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Question for the cycling-racers

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I'm considering an entry in an event down here, and note that they have classes numbered but not described. "Cat 3, Cat 4/5, Cat 1/2, Pro"


Pro seems obvious, anyone familiar with the numerical system? I don't want to be a back marker, yet I don't want to be King Shit of Turd Mountain, either.

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Cat 5, you have no choice.


you need to ask the organizers how you go about getting a license. technically you can't even run cat 5 with out a license, but most regional places let you "buy" the 5 license and run as a novice.




p.s. depending on the region you might be a back marker even in cat 5

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You need to ask the organizers how you go about getting a license. technically you can't even run cat 5 with out a license, but most regional places let you "buy" the 5 license and run as a novice.



You're kidding. There is deffinitely noting on the website about needing a lisense. It basically just says 'pick a catagoy and pay the entery fee', which is only $20.


There's a chart on that website, where it states:

Category Class RR Criterium and Circuit


Cat 5 – 4 Men / 15 mi / 10 mi-20min

So... that means (to get from 5 to 4) I have to be able to cover 10 miles in 20 minutes? Or 15? Or a 30mph average speed over 15 miles? And the Cat 1 riders need 30mph average for 80mi?

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Go in the 'easiest' category you can. Eric absolute don't worry about whatever class you are going into being 'too easy', you won't have to. I'm not saying anything negative about you or what kind of shape you are in, just saying that bike racers are another breed.


Anyways, your first race should be fun so just go have fun.


Sorry, I've never raced and am not a spandex wearing road biker so I can't offer any specifics.

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Its all different in different regions. In cap city cyclocross you can run disc brakes even though disc brakes are banned by UCI; local events can do what ever they want. Just like SCCA rally-X bans non-production vehicles from competing but we have a local sub. to allow it. if you got on a national SCCA board and asked about kit cars they'd say no way, if you got on the local scca board we'd say cool.


Basically, you asking us about how a local region runs the show doesn't work. You need to ask them. last crit I was at you needed to 'buy' a lic. for $20 before you were allowed to run cat 5 and you had to run 10 cat 5 races before you can move to 4.

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Good to know Michael, thanks for the insight.


In reality, my only concern about the race is my bike. It's in perfect shape, runs smooth and quiet, but the shifters are mounted on the down tube and not the handle bars... as was the trend in 1966. :cool: Being in the Cincy area, I know I'll be doing a lot of shifting and I'll loose time with every one.

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