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Ohio Dairy Farm Brutality


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and they said it was only a misdemeanor, something is just not right here.


Yup up to 90 days in jail and a 750$ fine , which is complete bullshit. The Conklin boys are fucking lame lame fuckers. My buddy luke broke that bitches jaw last year for running his mouth off at a bar, hes pussy ass was curled up like a fried shrimp and got pissed on. ( he was picking on a local handi cap kid) He does the same shit to people, he likes to try and find "weak" people and do the same shit.

I understand you have to force an aminal sometime, but what is with the footstomping, punching, poking, breaking the tails. God no wonder why it was so hard for this lame fuck to even make it out of highschool. we need farmers but not these farmers.

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Guest tbutera2112
Yup up to 90 days in jail and a 750$ fine , which is complete bullshit.


yea, but he has 12 counts...so if he gets maximum punishment, thats almost 3 years in jail, and 9k...sure i think he deserves a good beating, but im sure he will get it during those 3 years

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yea, but he has 12 counts...so if he gets maximum punishment, thats almost 3 years in jail, and 9k...sure i think he deserves a good beating, but im sure he will get it during those 3 years


There is no way he is going to get a max for first time being introuble, He will get probation, 90 days over his head and the max for 1 count with all charges ran cuncurent. Hes already out of jail he did not even step in, not hard to post 10% on a M2 crime. Hes not going to prison for this thats for sure.

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Guest tbutera2112
There is no way he is going to get a max for first time being introuble, He will get probation, 90 days over his head and the max for 1 count with all charges ran cuncurent. Hes already out of jail he did not even step in, not hard to post 10% on a M2 crime. Hes not going to prison for this thats for sure.


itll be interesting to see how it turns out after all of this media coverage though

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I just watched the vid, I grew up literally right down the street on rt. 42 from Conklin raising small holstein cattle from a couple days to a year or so. They are very stupid animals and can be aggravating. Its hard not to get attached to any small new born raising them and bottle feeding them, But youre raising them for beef and it is a business. I cant imagine doing this or being this ignorant and cruel. I really don't even know what to say.


Based on the comments, I don't even want to watch the videos. I am no softie, but beating an animal like that for no reason is not right. I'll always eat meat no matter what, but I would never condone that treatment of animals.


I sound like a PETA lover, but I hate those people. I did LOL @ Brian's statement though.


Mmmmm..... White Castle Sliders.....




its a Dairy Farm, those cattle had no reason to be treated the way they were, they're not raised for slaughter

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Yup up to 90 days in jail and a 750$ fine , which is complete bullshit. The Conklin boys are fucking lame lame fuckers. My buddy luke broke that bitches jaw last year for running his mouth off at a bar, hes pussy ass was curled up like a fried shrimp and got pissed on. ( he was picking on a local handi cap kid) He does the same shit to people, he likes to try and find "weak" people and do the same shit.

I understand you have to force an aminal sometime, but what is with the footstomping, punching, poking, breaking the tails. God no wonder why it was so hard for this lame fuck to even make it out of highschool. we need farmers but not these farmers.


Thats just it I understand forcing a stubborn animal but treating them the way he did is just sickening. cows are dumb and stubborn and need to be pushed, but pushed only. I can understand spooking them with a whip pr something, but this fucker is just getting his jollies off. I can't point the finger at the Conklins b/c it was their employee and not them personally. WTF

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Guest tbutera2112
Thats just it I understand forcing a stubborn animal but treating them the way he did is just sickening. cows are dumb and stubborn and need to be pushed, but pushed only. I can understand spooking them with a whip pr something, but this fucker is just getting his jollies off. I can't point the finger at the Conklins b/c it was their employee and not them personally. WTF


if you watch the video, it shows the owner of the farm, forget his name but his last name is conklin, and hes abusing them too


edit.. at 1:27, it shows Gary Conklin kicking one of the cows in the head

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Guest tbutera2112
Your right on that, I wonder if things are going to get crazy. Then they realize they have to do something with him.


they cant just let him slide by....this was like the main story on the news this evening

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Thats just it I understand forcing a stubborn animal but treating them the way he did is just sickening. cows are dumb and stubborn and need to be pushed, but pushed only. I can understand spooking them with a whip pr something, but this fucker is just getting his jollies off. I can't point the finger at the Conklins b/c it was their employee and not them personally. WTF


Yeah I agree but he was joining in on the fun too.

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Ok, prime example of some of you jumping to conclusions. I actually have some personal insight and experience plus actual knowledge of the situation.


First. The fuckhead mistreating the animals was hired at the beginning of April. The guy filming was hired toward the end of April. So, instead of the camera man turning in this relatively new employee, the fuck stood by and watched this shit happen. Instead of actually doing right by the fucking animals 'they so love and protect', they continued to film this shit to further the propaganda of another PETA type fuckin group and their own personal gains. This leads myself and many others to believe it's a setup. How do I know this? Because Conklin raises dairy cattle. They spend hundreds of thousands of dollars learning what can make their dairy cattle produce higher quality and quantity of milk. Stress and abuse, obviously, would greatly reduce both those qualities. Do you really think Ohio Dairy farmers want their fucking life money abused and treated this way?


I spoke with people from Select Sires, which is practically next door to Conklin and has been directly affected by this incident only because of their proximity and being a cattle business, as well, and they'll tell you the same thing. They can spend literally in the millions for the care of high end breeding sires throughout their lives. Having worked for a lab that works in conjunction with Select sexing semen, I know firsthand how improper treatment affects the cattle and their production, both in semen from bulls and milk production from heifers.


Also, to come on here and start yelling for people to call and harass the farm for what is obviously a fucked in the head employee who was immediately reprimanded and then arrested is ridiculous. That's why they had to have the f'n sheriff at all those places (including those not even affiliated with Conklin like Select and Sexing Tech because people are too fucking stupid and on their high horse to even know where it fuckin happened.) on Rt 42 all day today because people wanna jump to conclusions and act an ass.


My gf showed me the video today. She manages a lab nearby that works on contract to Select Sires. They had a 2hr meeting today and everyone had to watch the vid. She is a huge animal lover and was devastated by it. We've both devoted our academia to the study of various animal sciences. I only watched it halfway thru before I turned it off in disgust wanting nothing more than to make this fucker pay for his evil. I saw it on the 10pm news and they released the name of the guy. They also went the guy's house where he and his gf live but, of course, they wouldn't answer. I was at a friend's, so I do not remember details. Too bad. I'd love to know where this ass lives.


Hopefully, some of you take the time to read this and realize, it's not usually the farms, especially in instances of a continued production animal such as dairy cattle. To do that would be like you jamming your gun in the mud when you depend on it to live, or taking your F1 car sliding down a rutted, dirt road before a race. Just doesn't make sense. That fucker who abused the cattle and that rat fucker who video taped the whole damn thing are the two who need to pay.

Disclaimer: My last statement was not a threat.

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if you watch the video, it shows the owner of the farm, forget his name but his last name is conklin, and hes abusing them too


edit.. at 1:27, it shows Gary Conklin kicking one of the cows in the head


I didnt notice this. If that's true, and I'm going to do my best to find out, he should go down, too. I don't know the Conklin's personally, but he'd have to be a goddamn fool to do that.

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if you watch the video, it shows the owner of the farm, forget his name but his last name is conklin, and hes abusing them too


edit.. at 1:27, it shows Gary Conklin kicking one of the cows in the head


Meh, If you put a film camera in every livestock farm in Ohio you'd probably see this daily, it looks bad and I wouldn't have kicked him in the face but it happens, and it happens more than anyone admits. It is what it is, as far as the other fuck, that was way across the line, and punishment is something I couldn't even dream up, it is really one of the most grotesque thing I've seen on the net. I'm not taking sides, in fact growing up 2 miles away I cant say I've ever heard good things about that farm. Its still unfathomable for me.

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I can arrange something, if im allowed to film it.

no seriously.


How does Michael Vick go to jail for 3 years for shooting a few dogs and this sick fuck gets to pay a fine and walk the same streets as me? Looks like we all need to take the law into our own hands and go Arizona on his ass.



Edit: thanks evan lol. it is late come on...

Edited by Panduh
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no seriously.


How does Vince Young go to jail for 3 years for shooting a few dogs and this sick fuck gets to pay a fine and walk the same streets as me? Looks like we all need to take the law into our own hands and go Arizona on his ass.


michael vick

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