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Why are we still over seas ?


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I don't really watch the news so I don't know what's going on and why


This right here is why our country is going down the drain. There is zero reason why in the age we are in now you should not have some idea on what is going on.


Wow just wow...

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While it is kinda bad to point this out, but some Military enjoy it, or it gives them better pay to take a tour. Not saying it's OK but I respect anyone who goes over there voluntarily and puts their life on the line for the very few innocent people over there. They do earn their pay whatever the motive is it to earn it.
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you do know we still have people in japan right??? and I am sure there are still people all over where we have been. I am sure ten years from now we will still have people over there maybe not fighting but still stationed there for sure
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...I respect anyone who goes over there voluntarily and puts their life on the line for the very few innocent people over there. They do earn their pay whatever the motive is it to earn it.







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I just been wondering why our friends and love ones are still there.. I don't really watch the news so I don't know what's going on and why


Here is a summary of how most of America has felt over the past 10 years courtesy of 4chan. They are always correct. You are welcome.



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The simple fact....what the hell would we do with them once they got back?? I mean they aren't coming back to a whirling economy looking to hire thousands of people fresh out of the military.


I don't know about you but I rather work twice as hard and get to see my kids grow up then having to risk getting my head blown off but that's just me

Edited by Not Brian
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+2 I was thinking the same thing.. What's funny is how we Aka the USA just go over to another country and try to take over set up base WTF the USA would not let someone come over here and do that shit but hey I don't watch tv


What the fuck does TV have to do with this? Clearly you have internet access, read CNN or BBC or even fucking FOX News if you have to. Just because you don't have TV doesn't mean you can't take a half hour every day and read the news. Remember, newspapers still exist too. There are so many ways to keep track of whats going on in the world around you that the only excuse not to is laziness.

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Wow someone has a problem with me not reading or watching tv man lol I'm nowhere near lazy. I work 16hrs days and I'm not going to waste my days off watching or reading I rather do something fun related. So u sir have a good day


P.s I'm a ricer lol

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IMHO, we, the US, have our military personels over sea because we care. We strategicly place our military bases thru out the world at places that are unstable (Korea, Japan, Middle East,.....). US military present in those places bring stability to the region. Because the foes know that if they want war they'll have to deal with the US directly.
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IMHO, we, the US, have our military personels over sea because we care. We strategicly place our military bases thru out the world at places that are unstable (Korea, Japan, Middle East,.....). US military present in those places bring stability to the region. Because the foes know that if they want war they'll have to deal with the US directly.


I like the way you put that

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This right here is why our country is going down the drain. There is zero reason why in the age we are in now you should not have some idea on what is going on.


Wow just wow...


I have some what of an ideal and that is they have something USA wants

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