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Dream Girls Pics NSW


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Not too bad for middle of the week...didnt get too many off before I was asked if i was taking pics lol enjoy













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Edited by Wagner
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Weak sauce. Pics of strippers = fail


Some guys were doing that when a bunch of us were there for a bachelor party and they earned a nice rest of the night with the bouncer standing right behind them


If you get pifs of the hot neighbor chick doing some nude sunbathing, post those. not strippers we could all go see for $10

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sorry for using NSW at first it was a midweek I dont normally go there but my friend wanted to.. I wasnt trying to spend any money..lol sorry for posting them I guess.. Evan wheres the pics of your girl or your neighbors? Edited by CJINOHIO03
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Lol you think you know me evan or my situation... I guarantee my ex or current is not as big as yours nor do I pay all her bills or have paid for 3 years of her insurance.. maybe u should watch your mouth you wouldnt have your job now if it wasnt for me...if got the balls post them up Edited by CJINOHIO03
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I guess you forgot I seen her before you were the one talking shit about the pics I posted..trust me they are skinnier and look better..get tired of people posting that they have such hot gfs or wifes but there trolls
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whoa dude, calm down. idk what the hell set you off. all i said was that pics of strippers isn't that great since we can all go see them...its not like "oh shit look at this naked chick in the park i saw today when i was least expecting it"...its a stripper. they're paid to be naked. and what guy asks another guy for pictures of their g/f. i thought that was just common sense man code...


now to correct you, i dont recall saying anything about my g/fs looks, or that shes oh-so-hot. i dont pay any of her bills, i dont pay her insurance (if you read the other thread it says she paid for insurance for years when she was covered on her parents...she got the $$ back from that since she paid it...her own dumbass mistake. i just corrected it and got her money back for her). i dont pay a penny of her bills. that's why they're "hers"


and you must be forgetting that i had already interviewed at ADS once (with michelle) and was offered a position but I turned THEM down due to the offer they gave me, and took the second offer 9 months later (interviewed w/ mark) when you informed me they were hiring again...not to mention, do you remember when i got hired? 2007. the point when the department was putting in req's for people every week, and HR couldnt hire enough people to fill the req's... not like it would have taken much more than a "hey, i know this guy, he can collect" to get someone in the door. FFS, they were putting people in recovery with 0 experience whos last job was PIZZA HUT.


so calm the fuck down. my first post was more of a joke/sarcasm than anything and "You went full retard, man. Never go full retard"


Ps...strippers are supposed to be skinny as fuck. What do you think cocaine is for?

Edited by evan9381
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Anyone who would


1. take pics of those nasty skanks

2. take the time to upload them to imageshack

3. take the time to make a thread on CR

4. think that they're "not too bad"


isn't what I would call an authority on what looks good in terms of the opposite sex.


Just sayin'

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