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Bad Week... it's only monday!!


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Try this on for a bad day..........

Woke up sick and called off work. Sore throat, stuffed head, chest cold and I knew my cabinets were coming today.

Good thing I stayed as the cabinet supply house sent 1 kid and a shitty little dolly to unload them. I unloaded about 20 cabinets from the truck to my living room.

Then I get the bill for $200 more than we had agreed on. Almost told him to load that shit back up and take it with him, but the look on my wifes face said "better not". Paid it because I am sick of fighting with those jackasses. Figured I was already sweaty before breakfast, so I started scraping paint off of an exterior door frame since I've been wanting to paint it since before christmas. Scraped most of the lead paint off of it and decided to get a shower before my dentist appointment. Getting the plaque scraped off my teeth was the most relaxing part of my day because when I get home, my wife is telling her sis on the phone that our cable bill had just gotten there and it was $175!!! I spent the next 2 hours clearing that up telling my full gawdawful story of a botched installation, rotten service and and my re-installation and clean-up of everything their so-called technician did to no less than 4 people before one lady bothered to check the records and realize that they had screwed up the bill. Then it was off to the tax mans to get our returns on the other side of Columbus at rush hour.

Rush home starved (wanted to stop by the fish fry but the grandparents were on their way) and Mrs. Power throws some chicken on the grill. As soon as its done, my grandparents roll into the drive. The girls eat while I show Grandpa the cabinet that I need to cut the back out of on his table saw. He measures, marks and hacks the back off of my $200+ corner cabinet with a circular saw with a framing blade in it. At this point I'm thinking that I might just puke. Next he starts using the busted scraps to make supports for the back and slathers them in wood glue. All this is taking place on top of my bottom corner cabinet that I am trying desperately not to get glue on as it cascades down the back of the upper cabinet.

As soon as the grandparents leave, I told the missus to call her dad. The man used to build cabinets for a living and has a full shop in New Lex. Now I'm going to bed because tomorrow I have to drive out there and fix this mess while trying to come up with a believable excuse not to show up at my grandfathers in the morning to finish the murder and dismemberment in his shop.

Its only 10pm on a friday and I am beat. Here is the ugliness.




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Try this on for a bad day..........

Woke up sick and called off work. Sore throat, stuffed head, chest cold and I knew my cabinets were coming today.

Good thing I stayed as the cabinet supply house sent 1 kid and a shitty little dolly to unload them. I unloaded about 20 cabinets from the truck to my living room.

Then I get the bill for $200 more than we had agreed on. Almost told him to load that shit back up and take it with him, but the look on my wifes face said "better not". Paid it because I am sick of fighting with those jackasses. Figured I was already sweaty before breakfast, so I started scraping paint off of an exterior door frame since I've been wanting to paint it since before christmas. Scraped most of the lead paint off of it and decided to get a shower before my dentist appointment. Getting the plaque scraped off my teeth was the most relaxing part of my day because when I get home, my wife is telling her sis on the phone that our cable bill had just gotten there and it was $175!!! I spent the next 2 hours clearing that up telling my full gawdawful story of a botched installation, rotten service and and my re-installation and clean-up of everything their so-called technician did to no less than 4 people before one lady bothered to check the records and realize that they had screwed up the bill. Then it was off to the tax mans to get our returns on the other side of Columbus at rush hour.

Rush home starved (wanted to stop by the fish fry but the grandparents were on their way) and Mrs. Power throws some chicken on the grill. As soon as its done, my grandparents roll into the drive. The girls eat while I show Grandpa the cabinet that I need to cut the back out of on his table saw. He measures, marks and hacks the back off of my $200+ corner cabinet with a circular saw with a framing blade in it. At this point I'm thinking that I might just puke. Next he starts using the busted scraps to make supports for the back and slathers them in wood glue. All this is taking place on top of my bottom corner cabinet that I am trying desperately not to get glue on as it cascades down the back of the upper cabinet.

As soon as the grandparents leave, I told the missus to call her dad. The man used to build cabinets for a living and has a full shop in New Lex. Now I'm going to bed because tomorrow I have to drive out there and fix this mess while trying to come up with a believable excuse not to show up at my grandfathers in the morning to finish the murder and dismemberment in his shop.

Its only 10pm on a friday and I am beat. Here is the ugliness.




cABINET don't look that bad. won't see it after install. what's the whole for? tomorrow can always be better.

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yes positive thinking... this week (monday - thursday) I told a co-worker to fuck off, f'ed up 3 samples (=12 hours of lost work) had my new fishy die, was late to work twice, slept an average of 4 hours a night... buuuut, this morning, I was on time (ish), found a stellar parking spot, had lots of fun today, decided to blow off work and partay tonight, over all a good day right, so the point is, it always gets better + my sister is dropping off my bike tomoorow woot!!! I can't wait to ride.

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yes positive thinking... this week (monday - thursday) I told a co-worker to fuck off, f'ed up 3 samples (=12 hours of lost work) had my new fishy die, was late to work twice, slept an average of 4 hours a night... buuuut, this morning, I was on time (ish), found a stellar parking spot, had lots of fun today, decided to blow off work and partay tonight, over all a good day right, so the point is, it always gets better + my sister is dropping off my bike tomoorow woot!!! I can't wait to ride.

i put my forks and front wheel on today because someone needed to borrow my front stand and i've had the urge to ride all day now...even if i don't have any fairings on the bike.

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I think this thread is gonna be relevant tomorrow too... its almost midnight and I have a presentation in 9 hours that i'm not ready for because I accidentally left my computer in my friends car who drove back to cincy last night...

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  • 4 weeks later...
i put my forks and front wheel on today because someone needed to borrow my front stand and i've had the urge to ride all day now...even if i don't have any fairings on the bike.

do you have your fairings yet?

3 of the 4 tabs broke off my side fairings... this might be interesting.

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you're right! How could I forget that the kid is always watching...

Kawi, you should change your name to KawiMan... I feel kinda weird calling you kid. :)

really??? let's have sex....000202FD.gif

I don't get the smiley again.

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you are breaking me up..... keep up girlfreind.... 000202EE.gif

what does that mean??? lol, i didn't develop the vocab that is necessary to function in society in my podunk town... and in a few cases i developed vocab that nobody else understood, and felt pretty dumb finding that out...


"twinkies" - def. when two people dress alike

"it's not like they're gonna take your b-day away!"- common saying for just do it you're not gonna get in that much trouble

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