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Do we need people like this?


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Could have been almost anything that they were shooting him with. My brother is an officer and went to a call with a pit bull attacking animals and people in a neighborhood. He arrived on scene and the dog tried to attack him. He carries a .45 and shoot the dog 3 times as he retreated. The dog fell to the ground but was still trying to attack anything near it. He had to shoot it twice more in the head to finally kill it. He felt terrible and the timing sucked as his dog had just been hit and then died in his arms as he rushed it to a vet that same week.
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they should put that guy in a cage and let people take turns shooting him, if the dogs dangerous theres no need to shoot it with a buddy


exactly i hate people who do this to dogs. my dog has been alive for 14 years and if someone tried to kill him i would treat them like someone trying to kill my family

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exactly i hate people who do this to dogs. my dog has been alive for 14 years and if someone tried to kill him i would treat them like someone trying to kill my family


This. Had to put my shepherd down when I was 18. He was 16 at the time. Sucked. Still my fav dog ever.


F*ck my wifes toy poodle. :)

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