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Male pitbull on my porch


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I'm sitting here watching tv with my front door open. I hear a sound at the screen door. I get up, turn the light on and there is a pitbull sitting on my door mat. He's beautiful. Brownish greyish in color with a white patch on his chest. No collar. Appears to be friendly. I gave him some water. He knows sit. There is a small scrape above his left eye, one on his front right elbow, and one on his rear right paw. They are not bleeding at this time, but look fairly fresh.


I don't want to bring him in the house because I don't know how he'll react. I have no clue if he has fleas or if he'll bite. He really wants inside though. He seems scared.


What should I do? There's quite a bit of traffic by my house. I'm afraid he'll get hit by a car. I don't want to call the Franklin County dog shelter because they'll just put him down.

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Is it me, or is Paul's fucking spelling getting worse by the day?



Back on topic- I'd put the dog in the garage if it's friendly enough and then have him scanned for a chip for sure. You never know, the neighbors might even go door to door asking if anyone has seen their dog?

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I would have no problem letting him in the garage if my car wasn't in there. I don't know if he would try to eat it or scratch it. If I was to back the car out, that would mean that I would be exposed to him in the open. Like I said before, he seems friendly, but scared as well. I have no clue if he would be so scared that he would attack me. I'm not willing to take that chance. This dude has some big ass chompers.
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Well, he slept on my front porch all night, right on my door mat. I think someone dropped him off in front of my house last night and since I gave him some water, he's not leaving now.


I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to take him in, but I travel quite a bit for work, and will be gone two weeks in July.

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did you give him food this morning?


my guess is he's not a mean dog... if he was, he would have been growling at you when you opened the door... scared or not.


Check around his neck to see is the hair a bit rougher around where a collar should be to see if he's actually a stray or someone dropped him off.


Come on Mike, take him in! I'm sure someone would watch him for you while you are away in July. (before you ask, I can't, I already have 2 dogs and one of them is a big male and I don't know how they would act towards each other and I'm not willing to have one of my dogs (or that dog) injured)

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I don't have much food here. All that I have is some cooked chicken that I made for lunch this week and some bread. I am going to give him some bread. I'm not sure how he would do with cooked chicken.
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Thumbs up for feeding him & not just kicking him outta your yard. If you want to try to find an owner and need help, let me know. When I found the dog before, I found a lot of people looking for dogs when I was looking for her owner.. Especially if hes nice, which I would say he is at this point. :)
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Do you have any pics? If you can't find a home for him, check with these people... http://www.measlesanimalhaven.org/


I emailed them. They are not accepting any new dogs at this time.


This seems to be the response I'm getting from everyone. I've left voicemails at 4 or 5 places now. No one has called back. When leaving a message, I have even asked for them to call me back to just help give me some direction.

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I emailed them. They are not accepting any new dogs at this time.



They will help you get low cost food, vet bills, etc... so you can foster him. I would reccomend doing this.


Also anyone who is comming to look at him, make them show some sort of papers, etc... showing the original bill of sale. Most dog fighters look for bait dogs this way...they troll the lost pitbulls.

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Ok, first off, Good Call on not trusting a dog you dont know. Second.. Do you have a fenced yard? Somewhere you can lure him for the time being?


Yah, be VERY weary of people who respond from craigslist.. I have heard more bad than good from CL.


I agree that the dog needs to be scanned for a chip.

Does he appear well fed? are his nails trimmed or long... Is he neutered?


Continue to be cautious with the dog.. No sudden movements, but dont be rigid either..


I dotn see how cooked chicken, (unless you have seasoned it) could be bad for the dog.. its meat. On the other hand.. You dont know how he is with food either.. he could be a really happy dog who gets protective of food, so there again, be very cautious, (personally, i would go as far as using a stick or somethign to push the food in front of him, not my hands)


I hope you can find a good home for him, or his owners!

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a few things, if the dog knows to sit when you say it, then he'll listen to you, dont be afraid/scared around him, let him know your the alpha male and he'll listen, he's probably scared and whatever you do don't take him to the shelter because they will put him down, and don't trust anyone from craigslist, I have a pitt and she's very loyal to me and listens to all my commands
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My neighbor brought over some dog food for him. He (neighbor) came in through the back door so as to not approach the dog. I put some food in a bowl and put it out with my hand and even petted him on the back of the neck while he was eating.
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Do you have any pics? Is he neutured? I dont think dogs should eat grains. I might now someone who is interested.


edit: Oh, and I rescued a friendly "pitt" last year and it was one of the greatest desicions i could have made. Boss has been a blessing to our house.

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a few things, if the dog knows to sit when you say it, then he'll listen to you, dont be afraid/scared around him, let him know your the alpha male and he'll listen, he's probably scared and whatever you do don't take him to the shelter because they will put him down, and don't trust anyone from craigslist, I have a pitt and she's very loyal to me and listens to all my commands


Definitely some truth here. Be assertive. That doesn't mean overbearing and yelling and all that jazz but be calm, be serious, and don't lean over or encroach on the dog. Don't give the dog affection just for the sake of giving it affection, but if you call it over and it comes, show some affection. Calm affection. Soft but meaningful movements. If you crounch down to get him to come to you, keep your back straight. I can't emphasize enough not hovering over the dog. And that goes for any dog of any breed.


I would say if you are a dog person, keep him. I do training ha ha.

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Definitely some truth here. Be assertive. That doesn't mean overbearing and yelling and all that jazz but be calm, be serious, and don't lean over or encroach on the dog. Don't give the dog affection just for the sake of giving it affection, but if you call it over and it comes, show some affection. Calm affection. Soft but meaningful movements. If you crounch down to get him to come to you, keep your back straight. I can't emphasize enough not hovering over the dog. And that goes for any dog of any breed.


I would say if you are a dog person, keep him. I do training ha ha.



I got your pm. Thanks. I'll let you know what I decide to do. If he's going to hang around, I may just keep him as an outside dog for now.

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