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I believe there is a HUGE difference between a Muslim Masque and Al Queda... Really? Get your head out of your ass.


All parties involved should be careful on how they word things. I am a FIRM believer in the separation of church and state. Blocking the building of this Masque (Based on the fact it is a Masque) is just plain illegal. (Seemingly) Pitting an Administration FOR the building of said Masque because it is a masque is treading on thin ice for the same principles.


If you are arguing against this, at least argue about the separation of church and state. Does Obama have any right to "strongly" agree (making it look like the white house backs the decision) with the construction... no. But he is also bound by the same laws of freedom of speech we are, don't forget that! With his statements he is opening himself up to tons and tons of (possible) bad press.


I stick with my original statement, We have bigger fish to fry.

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I believe there is a HUGE difference between a Muslim Masque and Al Queda... Really? Get your head out of your ass.



WHERE do you think a majority of radical Islam starts? It sure as hell isn't inside of McDonalds, let alone a library. They'll take the building of the mosque as being a victory for them over US. This is another reason I see no hope in the world thanks to those in power. I'll be taking a trip to NYC in the near future for this.

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It's the twin towers dude.. building a mosque on top of them would be fucking retarded. Yeah sure technically it's legal and blah blah blah but what the fuck, seriously.


dude, its 3 blocks away. its not like theyre building this thing at 1 world trade center dr.




how far would you say is a fair distance before it would be acceptable? outside of NY completely?


i heard a great argument the other day, (and this was a black guy and a white guy talking about it) and it went something to the effect of "a group of islamics attacked us...its like saying 'black people didnt punch you in the mouth, a black guy punched you in the mouth'"

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fuck em, line em up and feed them all twelve gauge to the mouth. fuck you, fuck everybody. Get that shit out of my country. If you have a spot of cancer cut off that whole fucking appendage. Wanna be a bleeding heart liberal and cry about it we got plenty of ammo leftover for you too. Go ahead, call me an asshole. I live with worse things in my life than people's opinions and could care-fucking-less.
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fuck em, line em up and feed them all twelve gauge to the mouth. fuck you, fuck everybody. Get that shit out of my country. If you have a spot of cancer cut off that whole fucking appendage. Wanna be a bleeding heart liberal and cry about it we got plenty of ammo leftover for you too. Go ahead, call me an asshole. I live with worse things in my life than people's opinions and could care-fucking-less.


Amen. They don't understand for not having lived inside the fucked up culture, and have to deal with these fuck bags blowing you up everyday in the name of "Allah". It's disgusting for the fact that it is going to be allowed. I sure as shit ain't giving into this lets be tolerant type attitude everyone has today.

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Think of our buddies who got blown to hamburger over there by those goatfuckers and our bitch faggot president wants to build a motherfucking muslim church right next to ground fucking zero. I wanna puke. Oh but muslims are so different that al queda! sure, right. Shut the fuck up eat shotgun.
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Think of our buddies who got blown to hamburger over there by those goatfuckers and our bitch faggot president wants to build a motherfucking muslim church right next to ground fucking zero. I wanna puke. Oh but muslims are so different that al queda! sure, right. Shut the fuck up eat shotgun.


They don't understand what so ever. I get sick and tired of trying to reason with liberals and the anti-"X" crowd. Stupidity can be taught, not to mention swallowed, hook, line and sinker. If this is any indication as to how things have changed in Afghanistan, they want us to respect Ramadan by not eating, smoking or drinking anything in front of them during the day. The United States is giving way to the Muslim way of life to save face.

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Dumb people entertain me.

Please say you're talking about me. Those people over there, almost every single one of them, are dumber than a monkey with a handful of their own shit. I'm sure you've been overseas to be able to say this, right? Probably not, probably why you sit back in the office chair in your parents' basement and say uppity dumb shit like this.

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Please say you're talking about me. Those people over there, almost every single one of them, are dumber than a monkey with a handful of their own shit. I'm sure you've been overseas to be able to say this, right? Probably not, probably why you sit back in the office chair in your parents' basement and say uppity dumb shit like this.


Haha. You have absolutely NO IDEA which side of the aisle I'm sitting on and still managed to go off. Bravo!

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fuck em, line em up and feed them all twelve gauge to the mouth. fuck you, fuck everybody. Get that shit out of my country. If you have a spot of cancer cut off that whole fucking appendage. Wanna be a bleeding heart liberal and cry about it we got plenty of ammo leftover for you too. Go ahead, call me an asshole. I live with worse things in my life than people's opinions and could care-fucking-less.


Wow. I'm sure that you can admit there are extremists of everything whether that be religion, fast food, monetary wealth, etc. Why do you seem to hate people that are different than yourself? I can only hope this sentiment is not shared by anywhere near the majority of the US as it is simply intellectually irresponsible. You had also mentioned that "they" speaking about people in Afghanistan I would assume are all less intelligent than people here. This is laughable at best since time and time again when investigations of suicide attacks are completed the perpetrators are usually college educated and describes as "normal".


Think of our buddies who got blown to hamburger over there by those goatfuckers and our bitch faggot president wants to build a motherfucking muslim church right next to ground fucking zero. I wanna puke. Oh but muslims are so different that al queda! sure, right. Shut the fuck up eat shotgun.


Our president is not planning on building a Mosque right next to or on top of ground zero. He is trying to stop a racist group of people from preventing AMERICANS from establishing a building of worship two blocks away. Muslims are different from Al Queda as much as Christians are different from The Army of God. Why is it if someone doesn't think exactly like you, your response isn't, "What information have you discovered that is so compelling? Please share it with me." It is instead, "I'll kill you with my shotgun!" I would laugh but this is so far past the point of funny it is scary that we can be so close minded sometimes.

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Why do you seem to hate people that are different than yourself? I can only hope this sentiment is not shared by anywhere near the majority of the US as it is simply intellectually irresponsible. You had also mentioned that "they" speaking about people in Afghanistan I would assume are all less intelligent than people here. This is laughable at best since time and time again when investigations of suicide attacks are completed the perpetrators are usually college educated and describes as "normal".

You're fucking retarded. How about before you get embarrassed with your stupid rhetoric, you just decide not to post. People in Afghanistan are absolutely retarded, I live amongst them. Both Brian and I base our opinions upon the many months spent in Iraq. Get blown up a few times by them, we'll see how you feel. Get shot at on a normal basis, lets see if you side with them. Have good friends of yours blown away, and the video posted online weeks later with them praising "allah".





Our president is not planning on building a Mosque right next to or on top of ground zero. He is trying to stop a racist group of people from preventing AMERICANS from establishing a building of worship two blocks away. Muslims are different from Al Queda as much as Christians are different from The Army of God. Why is it if someone doesn't think exactly like you, your response isn't, "What information have you discovered that is so compelling? Please share it with me." It is instead, "I'll kill you with my shotgun!" I would laugh but this is so far past the point of funny it is scary that we can be so close minded sometimes.


No the "president" is standing behind the building of this attrocity. People that are rallying against this are NOT racist. Last I checked, being Muslim is not a race. Religious intimidation, you may have a small case, but not being so close to ground zero. Maybe you forgot that the hijackers were all Muslim. Maybe you forgot that the ones that carried out their attack against the world trade center met inside a Mosque. It's pouring salt into a wound is what the building is. It'll stand as a symbol for the radical muslims everywhere. You obviously didn't think of that in between the bleeding of your vagina. Open your eyes and stop watching MSNBC.

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Think of our buddies who got blown to hamburger over there by those goatfuckers and our bitch faggot president wants to build a motherfucking muslim church right next to ground fucking zero. I wanna puke. Oh but muslims are so different that al queda! sure, right. Shut the fuck up eat shotgun.

Why don't you go blame your buddy Bush for sending your friends over there in the first place?


How is building this 3 blocks away building it next to the towers? Have you ever even been to Manhatten? 3 blocks away, with the amount of tall buildings in the area...you'd be lucky if you will even be able to see this place from the twin towers.

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