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Texting While Driving Banned in Columbus


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I didn't see anything concerning sexting? I guess this is ok, still. :D


They can't prove you were texting, but I'm sure it'll be obvious to them when you're swerving and looking down. And anyway, if you're swerving, etc that's enough of a reason to pull you over for suspicion regardless if it looks like your on the phone or not.

As far as asking me for my phone once you pull me over... Kiss my fuckin ass. Get a warrant. When did this stop being Uhmerika?!

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LOL they are going to ask for my phone? I will be sure to ask to see the warrant. And even if he gets my phone it will be passcode protected. He is not getting that. I can remote wipe my phone also with mobile me. :D This law is dumb, another law that cannot be enforced. I agree people should not do it.



After 10 failed attemps it erases the entire phone too.


Let's just say they can look at our phones, how the hell are these officers going to know how to check texts on every model of phone? They going through some training? I deffinately do not have to speak and incriminate myself.


"Excuse me sir, I pulled you over for texting while driving, can I see your phone, and by chance could you show me how to check your texts?"


"Sure officer, should I pour out my beer first?!"




By the way, we sell the motor-vehicle law handbook here in the store. It's a pretty thick book. I really doubt officers memorize this book.

Edited by Benjamin
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LOL they are going to ask for my phone? I will be sure to ask to see the warrant. And even if he gets my phone it will be passcode protected. He is not getting that. I can remote wipe my phone also with mobile me. :D This law is dumb, another law that cannot be enforced. I agree people should not do it.



After 10 failed attemps it erases the entire phone too.


Let's just say they can look at our phones, how the hell are these officers going to know how to check texts on every model of phone? They going through some training? I deffinately do not have to speak and incriminate myself.


"Excuse me sir, I pulled you over for texting while driving, can I see your phone, and by chance could you show me how to check your texts?"


"Sure officer, should I pour out my beer first?!"




By the way, we sell the motor-vehicle law handbook here in the store. It's a pretty thick book. I really doubt officers memorize this book.


I got a gesture lock on my phone that I would play dumb and say I put it into that mode and don't know how to get it out, so there's no way I could be texting.

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I didn't see anything concerning sexting? I guess this is ok, still. :D


This took longer thatn expected, but we were all thinking it... LOL


Just delete all your recent texts right when you get pulled over.. I agree, can't be enforced well, however in court it would be the officer's word vs. yours just like a seatbelt ticket.



Agreed, it'll be a hot topic for a wile then go out to pasture. Rookies will be all over it too trying to make sure they are doing a "good job" for the community, and their superiors. I'm not against the Police, but let them worry about something more important than this dumb shit.


If you were'nt texting and they ticket you for it, you can easily fight it in court. Simply show your phone records.

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And somebody sure as hell doesnt have the right to go driving into me because he was OMGWTFBBQ txtng his BFF



That right there is sig worthy material. OMGWTFBBQ txting his BFF. Fucking hilarious!!!

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Sorry officer, I wasn't texting, using my GPS or changing my iTunes / Pandora...I was simply placing my phone into it's cradle and using my hands free set to talk.


Good luck enforcing it. I can see this law will likely be abused to where they will write you up on it and force you to go to court to prove you weren't. I'll have to talk with my wife about it. I think if our Dumb Ass ignoramus of a Mayor wants to put up or shut up then write into the law that if we're found NOT guilty that we get some cash in return for the time and efforts to go defend ourselves.

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Wasn't this put in place mainly for people that cause accidents while texting though?


Say you cause a death, but you wipe your phone. Will they be getting warrants to check your phone records?

Can they see what you were saying, or only that you were sending a message at the time of the accident/ offense?

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LOL they are going to ask for my phone? I will be sure to ask to see the warrant.


hahaha warrant... thats funny as hell man. why would they need a warrant?


you must have forgotten that if a cop SEES you breaking the law, or has PROBABLE CAUSE to believe that you have broken the law, he doesnt need dick to search you.


if a cop pulls you over and the car reeks like weed, he doesnt need a warrant to search. if he sees a bag of drugs sitting on the floor, he doesnt need a warrant. if he comes to my door and sees a dead body lying in the floor, he doesnt need a warrant to enter.


honestly though, they probably wont even look at your phone. they will just write you a ticket.


its just like running a stop sign. you say you didnt, cop says you did. take it to court, who do you think the judge will believe?

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hahaha warrant... thats funny as hell man. why would they need a warrant?


you must have forgotten that if a cop SEES you breaking the law, or has PROBABLE CAUSE to believe that you have broken the law, he doesnt need dick to search you.


if a cop pulls you over and the car reeks like weed, he doesnt need a warrant to search. if he sees a bag of drugs sitting on the floor, he doesnt need a warrant. if he comes to my door and sees a dead body lying in the floor, he doesnt need a warrant to enter.


honestly though, they probably wont even look at your phone. they will just write you a ticket.


its just like running a stop sign. you say you didnt, cop says you did. take it to court, who do you think the judge will believe?

Winnar. I was going to say just this.


I'm sure there will be a app that let you text and doesn't put a time stamp on it.


It will still be on your phone record.

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