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No setting up street races rule..

V8 Beast

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Those of you that have been around for a while know the kind of trouble and stress that can be caused by this. This rule is for your own good and for the people that would hate to lose CR due to legal bs. I know people post freely (a little too freely at times)... but there is a very good reason why this rule is in place. Its not something we will ban you over (unless you have been warned or are Phil :lol: ). Just dont be surprised if the post or thread dissapears.


Please keep this in mind...



/friendly summer reminder

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You guys should change the domain to columbusNOTracing.com


And who the are you? Nevermind... don't answer that because I really don't care. Thanks Sam and Shanton. I knew you guys would understand.


For those that may not understand why we do this Anthony said it in another thread. On national forums people are all over the place. We are more centralized so if someone wants to point the finger cr gets to play scapegoat for all of central ohio. If that happens the last thing you want is a detective knocking at your door... and it has happened before. We could say fuck it and let you do it but its something that can be easily prevented.

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And who the are you? Nevermind... don't answer that because I really don't care. Thanks Sam and Shanton. I knew you guys would understand.


For those that may not understand why we do this Anthony said it in another thread. On national forums people are all over the place. We are more centralized so if someone wants to point the finger cr gets to play scapegoat for all of central ohio. If that happens the last thing you want is a detective knocking at your door... and it has happened before. We could say fuck it and let you do it but its something that can be easily prevented.



i am no one and i wasn't trying to be an asshole. just pointing out the name of the site alone breeds some of the said problems.


i totally get the sites stance on everything, i would give the fuzz all the info to cover my ass too. because of course when there is some sort of street shannaigens the first place law enforcement is going to look is at a website named... columbusRACING and with that in mind, it seems pretty silly for anyone to come here and try to setup a race.


it's like profiling the arab guy at the airport, if you are going to blow up a airplane don't send the arab guy. just like, if you are going to setup a race in columbus don't do it on columbusracing.com


that seems like common sense.

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i am no one and i wasn't trying to be an asshole. just pointing out the name of the site alone breeds some of the said problems.


i totally get the sites stance on everything, i would give the fuzz all the info to cover my ass too. because of course when there is some sort of street shannaigens the first place law enforcement is going to look is at a website named... columbusRACING and with that in mind, it seems pretty silly for anyone to come here and try to setup a race.


it's like profiling the arab guy at the airport, if you are going to blow up a airplane don't send the arab guy. just like, if you are going to setup a race in columbus don't do it on columbusracing.com


that seems like common sense.


Covered your ass pretty well there.

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eh. i have not tried to setup a street race, that's been my viewpoint on the topic since i started the forum.


then at the same time my orginal comment was not intended to be negative, but it was perceived that way. so, i thought I would share my thoughts on it.



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And who the are you? Nevermind... don't answer that because I really don't care. Thanks Sam and Shanton. I knew you guys would understand.


For those that may not understand why we do this Anthony said it in another thread. On national forums people are all over the place. We are more centralized so if someone wants to point the finger cr gets to play scapegoat for all of central ohio. If that happens the last thing you want is a detective knocking at your door... and it has happened before. We could say fuck it and let you do it but its something that can be easily prevented.



Please read above...



Whats wrong with kill stories? Two other forums im on have them, granted there national forums and not local forums.
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i am no one and i wasn't trying to be an asshole. just pointing out the name of the site alone breeds some of the said problems.


i totally get the sites stance on everything, i would give the fuzz all the info to cover my ass too. because of course when there is some sort of street shannaigens the first place law enforcement is going to look is at a website named... columbusRACING and with that in mind, it seems pretty silly for anyone to come here and try to setup a race.


it's like profiling the arab guy at the airport, if you are going to blow up a airplane don't send the arab guy. just like, if you are going to setup a race in columbus don't do it on columbusracing.com


that seems like common sense.

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I will input my $.02.


In the past decade, everytime something in the local media has even hinted at street racing, CR has been quick to be blamed. Remember when George died and took that woman out? I personally received death threats and my personal information posted on CL. Remember when that asshole on Morse in the Thunderbird who was drunk and racing killed the other people when he wrecked? Same there, and CR was of course blamed although the guy wasn't a part of us.


Ignorance breeds violence. The local law enforcement is on here, in many forms. Not just that, but I've been visited by detectives on several occasions and my brother (CR's server admin) has been served subpoenas as well for data pertaining to incidents bred from here, or in some cases, not.


What I don't want is CR shut down because some legality finds CR, or it's staff, or it's members liable in case something does happen if a street race is setup on here.


CR was founded by street racers, but in the past decade, has moved towards community events at sanctioned tracks.


Please try to remember this.

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