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The New American Dream

Habitual Sinner

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Don't have sex unless you can afford to raise a kid. There is no excuse for this. If you are a war vet OR you have a legitimate injury on your job I will gladly pay taxes to support you. If not leave the country I don't want to support your laziness.
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Honestly, I didn't vote for this election because I didn't have anyone to vote for. I can honestly say, that if Jerry Springer were to run for office, I would deffinitely vote for him.


At the rate we're going now, if the world does end in 2012, we wouldn't be losing much as long as we live in this country, ran by the world's biggest fail.



All people with handles that start with H and end with L are idiots. Why because I say so and I would vote for any user on CR whos handle does not start with a H.


And if the world don't end in 2012.;...


REALLY at the point you take that 2012 shit serious is the same point when you disengage brain engage stupidity.

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Site your source for the unemployment and disability cuts. The last I understood, unemployed people I know had extensions on their unemployment benefits.


Mensan everyone I've met who hates obama blindly and shoots off to the mouth never ever sites sources.


Also his major campaign item was healthcare and like it or not he passed the largest healthcare bill ever.


I had a conversation with a couple of the guys at the shop. They are red necks through and through. But they are cool guys. We got on the topic of politics.


They spouted off the same shit I heard on fox news. They also did the same wonderful job of being able to back up any statement they made.

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I didnt qualify because i dont have wearhouse exp. and thats what everyone told me you dont have the exp. well how the fuck am i gonna get it if no one gives me the chance. and rite now if you dont have a degree in something or eaq. to it you wont find a good job and im not butsting my ass and taking abuncha bs for no 8$ an hr to bring home 100 $ a week


Wow. This is exactly why this country is like it is, to many lazy ass people like you. Get off your ass and get the $8/hr job.

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Well of course not....


With your incredible skillset, and excellent grasp of the english language, I find it amazing you haven't been offered a six figure job by now. Don't worry, it will happen one day.


It will fall out of the sky one day for her i am sure.

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Guest tbutera2112
People are way off if they think they cannot have a decent life on $8 an hr. I know a few people who both make $8, have a nice house, 2 kids,nice cars, vacation regularly.


their spouse must make a boat load, or theyre doing illegal stuff.... do the math on that, and i can assure you its not happening...40hr per week at that rate is like less than $1200 per month after taxes....even a shit hole apt is going to be 450 a month, add in a bigger place for 2 kids and youre at 600 minimum...utilities, food, child care, gas, insurance, and everything else would easily suck away the rest of that 1200 plus the 1200 from the spouse...im sure it could be doable, but it would be very tight, they would not be rollin around like ballers and taking vacations all the time

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They bought a house which was decent in size and easily covered by one of them. They each own a small car which they paid cash for. They work within minutes from their jobs so they save on gas. They have a very small garden for vegetables, and they never eat out. Their kids are old enough to watch themselves but when they werent only he worked. I only made $14k last year and so far my bills are all paid. You just have to see how your money is best spent and use it wisely. My wife didnt work for ten years and she only works parttime during the school year now. She is off all summer long with me and the kids.
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All people with handles that start with H and end with L are idiots. Why because I say so and I would vote for any user on CR whos handle does not start with a H.


And if the world don't end in 2012.;...


REALLY at the point you take that 2012 shit serious is the same point when you disengage brain engage stupidity.


Does this mean I have to be the little spoon now?

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4.25 minimum wage back in the day erok i am currently the leader at lowest wage started


come on old timers I know there is someone that can beat that

No wai! I even made $5 an hour for my first violation-of-labor-laws job. Were you Jackin your families lumber? Is that the right lingo? :p


People are way off if they think they cannot have a decent life on $8 an hr. I know a few people who both make $8, have a nice house, 2 kids,nice cars, vacation regularly.


They probably don't smoke like a chimeny, drink like a fish, have a "personal pharmacist", shell out child support (or have to support kids without it), or have any of the other fun extra expenses that "Keepin it real" gets you.

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This is why you don't have a job. Everyone has to put up with BS for shit pay at the beginning of their "professional career", even/especially people with degrees, who the hell do think you are? You expect to shoot ahead in line, in front of everyone else who's looking for a job, because you think you're awesome?


I am

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I read this today and thought I'd pass it on, because it is absolutely true:


Approximately 100 percent of (successfull, rich people) got where they are because they had three things. All three are absolutely essential, but one of them is almost never mentioned. They are:


* Talent

* Hard Work

* Randomly Meeting the Right People and Not Pissing Them Off


If you fail at that last one (by "keepin it real") you ultimately fail at life. Period.

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We used to ban people for talking politics on here because people couldn't just be cool about shit.


People, just back off of each other and enjoy life.


I am going to get on MW2 and shoot you in the face because politcal talk on the internet is serious business and you have offended me.

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You'll actually get on MW2?


Maybe, or I will to a pollitical flip flop and get on netflix and blame someone else for not being able to get on MW2. Then I will form another group that will do nothing but complain about the maps you play all the while not offering any sort of answer to the problem at hand.

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