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U.S. land closed to U.S. citizens


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Trowa will gladly pay more taxes and also donate for a fleet of ED-209s. They can patrol the boarders in formation 24/7. There would be no more problems anymore.



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Or they will find another way to cross. or the sniper stands will start to take fire. Also if the fence is right on the border and we kill them on the Mexico side. Could they prosecute the person that shot the round? Also what about young children crossing do we shot them as well? I'm not saying they have the right just playing the devils advocate.


Shoot to kill. Period.

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Is this not an act of war?




i agree. lets just let our country turn into a crime infestested shit ball like mexico is, where our own citizens have to fear for their lives just traveling in their own state.




+1 again.


This is ridiculous.

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Or they will find another way to cross. or the sniper stands will start to take fire. Also if the fence is right on the border and we kill them on the Mexico side. Could they prosecute the person that shot the round? Also what about young children crossing do we shot them as well? I'm not saying they have the right just playing the devils advocate.



Just me ranting my thoughts but IMO to hell with their rights. I don't feel they have rights here until they are citizens. What rights they have in Mexico don't apply once their feet leave Mexican soil. We built the fence/wall so that's our land.


Shoot them all. Warn them first with signs and notice. If anyone is stupid enough to send their kids over here, then I'm sorry, but Darwins rules should win and the weak links in their Gene pool should be eliminated too. Doubt it would happen much anyway. We worry too much about those doing wrong and not enough about our own people. It's time that changes. Sorry, but war isn't pretty, and this is a war whether it's called that or not.

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The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

has closed a portion of the Buenos

Aires National Wildlife Refuge

south of the Garcia Road to public

use, under authority found in 8

RM 13.5 and 50 CFR 25.21(e)

effective October 3, 2006. Garcia

Road runs east/west parallel to

the international boundary about

one mile north of the line. This

area is about 3500 acres in size.

Our concern for public safety is




I love the fox interpretation of this story. Parks closed due to safety = OBAMA IS GIVING ARIZONA TO MEXICO !!! BE OUTRAGED !!!


Jesus, this shits been going on for years. I would love to do sniper duty if I get to shoot drug cartel members, but I think they might hit my tower with an RPG or mounted machine gun fire.

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Brownsville,TX among a few other police departments, that have to deal with the boarder are pretty well armed now. Due to the increase of violence from that side of the boarder coming in now, I think rules need to change. But there are some other tools our country needs to start utilizing, for example: The LRAS3 for instance or Long-Range Acquisition Scout Surveillance System . I had one on my humvee in Iraq, and you can't hide from FLIR.


The detention and release system is a joke, so there needs to be a drastic measure of deterance for illegal entry into our country. There should be no rights given to them, other than basic needs. Illegals should all be considered hostile and dealt with accordingly. The Government was quick to act in Waco Texas, so what's the hold up here?

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IMO that officer was COMPLETELY in the right. I don't give a shit if it's a Teen or a girl....ANYONE fighting with an officer like that, especially one that is surrounded by a crowd, alone, deserves a punch in the face. Regardless of color, age, sex, etc. Fuck that. IMO, he should have fucking taken her down to the ground. One punch is too easy. Her friend was an idiot too. I would have peppered her ass and anyone that took one step forward. Lucky the cop didn't mistake that camera phone for a gun.


People complaining need to shut the fuck up and tell the citizens causing the issue to be accountable for their own actions. Complete bullshit if you ask me.

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The Government was quick to act in Waco Texas, so what's the hold up here?







I kid! I kid! Don't want to start a political debate. :)

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82nd Airborne is either in route or already at the boarder as we speak. There will be more on the way from what it looks like, but knowing the way things are in D.C, the Rules Of Engaugement (ROE) will be rediculous. Don't mind the fact that more than a few towns are controlled by a Drug Cartel, because it's innocent people that cross into our Country illegaly daily.


Ok, so there's good news of the situation after all. Can AZ bring out their own National Guard units for this situation? This is just unbelievable. I hope it end in swift and lethal fashion so no-one will ever dare to pull this crap on the US.

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Trowa will gladly pay more taxes and also donate for a fleet of ED-209s. They can patrol the boarders in formation 24/7. There would be no more problems anymore.





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Shit worked in Berlin for decades.


And then it didn't. This is a stupid comment.


I don't think many of you talking about hunting humans would have the balls to pull the trigger if they actually had the chance.


This is truth.


Posing a thought...Why doesn't anyone complain about all the illegal Canadians that cross the borders?

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And then it didn't. This is a stupid comment.




This is truth.


Posing a thought...Why doesn't anyone complain about all the illegal Canadians that cross the borders?


I've never had my car broken into by a Canadian...

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And then it didn't. This is a stupid comment.




This is truth.


Posing a thought...Why doesn't anyone complain about all the illegal Canadians that cross the borders?


I don't even want to get into the shear difference in raw numbers...


"Currently about 70,000 undocumented Canadians work in the United States"


"Mexico Illegals, approx: 7,000,000"


But I would take an equally offensive stance if a bunch of rogue illegal Canadians took over a part of NY and startedshooting civilians. Illegals are a fact of life, but taking over a part of OUR country with weaponry is TERRORISM, plain and simple.

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I've never had my car broken into by a Canadian...


How the fuck do you know?


Seriously, poor argument. I've never had my car broken into by anyone who wasn't black, so we should start "bustin caps" in all those fools too, by your logic.


For the record, you probably didn't get your car broken into by a Mexican either.


Don't get it twisted, guys, I'm all about slowing or stopping altogether the flow of illegals into the country, but "Sniper Posts" and "Berlin Wall" type fixes are just retarded.


I agree that something has GOT to be done about this particular situation (The rogue group).

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