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Ok first let me say that i am trying to get a hold of someone. I would rather not say on cause it could make things quite difficult. But say this person owes you money and committed to services for money. Well this person has been a ghost to me for about 6 months if not more. I have been nice by leaving non threating messages. I have tried cell, facebook, and pms on CR. Now need to put the knuckels to the wall and get something going. What is my next course of action?


1) make a public post about it in the general section ( ..... .... Check your PM's or else)


2) show up at his place of work / and possible residence and wait until he showes up then confront him at that time?


3) Go file a police report / small claims court?


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I have a similar issue with a former sponsor on here that I need to address. Keep it private but make them aware it is about to become not so private if they do not fix things.


Then write a non jerry springer review in the consumer reports section and be done with it :)


I could actually show up to my persons place of work and have them canned but I am not going to take it to that level yet.

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It's business so IMO keep it business and professional. Once officially addressed and IMO resolved whether in court or in person consider a post here in the consumer section.


FWIW I see a lot of drama here on CR related to issues that are not even hardly addressed let alone in resolution mode. All that does is stir the pot and fire every one up with much towards solving things. Me, I'd rather get my money and post about it once solved.


Good luck. Hopefully this person steps up to resolve it as a win-win. We need some wins in this dept here.

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Well this person still has things in his on his property that are owned by me. clearly $450 not a lot of money i just want to get my shit back.


Do you have proof the stuff is yours? Do you have proof you have tried to contact? If so I would think you could go to Johnny Law and have them give you a hand in getting your stuff back.


Or hire the A-team

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Or hire the A-team


Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire... The A-Team.



Tun tun tuuuuu..........nuh nuh nuuuuuuuh!!



Good luck on getting your stuff back Geoff.

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Do you have proof the stuff is yours? Do you have proof you have tried to contact? If so I would think you could go to Johnny Law and have them give you a hand in getting your stuff back.


Or hire the A-team



Yeah a little paper from the state proves it is mine. I have emails and phone call records that can prove that. Yeah a little douse of Mr T. will fix everything.

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Yeah a little paper from the state proves it is mine. I have emails and phone call records that can prove that. Yeah a little douse of Mr T. will fix everything.


You can hire Howard and I to get it for you. Think of us as the C- Team :) Maybe we could get Brian Carter to play the role of Mr T.?


But if you do have all of that documentation and tried to be civil about it, I would get the law in on this.

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Correct me if i am wrong, but can you ask for an officer to come with you to confront him, so that your ass is covered as far him tryin to pull some shady tresspassing bullshit?


We have some fearsome lights in this thread. Perhaps even an off duty officer would be all that's needed.

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Certified letter. Send one. Get absolute proof he is receiving your messages. I would have stopped by his place of work/house by this point.


If that dont work punch him in his fucking throat.


Guys these are really good suggestions. Thank you if you have any more keep having them come in. I think i will send him a certied letter so that way i know for a fact he is getting it. that does not work then i will possibly look into getting an off duty officer.


Any one on here an off duty office who would stake out the place and wait for confrontation?

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Call that motherfucker out. We are too tight of a community here for everyone not to know. Everyone should be honest and up front and cool enough with each other to get everythign out in the open. You are not only possibly going to recoup your losses, but let everyone else know that this person is a possible shadester.


If you want to go the silent route, but dont want to go to court, take them to mediation. If you google it, basically you meet in a room with a person contracted by the state and you talk it out. They do this downtown in the Franklin County court building. If you initiate one, and the other person doesnt show up at the predetermined date, and then you take the matter to court, you will likely win based on them not making any effort to remediate the issue. I have used this and it works well.

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Call that motherfucker out. We are too tight of a community here for everyone not to know. Everyone should be honest and up front and cool enough with each other to get everythign out in the open. You are not only possibly going to recoup your losses, but let everyone else know that this person is a possible shadester.


If you want to go the silent route, but dont want to go to court, take them to mediation. If you google it, basically you meet in a room with a person contracted by the state and you talk it out. They do this downtown in the Franklin County court building. If you initiate one, and the other person doesnt show up at the predetermined date, and then you take the matter to court, you will likely win based on them not making any effort to remediate the issue. I have used this and it works well.


QFT! Listen to this!

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