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Lettuce talk about supersonic aircraft

Trouble Maker

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I wouldn't say I know that much about these, but they still fascinate me. I came across this article about what it's like to fly the SR71 Black Bird.




Also it reminded me of this experimental plan at Wright Pat. The sheer size of this plane with the ability to go nearly as fast as the SR71 kind of boggles my mind. If you've seen the SR71, you can get an idea of how big the Valkyrie is. It's nearly twice as long, twice as wide, 4 times the weight and 3 times the thrust cability of the SR71. But once you see it in person it's just incredible. It takes up most of the hanger it's in, and there are other plans on display below it. It's in the R&D hanger at Wright Pat. It's actually on base, so you either have to go with someone that's active military, or take a bus tour from the museum to a set of hangers. The second set of hangers also houses one of the Air Force on planes which is kind of cool. Next time you are at Wright Pat I highly recommend going there.








Fact sheet on the SR71 for comparison.





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We entered the 19th century moving at 6pmh, the speed of an animal drawn vehicle. We entered the 20th century moving at 60mph, the speed of a steam locomotive. We entered the 21st century at 600mph, the speed of an intercontinental jet airline. And if you plot this in semilograthamatic fashion you get a nice straight line that indicates we may well enter the next century moving at 6000mph...


:eek: That's bananas just to think about.

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Well, if you count stuff that we get moving through space, we're already WAY past 6000 mph.


He seemed to be implying 'mass transit' if that makes sense. Something that is commercially viable and available to the public. Given our past I would think and hope by the next century we have commercial space flight available to the masses. 6kmph doesn't sound too unreasonable when you think about space travel.


Can we make an object do that? Like you said, pretty easily in space. I don't know what type of things we can do with ballistics on earth at this point, but I'd guess we are very close. At least speaking by orders of magnitude, very close. I'm talking about experimental stuff, rocket sleds, that type of thing.


Can we put a human in a craft doing that?

Half to one third of that on earth? In space, probably. If we haven't already, I don't really know off of the top of my head.


Can you or I feasible go buy a seat doing that?

Maybe going into the 22nd century we will be able to.


Duck Dodgers of the 21st and a half century!
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Being a jet enthusiast myself, I cant let you talk supersonic aircraft from this era without talking about the x-29 lol


By far my most favorite jet, still baffles me how they got that basterd to fly...

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Being a jet enthusiast myself, I cant let you talk supersonic aircraft from this era without talking about the x-29 lol


By far my most favorite jet, still baffles me how they got that basterd to fly...

and the russian plane that was molded like it:


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When I was a kid I had a big sr-71 toy. That's such a awesome machine. Leaks on the ground.


I've always been into cutting edge technology, I worked with a guy who was from battelle in the 80's and he told me about some of the instrumentation they used in the cockpit that battelle had designed.



what I want to know about is


Yeah yeah I <3 Black Projects

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Being a jet enthusiast myself, I cant let you talk supersonic aircraft from this era without talking about the x-29 lol


By far my most favorite jet, still baffles me how they got that basterd to fly...


Flight computers and a big engine!

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When I was a kid I had a big sr-71 toy. That's such a awesome machine. Leaks on the ground.


I've always been into cutting edge technology, I worked with a guy who was from battelle in the 80's and he told me about some of the instrumentation they used in the cockpit that battelle had designed.



what I want to know about is


Yeah yeah I <3 Black Projects


they say it doesn't exist but thats BS, we've all seen that long vapor trail that planes leave in the sky, but there is another trail that is left from scram jet technology, if you see a vapor trail then a clear spot then vapor trail in a long stretch that would be from scram jet technology or *cough* cough* the Aurora project, but rumor is that the aurora project is its supose to fly in lower outer space so it can shoot down satilites, and enemy aircraft from way above without detection, but who knows, just remember the F-117 was designed in the late 60's early 70's and first flew in 1977 and the F-22 first flew in the late 80's early 90's so the projects now are probably badass

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