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Who is getting EVO over IPHONE


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Well, that was fast. After the storage card bugs we’ve been haunted with thanks to a software error with the HTC EVO 4G, Sprint has pushed an over the air update out just in time to fix the error up. The problem, if you haven’t heard, was that users were getting an error message when trying to write data to the card as it screamed out “insufficient file persmissions”.


The update is 13MB large and its version number is 1.32.651.6. We haven’t seen a detailed changelog yet, but users are also reporting that it breaks the root method that we just reported on yesterday. No word yet on which other methods this will effect, but if you don’t want to lose that ability, then you’ll have to hold off on updating for now.


If you’re not crazy like some of us and don’t fancy hacking your device, then you’ll want to download this OTA as soon as you can.

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