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about murderd my neighbor


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Yeah, he was a temp. Zeus is the first permanent.



Great Dane Boxer mix...



I have to come over and check him out. Physical style,



And cough.... again.... well ur balls feel good....


That's how I got spike lol

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Cool. Go Bucks. :)


I mean this in the MOST sincere, non-assholish way possible, but I truly didn't even know raquetball was a collegiate sport.


Thanks lol its kew no one ever knows. Racquetball isn't the most popular sport there or anything.

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...fuck you n!gg3r. At this point all bets are off and this was just a racist ass hole trying to take his hate out on me by leading my killer into traffic. And its wasn't a motorcycle it was a bike.


I was talking about bicycles. I obviously didn't see that he called you that because the first post just says ****** due to the filters. I agree that 'all bets are off' at that point. Does that mean you can shoot the guy? Of course not. Guy deserved to get his ass kicked.... but only for what he called you. The situation did start due to you, but I agree you did already admit to that. So if it had come to blows it would be your fault. And I'm still going to say that using your car as a weapon is a pussy thing to do to a guy on a bicycle. Hiding behind a car is a pussy, pseudo-egotistical thing to do. Especially when the other person is on a bike. I don't have to meet you to come to that conclusion. Ride a bicycle on any street with more than a few cars. Wait until 1 of them honks and yells at you or buzzes within a few inches of you. That's exactly the mentality you are putting out there saying that you would use your car as a weapon towards someone on a bike.

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THE VERY WORST ONE (if your weak dont watch)



so damn deadly ^




Truley dangerous dogs let me tell you. My dog won't even growl. He's harmless, but if you torment any dog they will be defensive. And its easy to torment a smaller dog cuz they are smaller. We don't do that with my beast.. he's fat, slow, and harmless. He's been around my nephew since day 1, and never once did anything wrong, he runs away.

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IMHO cockers are one of the worst dogs for biting people. Some of them will go into "rage" and will not stop attacking until you nearly knock them out cold. As your dog ages he will start to show.I know this because I am former cocker owner myself. We put our dog down because of this.




weird, my first cocker spaniel got nicer with age. she was great with people, you just couldn't touch her while she was eating.

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Thats part of the evaluation process when a dog is taken to a shelter. That little temper could get a dog put to sleep if it ever goes up for adoption...


So is poking them with objects to see how far they will go.

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