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I have a weird question

John Bruh

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As far as the purpose of it being a bomb shelter, you're going to have to go 50FT+ down. Lot of the newer munitions used by the US (They'll be copied) tend to penetrate into the ground before detonation. I can't remember the exact specs on the daisy cutter, but it's been a damn good bunker buster.


If you're worried about Uncle Sugar seeing you, hell a simple FLIR set up might give you off. The only real Infared set up I'd worry about is an LRAS3, which isn't something you'd find on a crown vic. It will pick up on a 1 degree difference in temperature, so basically it would depend upon the ground and how insulated your shelter is.

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Shit, whats the point anyway? Odds are that anything bad enough to require the use of a bomb shelter is going to kill you before you A: know about it (assuming a direct hit from a nuke right down the block), B: can get proper medical treatment (assuming a nuke 2-10 miles off), or C: get to your bomb shelter (at home) from work through 25 miles of stopped traffic and panicked mob (assuming a nuke pretty much anywhere in the country).


The only way a bomb shelter is going to be effective is if you NEVER LEAVE IT, ever ever ever...and why exactly would you bother clinging to life then?

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