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Just had to put my dog down...


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and have to say that is a horrible experience. He woke up not looking right on Friday...still didn't look/act right today, tongue really pale, wife and I take him to OSU emergency animal hospital this afternoon. Dr. tells us he has LMHA. Even with a $2500 transfusion he only has a 40% chance of surviving that and then even if they can get it to go into recession, it will most like come back again and who knows when that will be. 2 months, or 2 years. Barely 2yrs old. Just effing horrible.
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Very sorry indeed. I was in a similar situation with my lab when we put her down. An undesirable percentage of a chance for survival with a huge debt to be owed. It was one of the most god-awful choices I've ever had to make, but in the end I couldn't justify breaking my bank account on an outside chance with a pet.


Anyways, like Mitch said, time is what it takes.

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As I read this my heart aches. For you and for my boy Ares. He's been battling cancer now for a few months and hasn't eaten for a day. He's barely keeping any liquids down and is right now sprawled on the kitchen floor.


I've been in and out of tears for two days as I fear I may have to face the same reality yet this week. :(

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it sucks, but when it comes. Man up, a bullet and a hefty bag will save you all the vet bullshit.

vet charged my wife $108 bucks to kill a cat i was thinking about killing the weekend before for free.

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Was he a pit? We just did the same thing because our dog had very similar symptoms. He ends up pooping blood all day long, take him to the vet and have them put him down. Still don't know exactly what, but it's some sort of auto-immune thing.
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It just sucks all around. I mean, just to walk in the door they charged me $136, then another $237 in tests to find out what is wrong with him, then $36 to euthanize him. I mean, this may sound shallow, but on top of the effing emotional roller-coaster my wife had to go through yesterday, our bank account gets raped, and that just to kill the guy, not to save him.


On another note, it really sucks when you have no time to prepare. One day he is a healthy, happy-go-lucky 2 year old rottweiler, and 36hrs later he is half dead from his immune system going haywire and his white blood cells attacking and destroying his red blood cells. You think he may have eaten something bad so you take him to the vet and then 3hrs later your are making the decision to put down a dog you have literally known since birth. Even harder on my wife because I got him for her as a birthday present and he was her main companion for a year when she lived on her own before we got married.


And not that either of us put animals on the same level as people...we don't idolize them and feed the steaks, and buy them foo foo outfits from the pet store, and let the do whatever the heck they want, but that almost makes it harder because those things are easy to do, what is hard is actually treating the dog like a dog and actually giving it what it needs; structure, discipline, affection, etc, all at the right times. He was doing very well with his obedience training, absolutely loved kids, and kids loved him back. It's just so hard to look at the guy and have to make the decision to put him down. The dog literally dying in your arms is just terrible, no matter how "painless" it is for him. If making this decision was so hard with a dog, I can't even imagine having to do it with a person. I feel like a little bitch because I never thought I would be this torn up about putting a dog down and it scares me at how if this situation is so hard on me, how am I going to handle the more difficult things that life is going to throw at me? A person? A family member? A friend? I know many of you on here have lost family and friends and my condolences. A pet is nothing compared to a person, so I don't want you to think I am trying to compare the two because there is absolutely no comparison. It's juts hard to deal with...






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When our Jasmine passed she died in my arms as I held her on the kitchen floor. That was hard enough but what really tore me up is when I called out her name she turned her head looked directly into my eyes as if to say "I want to but I cant..."


MedVet is pricey but that day they really were great. Four people on her like a human child in distress and all the time with us afterwards and including creamation and her engraved box, the bill was just over $200. I litterally expexcted A grand for all they did.


They have also spent 2-3hrs with us on each vist with Ares insuring we understand alll the options and details. No pressure to make a specific choice. I am choosing not to do anything as I know him better than anyone and I know the treatments would kill him in a matter of a day or two. He's way to snsitive to things. He has dignity, he's fighting it all and so long as he wags his tail and has no pain he will be with us. I'll know when the time comes. He's a little better today but not much. He's still fighting as he knows family is coming today for my sons birthday. I hope he stays to enjoy the good times.


Sorry to hijack. If it's any consolation I'm no doubt a much bigger cry baby than anyone. So don't feel bad. Losing a good friend is the worst.

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im sorry for your loss and i feel your pain. after almost 17 yrs i had to put my chow down which i had got when she was about 3 weeks old, hardest damn thing i have ever did . she was part of the family .
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it sucks, but when it comes. Man up, a bullet and a hefty bag will save you all the vet bullshit.

vet charged my wife $108 bucks to kill a cat i was thinking about killing the weekend before for free.


Yeah, all those vets overcharging..... those assholes who go to school for 8 years and go $200k into debt just for vet school and making that 50-70k a year are just out to rape people's wallets...


give me a fucking break.

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Yeah, all those vets overcharging..... those assholes who go to school for 8 years and go $200k into debt just for vet school and making that 50-70k a year are just out to rape people's wallets...


give me a fucking break.


Thanks for your concerns.

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Guest tbutera2112

^ this isnt the time or place, wow...




kapok, sorry to hear about your dog man, my dog is getting old and had some kind of infection that made her off balance where she couldnt walk anymore...the vet said that there was a chance it would never go away and we were faced with putting her down in the next few days if it didnt....luckily it did, shes been with us for 15 years, got her when i was 5 so its hard, cant imagien how you feel

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^ this isnt the time or place, wow...





I will not remove my response to OGRE, but I changed my posts to kapok, because I am not attacking him at all, just OGRE's stupid statement.

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