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Weirdest feeling I've ever had...


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So just a few minutes ago, I'm sitting here at my desk, and it felt like I just pissed down my leg. It felt like warm liquid running down my leg. I immediately jumped back, patting my pants, but nothing was wet. So, that kinda creeped me out. All I've been able to find online is that it's generally caused by the sciatic nerve misfiring. Sweet. Anyone else ever have anything like this?
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Guest tbutera2112
Ok. here goes. this is my very first story about peeing my pants. I was at a ranch with a big group of friends and we were going to go riding horses on some trails around the ranch. I had to go pee but i thought I could hold it in until we got back. everyone was already getting on their horses and i didnt' want to hold anyone up. I got on the horse and we all started down the trail. I was the last one in the line. Just as we started to ride away it started raining so everyone and everything was getting wet. My bladder felt like it was about to burst at any second but i wanted to hold it in a little bit longer because it was feeling so good. I don't know what it is about riding a horse and having to go pee but it feels so good when your poonanny is rubbing against the sadle through your pants and you have to pee too. Anyway. I held it for a while longer and I finally decided I couldn't wait anymore. I realized that everything was wet anyway because it was raining so noone would notice if i pissed in my panties. I started to let it trickle out a little at a time at first but it felt so good to pee. i was getting so turned on by my lady parts rubbing against the sadle and my hot pee against my clit and running down my legs that i just let it go. It just kept going and going and going and the whole time i was getting more and more hot and turned on. It was feeling so good that i couldn't take it anymore and i just started to cum and piss at the same time. my whole body was shaking and my vagine was so wet and hot. Then finally (after what felt like 5 minutes of peeing) my bladder was finally empty. I felt so weak but i felt so relieved too. Ever since then i have been peeing in my pants especially when i do yardwork or go for walk in the rain. I think peeing is hot!
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Ok. here goes. this is my very first story about peeing my pants. I was at a ranch with a big group of friends and we were going to go riding horses on some trails around the ranch. I had to go pee but i thought I could hold it in until we got back. everyone was already getting on their horses and i didnt' want to hold anyone up. I got on the horse and we all started down the trail. I was the last one in the line. Just as we started to ride away it started raining so everyone and everything was getting wet. My bladder felt like it was about to burst at any second but i wanted to hold it in a little bit longer because it was feeling so good. I don't know what it is about riding a horse and having to go pee but it feels so good when your poonanny is rubbing against the sadle through your pants and you have to pee too. Anyway. I held it for a while longer and I finally decided I couldn't wait anymore. I realized that everything was wet anyway because it was raining so noone would notice if i pissed in my panties. I started to let it trickle out a little at a time at first but it felt so good to pee. i was getting so turned on by my lady parts rubbing against the sadle and my hot pee against my clit and running down my legs that i just let it go. It just kept going and going and going and the whole time i was getting more and more hot and turned on. It was feeling so good that i couldn't take it anymore and i just started to cum and piss at the same time. my whole body was shaking and my vagine was so wet and hot. Then finally (after what felt like 5 minutes of peeing) my bladder was finally empty. I felt so weak but i felt so relieved too. Ever since then i have been peeing in my pants especially when i do yardwork or go for walk in the rain. I think peeing is hot!




Video or it didn't happen.

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So just a few minutes ago, I'm sitting here at my desk, and it felt like I just pissed down my leg. It felt like warm liquid running down my leg. I immediately jumped back, patting my pants, but nothing was wet. So, that kinda creeped me out. All I've been able to find online is that it's generally caused by the sciatic nerve misfiring. Sweet. Anyone else ever have anything like this?




I have had it but i have a bad disc.

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So just a few minutes ago, I'm sitting here at my desk, and it felt like I just pissed down my leg. It felt like warm liquid running down my leg. I immediately jumped back, patting my pants, but nothing was wet. So, that kinda creeped me out. All I've been able to find online is that it's generally caused by the sciatic nerve misfiring. Sweet. Anyone else ever have anything like this?

I have Sciatica. Never had the piss feeling, but the sciatic nerve is no joke. It can make you non-functional to the point of not being able to walk. :( I've worked through that pain more times than I can count, and it is freaking BAD.


Just a thought, but this could be a first sign of things to come. I've done the chiropractor thing a bunch of times, stretches, X-rays, MRI, heat and cold compresses, etc. Only thing that really helped me was either time (which a couple times it never went away), or Steroids (they are magical little pills!). Thing I've done myself that has really helped is putting my wallet in my front pocket. Has made a world of difference.

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Change your seating position and look into better lumbar support. My sciatic became inflamed when I started commuting to work a couple hours each day. Whet it flared up, if I shifted my weight wrong, my right leg would go out from under me and I'd hit the floor if I didn't have something to grab. DEFINITELY take steps to keep that nerve happy, or it'll KICK YOUR ASS.
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bad disc in my back here too, but i havent had that feeling


what i do get though (and i had it before the disc injury, so who knows), is i feel like i feel my phone vibrating in my pocket. its wierder when i see my phone sitting on my desk. i googled it and apparently it happens a lot.


but pain down the back/hip/ass/thigh regularly isnt fun. hopefully i never feel like im going to piss

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So just a few minutes ago, I'm sitting here at my desk, and it felt like I just pissed down my leg. It felt like warm liquid running down my leg. I immediately jumped back, patting my pants, but nothing was wet.


Stop surfing porn :p

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That's not funny. My aunt has MS.


It could be MS and a whole host of things. Most likely a disc. I just had two male patients get the MS diagnosis in their 30's. Lesson of the day, go to the doctor when you have a neurological symptom.

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