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BP CEO Taking shit?


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So, while the BP disaster is exactly that, do you think their CEO, Tony Hayward is taking some undeserved shit for going home and enjoying a yacht race with his family?


I mean does he have to live and breath the disaster 24x7 here in the U.S.? Why shouldn't he have his R&R time. It's the weekend for shit sake?


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I think with great responsibilty,great wealth also comes great sacrifice. We are only months into the disaster. I think for appearance sake he should be doing whatever it takes. His money should console him from missing a race. He can do things that still can be considered living his life without them being so public.
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I think with great responsibilty,great wealth also comes great sacrifice. We are only months into the disaster. I think for appearance sake he should be doing whatever it takes. His money should console him from missing a race. He can do things that still can be considered living his life without them being so public.


I think in today's world it's hard to hide anything, so the PR Standpoint shit means nothing to me. He didn't publicize his enjoyment and time away, so I hate when the news talks of it as a bad PR Move. He can't hide.


You're right as a CEO and the situation, he has a some big responsibilities, but he also has a team of people, a huge team, that are dealing with it first hand. He's been getting shit about not knowing the details or answering questions vaguely...but then, as a CEO of such a big company, he's not a day to day on the pulse of every rig detail guy. That's not his role.


I'm not condoning the situation or all his actions, I'm only speaking of what I see on TV and read online, but IMO, a few months into it, he's delegating work and responsibility. His day to day can't not happen. Including his time off.

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Yeah visiting family is one thing, going out and doing extracurricular activities is another.


Yes/no. what's he supposed to do, hide in his house and drown in misery? fuck, it's a bad thing, sure the folks down there are in a world of hurt; but if all they do is bitch whenever the guy enjoys something, then they themselves are hardly doing much but trying to pull down everyone around them.


Are we bad people for enjoying life and not helping out down there? Should everyone buying BP Gasoline burn in hell?

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Yes/no. what's he supposed to do, hide in his house and drown in misery? fuck, it's a bad thing, sure the folks down there are in a world of hurt; but if all they do is bitch whenever the guy enjoys something, then they themselves are hardly doing much but trying to pull down everyone around them.


Are we bad people for enjoying life and not helping out down there? Should everyone buying BP Gasoline burn in hell?


Oh i understand your point of view, and probably agree with you more than I can convey through the internet's. Most of every thing really is the medias fault, even down to selling out of shovels and salt before a "Huge" snowstorm.

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I say if he has that kind of money he knows what he is doing and thought about his actions before he went out. And I also agree its not like he has to be there 24/7 he like everyone else needs some personal time
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I don't even see how anyone can buy BP right now. I never used them before, so no issue for me. I just think if you have that big of an issue that you are responsable for, you need to commit to it and be in it for ideas and to constantly work out a resolve. Our coast line is FUCKED. Let's not over look that. If we went over there and muddied their waters, do you think they would be as understanding as we are? Over 2 months on this, and still spilling.
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I don't even see how anyone can buy BP right now. I never used them before, so no issue for me. I just think if you have that big of an issue that you are responsable for, you need to commit to it and be in it for ideas and to constantly work out a resolve. Our coast line is FUCKED. Let's not over look that. If we went over there and muddied their waters, do you think they would be as understanding as we are? Over 2 months on this, and still spilling.


YES but in those two months I bet between everyone working on it there is over a year worth of hours put into solutions for the problem. So does the 48hours he spends really going to make or break it???

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Had he been there this whole time, I could look at the 48hrs different. I'm not the most informed on the topic. What I look at is a crisis. You do all you can and stay at it to unfuck it. That's my approach and one I would be understanding to. The last thing I want to hear, if I'm someone who relies on the ocean in that area for a way of life, is that this guy had a good weekend.
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He should have taken his family and boat to the golf coast for the weekend. He could have motored his yacht through the oil to visited the familys of the people his company killed.


Look I understand the media scrutiny and how it can be blown way up. But to me this man is and should be held responsible for his companies actions. So the fact that this ass can hop a flight on a private jet and take his family overseas on a fucking Yacht for the weekend while thousands of people can't even walk, swim, fish or live near/ to their once clean beach is a fucking joke. HE is the damn CEO, like what was said before with great power and position come great responsibility. So while one of the nations and world largest ecological disasters continues I'm glad HE of all at least is able to find some enjoyment.

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Let him have some relaxation. Shit do you think he wanted his company to lose millions upon millions of dollars?! NO! Do you think he hasnt been under a great amount of stress?


let him have a break.



I think in today's world it's hard to hide anything, so the PR Standpoint shit means nothing to me. He didn't publicize his enjoyment and time away, so I hate when the news talks of it as a bad PR Move. He can't hide.


You're right as a CEO and the situation, he has a some big responsibilities, but he also has a team of people, a huge team, that are dealing with it first hand. He's been getting shit about not knowing the details or answering questions vaguely...but then, as a CEO of such a big company, he's not a day to day on the pulse of every rig detail guy. That's not his role.


I'm not condoning the situation or all his actions, I'm only speaking of what I see on TV and read online, but IMO, a few months into it, he's delegating work and responsibility. His day to day can't not happen. Including his time off.



So because he fucked up and brought on this disaster that intern caused him stress we should be understanding and let the man take some time off. And not just a regular at home weekend, lets fly my entire family to England (or where ever) and race my Yacht!? WTF? I'm not a CEO, but I've busted ass on weekends at work, hell we go through a company audit once a year that adds a shit load of work and stress to my position. As I'm sure some of you have experienced in your professional carriers. So while avg people like you and I can be expected to work long hours when needed we should be understanding of this poor man and his stressful life?

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I don't even see how anyone can buy BP right now. I never used them before, so no issue for me.


I agree. I made a conscious decision yesterday to not go there and will continue to do so.


The last thing I want to hear, if I'm someone who relies on the ocean in that area for a way of life, is that this guy had a good weekend.


Flip side is the last thing he wants to hear is more people down there bitching about what they think he as a CEO should be doing.

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Oh and to put things into perspective, maybe between murder trials we should feed the defendants ice cream and send them off on vacations too. I mean, they're probably stressed the fuck out to be on trail and all. Why is it fair that they have to sit and deal with things.



IMO it's poor taste.

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So because he fucked up and brought on this disaster that intern caused him stress we should be understanding and let the man take some time off. And not just a regular at home weekend, lets fly my entire family to England (or where ever) and race my Yacht!? WTF?


Yes. Because flying his family back home to spend fathers day and watching his yacht race is no different than me or you having a work-life balance. Even powerful CEO's in bad situations have a work-life balance need. Shits tons of money to him are like $5 to me and you. Don't hate on him for that. It's all relative. He's the CEO of a company in the richest market on earth. I would expect him to live like it.


I'm not a CEO, but I've busted ass on weekends at work, hell we go through a company audit once a year that adds a shit load of work and stress to my position. As I'm sure some of you have experienced in your professional carriers. So while avg people like you and I can be expected to work long hours when needed we should be understanding of this poor man and his stressful life?


Yes. Because again, you and I are just average worker bees. If I were smart and powerful and a CEO of an oil company, yeah....I'd say I likely put in my time wisely to have received all that I've earned and quite frankly, am taking the time away with family. Again, as a CEO, there's not a whole lot he personally can do other than run the company and make his people do shit. That said, I highly doubt his people are standing around with their thumbs up their butts.

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I agree. I made a conscious decision yesterday to not go there and will continue to do so.






Yeah but it does not help if you stop going to BP to fill up. Think of the owner of that gas station. It was not his fault BP screwed up. Unless its a corporate owned station then I fully agree.

That would be like me not paying you to take pictures for me because Cannon/Nikon (whichever you shoot) did something wrong.

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I think it's typical media crap. Let the dude take a vacation, he probably needs it more than anyone right now with the whole world giving him shit, where it's really not his fault. I don't know what people expect him to do, snorkel down there and weld the leak shut?


As for refusing to use BP oil...that's your right to do so, but I think it's kind of pointless.

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Okay, well then on that note. Lets just say for perspective sake that I managed to screw up my employees pay. Now you are one of my employees who is a pay check to pay check type person. I got busy and it didn't catch it in time. Now I have 20+ people who will miss 2 weeks pay. Next Thursday rolls around, 1 full week mind you after I've already done damage control, have a plan to fix it and people are working on the network so that it doesn't happen again. I roll up in my car with a $4 Starbucks coffee in my hand nice and tan because I got MY paycheck and went to Cedar Point for the weekend. Meanwhile you had to borrow $20 in gas so you could make it to work that day only to see me stroll in like it's no big deal... How would you feel about me? Would you be as understanding at that point knowing that you had to let bills slip a week late and pay late fees or not be able to get gas or food.
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I don't expect him to fix the weld personal but he excepted the position and I expect him to resolve it. Take time off yes, defiantly, I couldn't operate under the stress that he is for that long without time off. But it would be a quite weekend at home. Like he doesn't have enough money that he couldn't just chill at his mansion for a weekend.
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Yeah but it does not help if you stop going to BP to fill up. Think of the owner of that gas station. It was not his fault BP screwed up. Unless its a corporate owned station then I fully agree.

That would be like me not paying you to take pictures for me because Cannon/Nikon (whichever you shoot) did something wrong.


on top of that I am asking because i dont know does bp sell there oil to other companies like shell or anybody??? If they do in turn you are hurting many more than you think.


Also if he was sitting on his big boat and doing research etc working from home so to speak would we be mad still??? He is working his ass off he just could be doing it from the mddle of the clean ocean on his private boat??? would that be any different then him sitting in a office and doing the same thing???

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It seems every week he's said or done something stupid. He doesn't seem to care about the issue as much with comments like him wanting his life back, americans being prone to making bogus claims, small people, and now yachting. Now, I think he shouldn't be shouldering all of the blame. I think the other two entities that ran the platform with BP deserve some scrutiny too.
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It is just in bad taste. I am sure theres things he can do to relax that are not going to be caught on camera. There are people forced to deal with it everyday. people who dont necessarily have the resources to cope and function with whats happening to their lives and livelyhoods. To be seen doing rich people things like yacht racing would inferiate me to no end if I am losing everything I hold dear.
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