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For those who dissagree with spanking/paddling.


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Another stereo-type you and many others have when you first see me/ look at some of my info. My glass is art that would blow your mind if you saw some of it in person. I don't have a bunch of shit you would find anywhere but a very select few places in Ohio, and they don't even have anything that I find interesting. It's truly a piece of art that I rarely use. Most of it's made for the visual liking and not function., but the fact that it is what it is and is functional is why I have drawn an interest to it.


You don't know my habits and if you did you would be rather surprised in how often I indulge in the recreational activity you think I do.



But you do...

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I got spanked in elementary school a ton. If it a kid is out of line I think they should be dealt with. Threats don't work, pain does.


Yep. My older boy gets ~1 every 2 weeks and usually does not repeat what he did to deserve each one. I got several in elementary school and my parents said "good".


Takes a village to raise a kid.

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"OMG Teacher, all he did was bring some potz into schoolz, what's the big deal, I do it all the time, cough, puff"


I double dare you to eat this brownie I just made. There is no ex-lax in it TRUST ME :D

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Pot head debating ???? I can't take it anymore..


There is a reason they call it dope!


I'm not a pot head. Because I have glass connoisseur as a user title I must be a pot head of course. And everything made out of glass must be used to smoke marijuana out of it.


Pot heads debating... I know people that smoke marijuana that have done much more with their lives than you ever will. You must have had those parents that told you they never did any drugs in their lives and if you do drugs your brain will turn to scrambled eggs. You are a very close minded individual.


But back on topic... what are the guide lines as to what's considered acceptable to give a student the paddle? What one parent thinks is acceptable a teacher may not.


If a teacher just has a problem, or likes to stereotype a kid and has a preconceived notion about him/her what's to stop them from taking special advantage of this power?


I got a lot of shit from a lot of teachers in school just because of the way I dressed, but I was in every honors class we had to offer with the exception of English classes. I finished my high school math in my Sophomore year and took every science we had to offer before I was a senior.


I qualified for state business competitions my Junior and Senior year and finished first in regionals both years to make it to states for DECA competitions. I did one thing wrong acting up and I would have had the paddle immediately by a lot of teachers because of their hypocritical minds and I think it's bull shit.

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Ryan does make a valid point. Doing drugs or pot for that matter doesn't make you stupid. If you were an idiot before you started abusing drugs you still will be an idiot. If you have intelligence to begin with smoking weed will only make you slightly out of it when you are high. When it wears off you don't lose your intelligence.


I know a few people to this day that smoke weed and have a steady job making 90-100K a year. It isn't that hard to succeed if you have half of a brain and the desire. Actually thinking about it I know more functional alcoholics who are in worse shape then daily potheads.

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Ryan does make a valid point. Doing drugs or pot for that matter doesn't make you stupid. If you were an idiot before you started abusing drugs you still will be an idiot. If you have intelligence to begin with smoking weed will only make you slightly out of it when you are high. When it wears off you don't lose your intelligence.


I know a few people to this day that smoke weed and have a steady job making 90-100K a year. It isn't that hard to succeed if you have half of a brain and the desire. Actually thinking about it I know more functional alcoholics who are in worse shape then daily potheads.

pot DOES kill brain cells....


Honestly Ryan, I've met you a hand full of times and I think you're a great guy and I wouldn't hesitate to help you out if you needed a hand with anything.... BUT, with that being said, my comment about the glass is because I KNOW you like to indulge and most people with a "hippy" attitude (I know I'm using that term loosely because I honestly, can't think of a better term to use...) alll think spanking is bad and people should be able to "express" their emotions.... one of the guys on my team liked to indulge when he had kids.... never spanked, never punished... now both of his sons are drugged out and a leech on scioety....


seriously, most things I will let people have their own opinions on, but in this case you're wrong... kids understand "ouch that hurt, I won't do that again" saying, "now now billy, it's ok to express yourself" is fucking bullshit and will be the downfall of our scioety.... You are trusting the teachers to mold your children.... which means you should also trust them to be able to punish your kids if they do wrong.


If you don't think kids should be spanked, take mine for a week and you'll change your mind :)

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It's just the fact that my mom really didn't have to spank me nearly as often as most children, nor my brother. We both understood right from wrong. I'm not saying I never got hit, but it was very rare. I understood what was expected from me on a daily basis.


I'm not against hitting a child, but I think it should be left to the parents and not the teachers. If your kid comes home from getting in trouble at school and you give him/ her an ass whooping they won't do it again. But they should understand on their way in what fly's in school and what doesn't fly in school.


My mom is a teacher in Columbus Public Inner City school district, so I'm not blind to how children act. She only has a handful of children that act up from time to time and normally it's when they're off their meds. If you're a good teacher and do what you can to make a connection with your students then they aren't going to act like a bunch of hooligans in the class room out of RESPECT.


The only teachers I've ever given a hard time in school was a drunk and a guy who would put notes up on the board, go sit down and play games on his computer or read Game Informer magazine. If you're not doing your job what's going to make me want to do mine while I'm there? If you're a good teacher your kids will want to sit in school in learn. It's about understanding what method is best for your students. If you're a good teacher you should never have to resort to paddling.


I'd be extremely pissed if my future kid got paddled because he expressed him self for a good reason in the class room. If he did something out of dis-respect, I want to handle the situation myself so I, as my kids parent and role model, can teach him what's right from wrong.

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I spanked my daughter once when she was 2. It's a little young, but she went to stick a fork in a socket. It got her attention and she hasn't tried since. For now the corner is awesome, she can't sit, must stand and have her face in the corner. It works great now, she hates it. A big plus is there are corners everywhere. I had to make her go in one at the zoo. When she gets older and does something major she will get spanked, but it will be for something major. Beating kids is just a negative way to express anger when you can't act like an adult. Spanking a kid because they spilled a glass of milk is wrong, spanking a kid because he/she stole something is justified IMO.
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pot DOES kill brain cells....


You are incorrect. I had to do a huge report in debate class on why pot should be legal. I wasn't given a choice in the subject the teacher assigned it to me. If you don't believe me here is some reading material I suggest you look at.


Dr. Christine Hartel, Acting Director of Research, National Institute of Drug Abuse, cited by the State of Hawaii Dept of Health, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division in memo of Feb. 4, 1994.


William Slikker et al., Chronic Marijuana Smoke Exposure in the Rhesus Monkey, Fundamental and Applied Toxicology 17: 321-32 (1991).


Charles Rebert & Gordon Pryor - Chronic Inhalation of Marijuana Smoke and Brain Electrophysiology of Rhesus Monkeys, International Journal of Psychophysiology V 14, p.144, 1993.


Cannabis and Memory Loss, (editorial) British Journal of Addiction 86: 249-52 (1991)

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I wish the whole village didn't have to pay for the damn kids to go to school. Your kid, you pay.


funny, i said the same thing in november when voting day came around, and i got a bunch of shit for it..


but i think hell is freezing over if im agreeing with you...everyone, get your winter coats out, its about to be cold...

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correct me if I am wrong, but schools have rules set up way before any kid gets there that they have to follow you should know what your kids will get spanked for before they get spanked for. So there shouldn't be any problem with "only I should spank my child" I haven't met many schools that if a parent was very involved with their child (read: you should anyway) that wouldn't work with how a parent wanted a child to be raised.


Also if you say only I should be able to spank my child you are only proving that spanking works, because your child will only mind you and no one else who isn't able to give out the same type of punishment that they don't want to get from you

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Society as we know it would fail, and you are a failure to society.

No, it's ideas like that which make people without kids pay a fortune for those that choose to have them, and kill the budgets of seniors on fixed incomes that have to pay for these kids too. Do you feel good when another senior has to sell their paid off home because they simply can't afford the heavy property tax increases caused by school levies over the years?


Simple solution - forced taxation on those with school aged children. You choose to have kids, you are forced to pay for them. It's called personal responsibility, and a way to discourage idiots from having a pile of kids they won't properly care for.

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I'm not a pot head. Because I have glass connoisseur as a user title I must be a pot head of course. And everything made out of glass must be used to smoke marijuana out of it.


Pot heads debating... I know people that smoke marijuana that have done much more with their lives than you ever will. You must have had those parents that told you they never did any drugs in their lives and if you do drugs your brain will turn to scrambled eggs. You are a very close minded individual.


But back on topic... what are the guide lines as to what's considered acceptable to give a student the paddle? What one parent thinks is acceptable a teacher may not.


If a teacher just has a problem, or likes to stereotype a kid and has a preconceived notion about him/her what's to stop them from taking special advantage of this power?


I got a lot of shit from a lot of teachers in school just because of the way I dressed, but I was in every honors class we had to offer with the exception of English classes. I finished my high school math in my Sophomore year and took every science we had to offer before I was a senior.


I qualified for state business competitions my Junior and Senior year and finished first in regionals both years to make it to states for DECA competitions. I did one thing wrong acting up and I would have had the paddle immediately by a lot of teachers because of their hypocritical minds and I think it's bull shit.


Be careful how you point that finger. If you think it's bullshit, then by all means ... go spend 10s of thousands of dollars getting a masters degree in education, work in a highly political environment for 75% of what your friends are making, and put up with crap from know it all teenagers. The kids who act up in my classroom do so with full knowledge that there is very little I can do about it. When I am wrong and a student catches my mistake I am proud they learned something. However, more often than not I was correct and they did not learn it as well as they thought they did. Either way I believe in rules and I believe in punishment when those rules are not followed. Punishment only works when the student cares about it. Some students do not respond to the available punishments. I would much rather get a kids attention with a smack with a paddle than a couple days out of school suspension (vacation). For the record, I do the job because I love it. But don't think for a minute that I appreciate kids wasting my time.

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Personally, any teacher that is good at their job and tries to get students to want to learn has my respect and I would never act up in their class room, nor do most other students.


You have a few bad eggs in every batch that doesn't want to be there so they get sent to the office and don't stay in the class room.


My mom is a teacher, and has been teaching for 28 years now so I completely understand how it all works. She teaches in Columbus Public Inner City and I attended school in that district for a long time as well. I know how kids can be at both the elementary and high school level in that district and it's a joke how rude and distracting they can be. But paddling a kid would make it that much more worse. You would lose any respect they had for you and they would act out that much more than before, and odds are more directly at the teacher than just to be nuisance to the class in most cases. Paddle me once and I'll wear some padding on my ass so the next time I can laugh as you hit me. This might not always be the case, and you may get through to a few of them using paddling. It all depends on the district I guess and the attitude of the students attending to begin with.


As a teacher do you think you should have the right to paddle a student? I brought this up to my mom and she said "Hell no." She did say if anyone had that authority it should be strictly the principal but she still doesn't think it's something that should be used.


I wasn't a trouble maker, but a few teachers had some preconceived notions about me from the get go and it was very apparent.

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No, it's ideas like that which make people without kids pay a fortune for those that choose to have them, and kill the budgets of seniors on fixed incomes that have to pay for these kids too. Do you feel good when another senior has to sell their paid off home because they simply can't afford the heavy property tax increases caused by school levies over the years?


Simple solution - forced taxation on those with school aged children. You choose to have kids, you are forced to pay for them. It's called personal responsibility, and a way to discourage idiots from having a pile of kids they won't properly care for.


Sure - just create a living area with no schools. Because everyone benefits from the housing market pricing all due to the school district... You can buy the same model house in Dublin or Columbus. Same size lot, same everything but school district - which one will cost a TON more? Then there is the issue of education for youth - who will turn into adults and keep this country going, but that is another conversation.


And Parents who are against spanking because they handle their own dicipline, don't need to worry about this. If you are a 'good parent', your kid will not need to worry about this. It is the kids with parents who don't care or the kids that are truely 'problem children'...

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And Parents who are against spanking because they handle their own dicipline, don't need to worry about this. If you are a 'good parent', your kid will not need to worry about this. It is the kids with parents who don't care or the kids that are truely 'problem children'...


Great point.

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I wasn't a trouble maker, but a few teachers had some preconceived notions about me from the get go and it was very apparent.


That is also exactly why I believe in having uniforms in schools. Not necessarily like they have in most Commonwealth countries, but maybe have a more business casual dress code, no jeans, button up collared shirts, nicer shoes. Students should also be well groomed.


It levels the playing field, it will give teachers and other students the chance to judge you only on your behavior, not your appearance. It also prepares you for the real world, which is what school is suppose to be, teaching you how to be an intelligent, responsible adult.


If you want to dress like a dirty ass hippie, then you better be prepared to be treated like one.

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