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Dox Recap of the 2010 Route 66 Rally


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cant imagine how good they woulda done in the viper isntead of the omni!!


probably would have been pulled over. it still blows my mind knowing how well they did in it. we thought we had put miles on them, yet everytime we see them slowly approaching in our rear view mirror.

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Guest tbutera2112
probably would have been pulled over. it still blows my mind knowing how well they did in it. we thought we had put miles on them, yet everytime we see them slowly approaching in our rear view mirror.


that or they woulda been sitting at home making this thread while you guys were still driving the rally lol

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Great write-up. Too bad the other teams won't get to read it because it is dead accurate.


Before the start of the rally after seeing everyone's gear, I thought we were outmatched. However, when CR shows up, we show up ready to compete -- regardless of the odds (or lack of preparation, haha)... and I was very happy to see how well we did.


I learned a lot - especially that in a rally the car doesn't matter, but the navigation skills and how far you are willing to push the limits consistently matter. And, that consistency is the key.


Looking forward to more rallys in the future!

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From what I understand, this will be an annual event. The plan for 2011 is to have the event on Skyline Drive/Blue Ridge Parkway.


me needs to find info on this as I want in this time. plenty of advanced notice.

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me needs to find info on this as I want in this time. plenty of advanced notice.


Here is the link where the basic info appears for major North American rallies:



Once the Skyline Drive/BlueRidge Parkway website is activated, I'm sure Spieldawg will post a link on CR as well.

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Here is the link where the basic info appears for major North American rallies:



Once the Skyline Drive/BlueRidge Parkway website is activated, I'm sure Spieldawg will post a link on CR as well.


maybe, maybe not. CR may be too competitive for the rest of the rally'ers. :lol:

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I would really love to see the Route 66 done again next year. Unless there's more to the Skyline Drive/Blue Ridge Pkway, it's not really that long. Plus, more car history on the Route 66 route! :)


Perhaps CR can host a rally of sorts on Route 66 this coming year, or even this fall. :woowoo: If it is kept within just CR & friends, it is much easier to put on than a public event would be. Also, I think that having competitions other than speed would be a good idea. I could imagine doing events that would interest families/kids, would be more of an adventure of discovery along the old Route, and could be customized during the day to fit different goals/interests and then have a common family dinner together with some drinking and storytelling later for the adults (after the kiddies' bedtimes).


It can be a 3-5 day thing on Route 66 -- it doesn't have to entail a week or more. Cost would be food/gas/lodging plus a very small fee to buy swag and trophies. I think it would be fun to even do some riding/driving in different members' cars. There's a lot to see and a lot to learn along old 66 ..... why not do it with a group of friends? ;)


And if you parents are thinking that it would be difficult to get your kids to take any interest in old Route 66, consider the possibility that they might already know more about it than you do. If they're like most kids, they've got every Disney/Pixar movie memorized and already have these images burned into their cerebral cortices:




And the Route 66 myth as recounted in Cars is pulled right out of the reality still evident on the old Route:




If not a CR Rally, consider driving it at least for a vacation. :)

Edited by Doc
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