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Male pitbull on my porch


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When your dogs get out and run loose are you outside supervising them when they do this?


It's just that before I ever knew anything about obedience training I would let my dogs outside while I was inside and the one would jump the fence and roam the neighborhood.


Then I started obedience training/establishing myself as the rule maker and making it clear what was/is permitted and what is not.


I don't have that issue anymore. Through obedience training I have taught acceptable and unacceptable behaviors and because I am always there to supervise, everything is always under control. Whenever you leave a dog alone to make their own decisions, that is exactly what they will do.


As for all of the various tools you have used that do not seem to work, who taught you how to properly use those tools? I can't tell you how many people mis-use slip chains, pinch collars, e-collars, etc. because they have never been taught how to or tried to learn themselves how to properly use one.

it's typically if we leave and want to leave them outside to enjoy the weather (last night I took my daughter to a friends house but lef the dogs outside because I was only going to be gone for 20 min's...) when I got home, he was loose. As soon as I called him, he came right to me.


as far as tools, I know how to use a pinch collar as well as a body harness... we try not to put the pinch colar on unless we are walking him though because sometimes they get wrestling and I don't want him running full speed and hit the end of his chain.... that might hurt a little.


as far as giving him something to do... what do you suggest? we got him a play partner and they like to play, but he still finds a way to get loose. (BTW, he is definately smarter than our other dog so I can't disagree with him maybe being bored)

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I seriously doubt it. He has not acted vicious towards anyone he's met or any of the animals at the vet this morning. I would think that a dog who has been mistreated by humans or other animals, would be really afraid of them.


I could be wrong though.


But just from his behavior and everything, I would guess the owners could no longer afford him and couldn't get anyone to take him, so they went for a drive out to the country.



I have seen people drop their dogs off at Innis Park and leave before and so has my wife. Seeing the dogs totally confused sucks. I wsn't able to get to the one dog but I was able to get another and get him a home.

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it's typically if we leave and want to leave them outside to enjoy the weather (last night I took my daughter to a friends house but lef the dogs outside because I was only going to be gone for 20 min's...) when I got home, he was loose. As soon as I called him, he came right to me.


as far as tools, I know how to use a pinch collar as well as a body harness... we try not to put the pinch colar on unless we are walking him though because sometimes they get wrestling and I don't want him running full speed and hit the end of his chain.... that might hurt a little.


as far as giving him something to do... what do you suggest? we got him a play partner and they like to play, but he still finds a way to get loose. (BTW, he is definately smarter than our other dog so I can't disagree with him maybe being bored)



I am not going to tell you what to do, but I will tell you my philosophy:


A dog should be supervised on in a crate. (Crate is not necessary if you know for a fact the dog will not get into any shennanigans), inside the house is fine. When I am at work or I go somewhere the dog can't go with me, the dog is in the house or in the crate. When I am outside, the dogs are outside. When they are outside, I am out there. You said it yourself, you put the dogs outside then left. So what do they do? They find a way to leave, just like a teenager sneaking out.


People always think the solution to their behavior problems with their dog is to get them a play partner. If you kid is acting bad, do you go find another kid with no manners as a playmate for him? No, it just makes things worse. Is dog with dog interaction bad? No, not if the dogs are controlled and supervised. Incorporate obedience. You decide when play time is, how intense it gets, and when it's over.


As for not wanting the dog to hit the end of the chain, that is true, the dog should never be running on the end of a leash and hit the end of the leash. The only time there should ever be tension on the leash is for an instantaneous correction and the pressure is immediately released. An archaeic looking pinch collar is actually more humane than a regular dog collar when used properly.


As for giving him something to do, what do I suggest? I suggest what I suggested to you when you got in touch with me a few months ago. Obedience training. Have the dog learn commands. Establish yourself and everyone else in the houseold as heads of the household, attain the respect, and use it to your advantage. It's not that they cant be dogs and you can;t have fun withthem, but when you are having fun with them or when they are playing with each other or other dogs, it is key that you control the situation.


Being in control and teaching your dog is not Nazi. Ask anyone on here who's dogs I have trained if their dogs have lost their love of life and changed in a negative way. In fact, with the last dog I worked with, he was a total basket case and he actually came out and became more confident when I was training him because he couldn;t be nervous or scared or anxious, he had to focus on what was being taught and when we would end a session on a high note, a success for the dog, he was happier than he usually was because he got that sens of accomplishment when he completed the task at hand.

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Yeah I don't ever see my dog becoming agressive towards my kid or any kid for that matter. He has been around babies since 6 weeks old. I'll take videos of how he is around our kid and you can be the judge if he is trying to play alpha male next to our 6 week old son lol. All the dog wants to do is lick the damn kid, our dog has never shown signs of agression, barking to me is not agression, growling and lundging at me would be agression. Our cat is more agressive then our dog and thats a fact lol
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Guest tbutera2112
Yeah I don't ever see my dog becoming agressive towards my kid or any kid for that matter. He has been around babies since 6 weeks old. I'll take videos of how he is around our kid and you can be the judge if he is trying to play alpha male next to our 6 week old son lol. All the dog wants to do is lick the damn kid, our dog has never shown signs of agression, barking to me is not agression, growling and lundging at me would be agression. Our cat is more agressive then our dog and thats a fact lol


a cat isnt in the position to do any bodily harm to you and your kid though....ide atleast give kapok a little credit in what he says...he does train dogs for a living

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Yeah I don't ever see my dog becoming agressive towards my kid or any kid for that matter. He has been around babies since 6 weeks old. I'll take videos of how he is around our kid and you can be the judge if he is trying to play alpha male next to our 6 week old son lol. All the dog wants to do is lick the damn kid, our dog has never shown signs of agression, barking to me is not agression, growling and lundging at me would be agression. Our cat is more agressive then our dog and thats a fact lol


I do sincerely hope all that continues to work out for you.

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a cat isnt in the position to do any bodily harm to you and your kid though....ide atleast give kapok a little credit in what he says...he does train dogs for a living


cats kill tons of babies every year

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Yeah cats are notorious for sucking a babies breath out of them because it smells like milk. Heres a question, should I be concerned when my dog barks at people that "hit" me. Me and the brother and law were rough housing 1 night and the dog was in his crate flipping out is that because he feel's he's higher on the totum pole then my 290lb bro in law lol, serious question with a hint of asshole in it
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Guest tbutera2112
ive heard of them accidentally smothering a baby by laying on it, but ive never heard of an aggressive cat intentionally killing a baby....
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ive heard of them accidentally smothering a baby by laying on it, but ive never heard of an aggressive cat intentionally killing a baby....


that;s what i was talking about.

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Guest tbutera2112
Wait a minute... Are some of you actually saying cats suck the breath from babies? Please, tell me I'm misunderstanding this. Some of you watch too many movies. lol :lol:


LJ was saying they accidentally smother them, smokin5s and alittlelessordinary didnt click my snopes link

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Guest tbutera2112
that;s what i was talking about.


that wouldnt have to do with the cat being aggressive though... he was mentioning that his cat is aggressive more than his dog is, but the cat isnt going to flip out and claw him or his baby to death...not saying his dog will either, but the dog is physically capable of doing more damage than a cat is, and ive never heard of a cat full on attacking anybody without reason, like a lot of dogs have

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that wouldnt have to do with the cat being aggressive though... he was mentioning that his cat is aggressive more than his dog is, but the cat isnt going to flip out and claw him or his baby to death...not saying his dog will either, but the dog is physically capable of doing more damage than a cat is, and ive never heard of a cat full on attacking anybody without reason, like a lot of dogs have


In my experience there is always a reason. Some are subtle and some are quite obvious. There is always a chain of events leading to a bite. Even all out crazy aggressive dogs that burst out of their door and bite someone have a reason for doing it. The question is, why? A lot of times when you hear about dogs biting little kids, the media makes it out ot be this horrific act that wasn't prompted and the dog is crazy. That is very rarely the case. In a lot of cases the the child is aggravating the dog and the dog feels a need to correct the child for that behaviour. How does a dog correct another dog or peopler for that matter, with it's mouth in the form of a bite. So when someone says, "my three year old son jimmy was just playing with sparky then sparky bit him out of nowhere", that's not actually the case. Sparky didn't want to play anymore and was probably exhibiting body language expemplifying this but because the adult wasn't paying attention or doesn't know how to properly read the dog's body language, the dog feels the need to step it up and so it physically corrects the child. Should the dog do this, absolutely not, but should the situation have been allowed to occur in the first place? No. The adult should have been supervising play time and dictated to what intensity it was allowed to get and when playtime is over. Again, by being in control of the situation, you limit the chances situations like this occuring.

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I found him a good home. I met up with a couple last night that have a 1 yr old pit, and 5 acres of fenced in land out near Marysville. They also have a couple barns and horses. We let both dogs meet and they interacted very well. They said they will send me pictures and also invited me out to their place to see him, whenever I want. I will take them up on their offer because I want to make sure they have what they say they have and want to make sure he is happy.


I also told them that if for any reason, they don't feel it is working out, that I would be more than happy to take him back to foster him until I can find him another home.


I already miss the little guy. It's crazy how you can become so attached in just 3 days.

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I was 30 seconds from grabbing him myself...and sending to Ryan of course.


By the way Ryan...K is getting close to a trial run of CGC. We have been working daily.


Awesome. I am going to be so happy when he gets his certification. I was thinking about hitting you up to try to create some test-like scenarios where you can work on him and see how he will do.

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I am surprised you didn't keep him.


Believe me, I wanted to. I just travel too much for work. For instance, this month, I leave on the 6th, return on the 11th. Then I leave again on the 17th, and return on the 22nd. It wouldn't be fair to him to be boarded all the time.

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Believe me, I wanted to. I just travel too much for work. For instance, this month, I leave on the 6th, return on the 11th. Then I leave again on the 17th, and return on the 22nd. It wouldn't be fair to him to be boarded all the time.


If you got him trained through me he could be boarded with me and you would know he would be getting pack walks, and his obedience/commands would be utilized on a daily basis. I agree with you though, I don't like standrd boarding facilities. There is no constructive interaction bewteen the handler/kennel owner and the dog.

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