Lease......$4.99


I know my bill just went up with Wow because I am out of that first 2 years deal with them. Which reminds me I need to call them to get it lowered. LOL

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when I had WOW, I was paying 70 something a month, that was with 2 HD DVR's, and the fastest internet they had....


I'm now paying with TW, I have 1 HD DVR, 1 normal DVR, and 7mbit internet, 80 something a month.... I changed my phone over to Ooma and couldn't be happier with it having 0 phone bills.

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I'm tired of paying $120 a month for shitty internet service and an HD DVR. I'm about to drop down to basic cable, no box, and the cheapest internets they have. I'll use newsgroups to download whatever show I want to watch and stream it to my XBOX.
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Man, you guys are getting screwed. I have RR turbo and basic service which is like 50 channels and abou 5 HD ones (no box, just through the TV). I pay $68 for my service with TW. I have a Tivo which is $12 a month too.
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Man, you guys are getting screwed. I have RR turbo and basic service which is like 50 channels and abou 5 HD ones (no box, just through the TV). I pay $68 for my service with TW. I have a Tivo which is $12 a month too.

It's cheaper because YOU HAVE BASIC CABLE. How is that getting screwed...you don't have nearly the services.


Actually, you are getting screwed if you are only getting 50 basic channels, lol.

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I have insight.


-hbo and showtime

-whatever package comes w/ fox soccer channel that I wanted

-road runner

-1 dvr box....no hd

I pay $122/month


I used to pay over that a couple months ago but called and bitched and got it lowered and told them I wanted to drop Cinemax and they gave me showtime for free for a year.

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