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Android is already on both networks :o


that's what I get a kick out of in these arguments too. Android fans argue they are winning against the single iPhone platform, single OS and single network that offers the device, when they have a huge number of phones running variations of the Android OS on multiple networks. Add in Apple and AT&T command top dollar for iPhones where the Droids are being offered a buy-one-get-one-free deal. And like you they even throw in a free case! I doubt we'll ever see the day where Apple has to give away iPhones just to seed the market. I don't think they should even count the free phones as sales.


Ben is right....the world has been on hold for the new iPhone release and those like me that have the latest now aren't going to jump ship when the OS upgrade is there for free or a very small fee for older generation users.


I still didn't hear the wager take place on Q3 and/or Q4. Ben you in for $100. I am $20 on the iPhone for both Q3 and Q4 and another $20 that it wins out for the year.


Gotta love stretching the truth too:


sprint confessed it overstated the record sales numbers it cited for the htc evo 4g smartphone it boasted on monday, according to a statement released by the company. the wireless carrier did not give any exact sales numbers initially. Walter Piecyk said he was cutting his estimate for EVO sales in the first weekend to 150,000 from his prior estimate of 250,000 to 300,000."

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The world isnt on hold, a lot of the iphone people got tired of waiting and went to different companies. Dont forgot that outside of business users iphone-ers are the trendy type. This means the second something new comes along they run over to it. These people now have droids, iphones, and nexus 1's in their drawer while they currently show off their HTC EVO at the weekly I'm cooler than I really think I am party.


7 pages :nono:

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All I see now is a bunch of whining now. "Who cares if the iphone cant do as much an an android, more people have it and therefor its better, plus it looks really cool in my pocket and all my bro's are mad impressed when I tell them I have an iphone"



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honestly when i think of the droid, i think of a ricer honda boi. He thinks he has all the right things done to his car to be cool. He is loud about how cool it is cause he constantly bangs off passes in a full parking lot. His vtec stickers are in full force. Sure, i could be fast, maybe a built motor and turbo? So he got a few things right, but overall its still a ricer honda boi with a ricer honda just making noise. People grow up and become more sophisticated and when they do, they buy iPhones.
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honestly when i think of the droid, i think of a ricer honda boi. He thinks he has all the right things done to his car to be cool. He is loud about how cool it is cause he constantly bangs off passes in a full parking lot. His vtec stickers are in full force. Sure, i could be fast, maybe a built motor and turbo? So he got a few things right, but overall its still a ricer honda boi with a ricer honda just making noise. People grow up and become more sophisticated and when they do, they buy iPhones.


You drive a "lade", your argument is invalid.

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Chris, the android phone would be dumb for me to buy, I have been purchasing iTunes music since it started, I have purchased kids movies, apps and Kid TV shows, rented movies, I can sync all that media to ANY of my Apple devices, Android does none of this the way Apple has it setup with itunes and access to itunes anywhere. I have stuff on my MackBook Air, iPad and iPhone and AppleTV, only purchased once and transfered to all devices using my network and PC. If I want a piece media weather it is TV show, Movie, Music, and in a couple of weeks a book, I download it where ever I am that second on one of my devices which then sends it to all other devices eventually when I get home. Why in the fuck would I want to have an android phone that is NOT going to do that? My home theater is tied directly to my Apple stuff and so are my idevices. I use my iPhone as my remote control for my movies and music on my 52" Sharp, I can listen, watch, read whatever in or out of my house. I can rent and download a movie from itunes start it on my 52" Sharp and finish watching it there or anywhere I travel, I can put it on my iPad and finish watching it in my hammock in my back yard. Then my router which has dual band radios runs G and N at the same time and does a complete backup of any changed or new file every hour so that I don't loose any files. It also runs a secondary network for friends that come over that want wi-Fi, they connect using a separate network completely apart from my network and devices. And when I get a new Mac, I can image it right from my router right out of the box. My wife has a MacBook Air also and all that content is available to her as well when she travels. And when my daughter is old enough, she will have her content.


I could give a shit about android, I made an investment in my home network/entertainment and it works flawlessly, it's my Complete home theater all connected and travels with me. Even my digital documents I save and store on Mobile Me. We are always connected with our content we paid hard earned money for or created. I'm not sure what Droid does more stuff means anymore because it does none of this from Apple which is THE LARGEST distributer of media currently. This is why I like Apple because their stuff is engineered to work together flawlessly and simply. My iPhone does everything I need it to do and if it can't my labtop can, even run Windows or Linux. I get access to EVERYTHING with Apple, shit soon I will be able to run android on my iPhone if I wanted to thanks to VMware, I don't know why I would at this point.


Me and Millions of others see this, and Apple passing Microsoft in Capital shows it's good. Keep kidding yourself that it's only trendy, when in reality it is reliable, versatile, easy, and accessible. There are no apple stickers on my car, I own no "mac" clothing. Most people don't even notice my apple stuff because of how small it is and where it is kept in my house. My phone is carried in my pocket. My iPad is carried in a computer bag if I take it out of the house. When I do use one or some of my devices, funny thing happens, people ask to see it and play with it and I have never had someone say wow this thing sucks. They say wow this is easy. My 3 Year old has been using iOS devices for learning and entertainment for over a year. At two she could be handed an iPhone and she knows exactly what she wanted to do with it. She unlocks the screen and starts doing her stuff on the device all by herself. She has just turned 3 and these devices have been a huge help in teaching my daughter the basic preschool stuff. It makes it fun for her. It has been awesome for car trips, my wife reads books on it in the back seat with her, they watch a kids movie together while I drive or they listen to music and sing.


My totally computer illiterate 60 YO mother in law hates her dell Laptop, she can't figure it out, I handed her a iPad and the way you touch links instead of a mouse, she said wow this is so much easier to use.


Maybe I am not as smart as you and don't want to fuck around with shit all the time, I don't know. My Macbook Air is the slowest Mac they make, I don't care for 9GHZ PC with 32GB of ram. This is me, that is why I don't jailbreak, there are millions out there just like me. The sales figures and traffic in the Apple Stores show this, along WITH people that do want to tweak their apple stuff. That's the beauty of Apple products. They have their shit TOGETHER unlike any other consumer product corporation I can think of currently. They grew in a recession. And a big recession at that. So don't label me "Trendy", I have never owned or worn "skinny" jeans. That is "trendy".


I think I repeated myself a few times in this, I don't care, I'm not editing it anymore. Keep using the "Trendy" excuse as a means to make your self look cool because all of the sudden "Apple" is "The Man" and it cool to fight "The Man".

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We're going off into all kinds of directions here now...


Ben, you obviously like Apple products, everything works together nicely, its easy to use...etc. Everyone has a reason they buy things, and to me your reason is legit. I just cant stand the people that go "iphone is much better than android", then when asked why, they cant give me facts, just sale figures and to them its cool because they've been told its cool and its all they know. I'm not doing this to fight the man, apple is most certainly not the man when it comes to cellphones or computers, for that you have Nokia and Microsoft.


People like Renob over here sounds like the typical iphone squirrel that I run into so often. He came from an LG generic flip phone, bought an iphone cause he saw Beyonce has one and all his buds at school got one, so now its the greatest phone ever made. Loves to bring it up in every conversation, "oh my IPHONE can do that", "oh i took these pictures on my IPHONE"


Ofcourse the same can be said about Droid users. Verizon is running the hell out of those commercials and it too has become somewhat of a trend. But i still dont see people running around, trying to find the first opportunity they can to bring their Droid into conversation. The way it's being advertised was different too, "droid does" instead of "conversation piece"


This shit really doesnt matter, just makes for good ebattles. Get whatever the hell device you like better, but dont blindly go buying something just because its cool right now and then come on here and try to argue which one is better but have never used the one you are arguing against.

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there are things i like on both phones honestly. I plan on getting the iphone 4 just cause i have really liked the iphone. My gf has the incredible which i play around with all the time. If i could get the good parts from each phone and make a new phone it would be super duper l337 phone but alas i cant
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there are things i like on both phones honestly. I plan on getting the iphone 4 just cause i have really liked the iphone. My gf has the incredible which i play around with all the time. If i could get the good parts from each phone and make a new phone it would be super duper l337 phone but alas i cant


Word. l337 phone > *

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You drive a "lade", your argument is invalid.


Suck my lade Chris!


LOL i honestly only bring up the iphone in conversations on here. It gets people going.


I like my iphone, but there are better devices out there. I just dont see my phone like i see any of my cars. I dont need to modify it.

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Suck my lade Chris!


LOL i honestly only bring up the iphone in conversations on here. It gets people going.


I like my iphone, but there are better devices out there. I just dont see my phone like i see any of my cars. I dont need to modify it.



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I like my iPhone, but not a lot of other Apple Products. OSx SUCKS!!! Yes, it is a shitty platform. That includes your precious Snow Leopard...only thing that it good for is running Boot Camp so you don't have to use their crappy OS anymore.
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I can't wait to get this one, I'll be calling att on the 15th at midnight ordering my iphone 4 white 16g maybe the 32g. Depends on paycheck coming up and if I sell anything I'll get the 32g but 16g for sure.... I'm hoping some of my other buddies will buy it to so I can use the video calling feature lol..
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I found this and thought I share about the new iphone 4


Nice find. I love the new features the hardware brings, but IMO it won't really be that impactful to me until it's been out for a while. I mean, the face to face video is cool, but I can't stand holding a phone to talk anymore as I always use my headset or earpiece. I doubt even if I could use video I'd want to as many times I like being "on the phone" with my boss or my wife and not having them in front of me. :o:D


Besides, I won't use it until others have that capability and right now lots of my contacts barely have a phone that can do video.

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Besides, I won't use it until others have that capability and right now lots of my contacts barely have a phone that can do video.


Keep in mind Tim facetime only works with iPhone 4, so iPhone to droid calls will not work without skype.

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Keep in mind Tim facetime only works with iPhone 4, so iPhone to droid calls will not work without skype.


I know...that's what makes it even less of a value to me just yet. My wife won't be upgrading for a while as her 3G is still great for her and she no doubt won't be a power user geek of the iPhone 4.

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Suck my lade Chris!


LOL i honestly only bring up the iphone in conversations on here. It gets people going.


I like my iphone, but there are better devices out there. I just dont see my phone like i see any of my cars. I dont need to modify it.


Well speak for yourself loser. I got 20inch rims and a big metal wing on my Droid.


It's people like you that make this 7 page fanboy fight funny to me. Enjoy your Iphone it looks like an excellent peice of technology, does it do anything special that I would care for compared to even the incredible not at all. But its still nice.


I'll just be on my incredible in my honda. :rolleyes:

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