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Android pwns Iphone in Q2 also (suck it SpaceGhost)


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Android is by far my favorite OS and the reasons why:

yes, it has been updated a few times this year alone. The updates are free and they add additional functionality to the device. This is not a bad thing. Many different form factors for different people. Extremely customizable. I have used Blackberries, Palm devices, WinMo, and the Ipod Touch. The highest percentage of free apps in app market.

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The way I read that study was :

If you own an iPhone you can get laid pretty much on demand (yeh, there's an app for that)

If you own a BB you are probably boning your secretary

If you own a Droid you couldn't get lucky at a brothel with a fistful of hundred dollar bills.


That's how you read it cause that's what you wanted to hear :) The study was on females only I believe.


The flipside though is there's so many phone platforms and firmware versions out there that owners of all these phones are going to spend time waiting for "their" updates, apps to work with them and bugs to be worked out without Google needing to give a shit as it's not really their issue.


Personally, I spend enough time in forums and message boards trying to make any number of gadgets in my life work, I don't really need the potential to be doing the same with my phone.


From a developers standpoint it's bad too. They not only have to deal with firmware of the phones, but the carriers ROM. So in the end they have to develop apps that work on multiple firmware platforms, multiple ROM's and tons of devices that never seem to stay put for more than a few months.


Some things are better off left simple. I stand behind the belief that just because you can doesn't mean you should....and it doesn't mean it's better.


My 3Gs runs iOS 4 and just plain works and the apps.....all work with it just fine too. From what I've read there have been six major releases of the Android platform in little more than 18 months. Fuck that.


The different versions isnt the problem. The problem is that HTC, Motorola and Samsung all put their own twist on Android (HTC Sense, motoBlur, etc). So when google rolls out a software update, those companies have to then go and update their OS, and that takes time. That's the benefit/problem with open source. Google does want to put a stop to it come 3.0.


But apps are just java programs that run on android, 99% of the time any app will run on any android phone as long as it's v1.5 or later, which I dont think there is an android phone that doesnt have an update for 1.6 or greater.


From a developer's stand point, hardware is the biggest hurdle, more so screen size and resolution, but android has a built in feature that automatically adjusts for screen size and resolution, and you can of course code for it as well and include high, medium and low res images if you want, or just use high and it will scale it down.


are you really comparing an OS that is on like 40 phones to an OS that is on 1 brand of phone???


of course you are gonna win.


get off the internet


Yes, that's the point. You know why it's on 40 phones? Cause it can be, and therefor it will sell more. See how that works?


Your posts are always so informative and a valuable contribution. You don't know shit about phones, so stop posting in phone threads. I don't mind opinions, but you always just come and shit in them with your iphone fanboy crap.

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Guest tbutera2112
are you really comparing an OS that is on like 40 phones to an OS that is on 1 brand of phone???


of course you are gonna win.


get off the internet




one would just take sales away from the other


when droid x came out, less people were buying the incredible, when incredible came out, less people were buying the droid


its still the same amount of customers....if there was more phones with iOS4, then it would be the same thing...there are people who want android phones and people who want apple phones, thats why its compared software vs software, thres just more options for people who dont want the iOS4 or who are on a different network


its not like someone decides they want a droid x so they buy it plus one of every other android phone, theres still the same amount of customers



phone vs phone would be stupid, the people who want iOS4 would only have one option - so every customer would have that phone ...so of course that number would be inflated

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Your posts are always so informative and a valuable contribution. You don't know shit about phones, so stop posting in phone threads. I don't mind opinions, but you always just come and shit in them with your iphone fanboy crap.


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The only Android phone I know of that doesn't have 1.6 is the Motoral Cliq. I know because they just replaced my G1 with it. After 3 G1's with issues they told me I could get the mytouch slide or this. I didn't know it was a step backwards or I would have avoided it.


I am four months from better pricing or I would have gotten the Vibrant.

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The only Android phone I know of that doesn't have 1.6 is the Motoral Cliq. I know because they just replaced my G1 with it. After 3 G1's with issues they told me I could get the mytouch slide or this. I didn't know it was a step backwards or I would have avoided it.


I am four months from better pricing or I would have gotten the Vibrant.


Damn, 3 G1's...


Maybe this will make the Cliq a little better...2.1 for non-rooted phone


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Your posts are always so informative and a valuable contribution. You don't know shit about phones, so stop posting in phone threads. I don't mind opinions, but you always just come and shit in them with your iphone fanboy crap.


I lol'd. I was worried about taking the leap to Android, but I am now sooooooo glad I did. Love this sumbitch

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Guys who are hating...Shut up. This thread was initially about a bet made between Spaceghost and the OP. If it was dumb to compare the sales number of one phone vs. many, than guess what, that makes Spaceghost the dummy, not the OP.


All i know is that Symbian is still beatin dat ass, because Nokia is good shit.

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Hmm, bet? I believe I said let's revisit it in 90 days, little did I know Apple was only going to have 600k available at launch and those sold out in 6 hrs. So the phone sold for 1 day in that quarter and that quarter was done 6 days after launch. I had to wait 2 weeks still for mine in August. Beginning of 3rd Quarter.


In the end you were right I was wrong in my statement. There. I have no issue admitting being wrong.




LOL yeah, Android starts out selling iPhones when a new iPhone is due out in less than 90 days. That's like playing b-ball with a retard and calling him for double dribble. Let's revisit this graph in 90 days. The reason for iPhone sales leveling off every year in the late spring early summer couldn't be that a new model is around the corner EVERY YEAR AT THIS TIME. Congrats, Be proud.


I stayed out of this for a reason. I really don't care anymore. I can't find a bet. I made a statement. completely different animals. I can't find a PM, and I have over 200 in my box going well past this time of this thread. If I make a bet I always pay, but for the life of me I do not see where I "bet" you.



In other news on this topic:



A survey was done and published recently:

51% of verizon customers surveyed say they will buy the iPhone when it comes to Verizon. Also shows a lot of iPhone people saying that they will switch to Verizon when they get the iPhone. Whether they wait for contracts to be up or pay the ETF who knows.






Looks like a CDMA iPhones in the wild being tested. :o


Maybe January? 51% waiting. That is a lot of people since I think Verizon has the largest customer base in the US. Am I wrong there? Not exactly sure and don't really feel like looking it up.


Q2 to Android, Hats off, Chris.

Edited by Benjamin
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We shall see how it all pans out when the iphone goes to verizon.


On a side note, I just tried to load an app we are testing on a Samsung Captivate (at&t galaxy s) and At&t has blocked it from allowing installation of non-market apps. Fucking.Gay....it also has a weird way of connecting to a computer, bunch of extra bullshit steps, quite confusing. I'm quite turned off by it now. You can still ADB it...

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Nicest screen I've seen on a phone. I hear nothing but oooohhhs and aaaawwwwss when people look at it and how great the colors look on it.

The panormama picture setting on it is too cool.



Going today to have a looksee. Wanna check out the Droid 2 as well.

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I'm pretty sure the guys posting in here don't make a living working on these things. I do.


Speaking as a developer thats had to work in both environments, and as a business owner who's company is working in/selling products in/consulting in both environments: Android is a far better development environment than the iPhone/iPad. java>Xcode its not even a contest. Coding, deployment, environment, resource usage and control, flexibility, portability - apple isnt even close.


I can spin out apps in 3/4-1/2 the time it takes my team to do the same on XCode. Less cost, more innovation.


Open Source always beat proprietary. Period. And this is coming from a guy who's other main line of business is MS .NET development. I don't even like java. But the same arguments the xCode guys are spouting today are what the proprietary coders were belching in the 90s when java showed up, and we all see how that turned out. Java has stomped the shit out of every other development enviroment out there by numbers. Thats what open source does. It allows all those millions of poor stinking indians and chinese who dont give a shit about your intellectual property right to come in like raiding norsemen and build a better mousetrap over and over. And Apple's past strategy of protectionism is going to work about as well as trade tariffs did to stop globalization.


Writing's on the wall. Either apple opens it up, or falls back to its former status as a niche/boutique player. Darling of the arts set.

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I'm pretty sure the guys posting in here don't make a living working on these things. I do.


Speaking as a developer thats had to work in both environments, and as a business owner who's company is working in/selling products in/consulting in both environments: Android is a far better development environment than the iPhone/iPad. java>Xcode its not even a contest. Coding, deployment, environment, resource usage and control, flexibility, portability - apple isnt even close.


I can spin out apps in 3/4-1/2 the time it takes my team to do the same on XCode. Less cost, more innovation.


Open Source always beat proprietary. Period. And this is coming from a guy who's other main line of business is MS .NET development. I don't even like java. But the same arguments the xCode guys are spouting today are what the proprietary coders were belching in the 90s when java showed up, and we all see how that turned out. Java has stomped the shit out of every other development enviroment out there by numbers. Thats what open source does. It allows all those millions of poor stinking indians and chinese who dont give a shit about your intellectual property right to come in like raiding norsemen and build a better mousetrap over and over. And Apple's past strategy of protectionism is going to work about as well as trade tariffs did to stop globalization.


Writing's on the wall. Either apple opens it up, or falls back to its former status as a niche/boutique player. Darling of the arts set.



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Look at how long android has been out compared to other phone OS and you will see how fast it is TAKING OVER. I am cool with this because I like google's business model. "If you want it, we'll find a way to make it free for you" There isn't really a whole lot of difference in the droid2 over the droid 1 though. Iphone on Verizon in January as well as android 3.0 tablet. I will never purchase an apple product as I do not fall for their marketing schemes.
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