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NYC mosque COUNTER-proposal...


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I just don't understand how some of you guys make it to work and back without your helmets. First off it the legal right of a person to purchase property and do with it what they want (within reason of course) I think we are all finally on board this. Now for anyone saying that they are offended by this building being built or that they are being "insensitive" you are retarded and I hope you don't ever have to make important decisions in your life. This is a very simple concept but please try to follow along.... Muslim does not equal Terrorist. 911 hijackers happen to be Muslim in the same way they happened to wear shoes, or pants, or have beards or wear a watch. It could be said that the Quran or the Hadiths encouraged or motivated them so Islam is partially responsible. I can understand why you think this but if that is your logic than you should be against ALL of Christianity, Judaism, and all of their various subsidiaries as well since there are various biblical verses that encourage violence, murder, genocide, rape, etc.


lastly it is not even a mosque as everyone is welcome, not just Muslims. It will have basketball courts just like the Christian based YMCA. What is everyone's problem with this? Should people go picket YMCA because Christians were "insensitive" of native American's land and way of life? Come on people.....

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I just don't understand how some of you guys make it to work and back without your helmets. First off it the legal right of a person to purchase property and do with it what they want (within reason of course) I think we are all finally on board this. Now for anyone saying that they are offended by this building being built or that they are being "insensitive" you are retarded and I hope you don't ever have to make important decisions in your life. This is a very simple concept but please try to follow along.... Muslim does not equal Terrorist. 911 hijackers happen to be Muslim in the same way they happened to wear shoes, or pants, or have beards or wear a watch. It could be said that the Quran or the Hadiths encouraged or motivated them so Islam is partially responsible. I can understand why you think this but if that is your logic than you should be against ALL of Christianity, Judaism, and all of their various subsidiaries as well since there are various biblical verses that encourage violence, murder, genocide, rape, etc.


I just dont understand how you make it to work and back without your helmet. First off it the legal right of a person to dislike the purchase of this property. Now for anyone saying they are offended by this building being built you are a normal person. This is a very simple concept but please try to follow along..... Muslims can be Terrorists. 911 hijackers happen to be Muslim.


/beat dead horse.


No one cares what you think anymore. Just figured I would let you know.

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Muslim does not equal Terrorist. 911 hijackers happen to be Muslim in the same way they happened to wear shoes, or pants, or have beards or wear a watch.


Their Koran commands that Jews, Christians and others be murdered, in large numbers if possible, by beheading or through the use of other means. I think we've seen them do this quite enough to form a decent opinion. "Strike off their heads till ye have made a great slaughter among them." - Koran: Sura 47:4


I don't give a shit if ALL Muslims believe this or not. It's in poor taste and stupidity if they don't understand why the masses feel this way. Not all Muslims are terrorists, but IIRC, the terrorists all called themselves Muslims. Makes me wonder what kind of attention a so called self proclaimed Christian would sport the look of a skin-head with some Nazi Tats and a confederate flag hanging in the window of his cultural center would do if located in the middle of a black neighborhood.


I can understand why you think this but if that is your logic than you should be against ALL of Christianity, Judaism, and all of their various subsidiaries as well since there are various biblical verses that encourage violence, murder, genocide, rape, etc.


Right now I'm just concerned with the group that is associated with the events of 9/11. I'm much less concerned with Christians or Jews and their biblical verses. I'll change my mind should a group of Terrorist Christians or Jews perform similar attacks to 9/11 against the US and it's people.

Edited by TTQ B4U
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I saw this picture in another thread and this puts my words out there better than I can really. This is already a beat drumb, I have put my points out on the table in a past thread on this topic and I really dont care to re write all of them. But to put it blunt this really shouldnt be this big of deal. How about we focus on our ever failing economy, or the fact that everyday the US is becoming weaker and falling away from being the worlds superpower. These are things that are more important because it shows us being vunerable and weak as a country thus leading to someone wanting to attack us again. A stupid mosque/ YMCA is far from a rally point for these people and nothing more than a grain of salt compared to the other things we should be worring about as a country right now.

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I just dont understand how you make it to work and back without your helmet. First off it the legal right of a person to dislike the purchase of this property. Now for anyone saying they are offended by this building being built you are a normal person. This is a very simple concept but please try to follow along..... Muslims can be Terrorists. 911 hijackers happen to be Muslim.


/beat dead horse.


No one cares what you think anymore. Just figured I would let you know.


Wow, thanks for proving my point. lets work through your statement here. I am not saying it is not your right to be ignorant. You obviously have that right :rolleyes: A "normal" person knows the difference between someone who blows up buildings and someone who wants to build a community center. Christians can be terrorists just like atheists, zulus and ANYONE else. Commuting acts of terrorism is what makes one a terrorist. People who have a brain care and you obviously care enough to post about it.......



The Bible isn't all hugs and kisses either......

Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys

-1 Samuel 15



As you approach a town to attack it, first offer its people terms for peace. If they accept your terms and open the gates to you, then all the people inside will serve you in forced labor. But if they refuse to make peace and prepare to fight, you must attack the town. When the LORD your God hands it over to you, kill every man in the town. But you may keep for yourselves all the women, children, livestock, and other plunder. You may enjoy the spoils of your enemies that the LORD your God has given you.

-Deuteronomy 20:10-14



Makes me wonder what kind of attention a so called self proclaimed Christian would sport the look of a skin-head with some Nazi Tats and a confederate flag hanging in the window of his cultural center would do if located in the middle of a black neighborhood.


Probably the same if not better treatment than a Muslim that wants to open up a center that welcomes everyone and provides activities to inner city kids. We again, are circling back to irrational fears of Muslims. Do we understand that the guy that is opening this thing has NOTHING to do with the 911 terrorists other than being Muslim? But you know, now that I think about it, he does wear pants......The 911 terrorists wore pants! This can't be a coincidence.........


The picture above says it all. IF this was a shrine to terrorism or if terrorist were encouraged to meet here, than we SHOULD do something about it......This is not the case so it will just be another community center in NY. Get over it people.

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I don't think your logical compass is working quite right. Maybe you should read a little more about Al-Qaeda and UBL (or Osama Bin Laden). Think that may paint a little better picture than "they happened to be Muslim" bit. The basis for groups like Al-Qaeda or Abu Sayyaf is religiously motivated and rooted in radical Islam.
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People who have a brain care and you obviously care enough to post about it.......



Get over yourself Slow.


You have not been on this forum long enough to realize that everyone in here arguing with you is only doing it for there own entertainment. You can not win. I only commented for the entire reason of making you waste your own time replying to me. Which I will guarantee was much more time then I wasted copy and pasting your text and editing it.


Soon enough someone will come in here and post a picture of a horse or boobies to save the thread and it will be locked. You will have accomplished nothing.

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I understand what you are saying Scott. I am not a fan of Islam or any organized religion for that matter. The Islamic holy books just like the Bible can be used for good or evil (defining these if possible is for another discussion). What it comes down to is evil people will do evil things and will use whatever they can to justify the acts. We see this all over and with just about anything. It takes religion to make good people do evil things. Muslim people are not inherently evil or terrorists just like Christians do not all bomb abortion clinics and enterpret the Bible litterally. If everyone just used reason and had humanistic values, we could all get along much better.
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You have not been on this forum long enough to realize that everyone in here arguing with you is only doing it for there own entertainment. You can not win. I only commented for the entire reason of making you waste your own time replying to me. Which I will guarantee was much more time then I wasted copy and pasting your text and editing it.


Soon enough someone will come in here and post a picture of a horse or boobies to save the thread and it will be locked. You will have accomplished nothing.



I will agree that I cannot instill intelligence into you but I hardly waste my time, haha. You seem to think that arguing is some kind of chore for me and it is more of a hobby really. I. Am at work and getting paid to reply, so no problem for me!

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I will agree that I cannot instill intelligence into you but I hardly waste my time, haha. You seem to think that arguing is some kind of chore for me and it is more of a hobby really. I. Am at work and getting paid to reply, so no problem for me!


You dont need to instill intelligence into anyone. Just like any radical religious group you can not force your beliefs on anyone. You are neither intelligent enough or persuasive enough.


Oh I am also getting paid to do this.

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You dont need to instill intelligence into anyone. Just like any radical religious group you can not force your beliefs on anyone. You are neither intelligent enough or persuasive enough.


Oh I am also getting paid to do this.


I hardly force my beliefs onto people. I debate people. You say what you believe and why. Then I say what I believe and why and then we discuss. You have the option of being ignorant if you want , that's your perogative. If you disagree with what I say, please state why and then I can explain to you why you are wrong ;)

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Thought I'd add a little fuel to the fire and a little more info to debate. We can all agree people have a right to build, etc, etc and that maybe, however, it's not in the best taste (which, is really irrelevant as far as rights go.) But I believe some of you may find this interesting. Here it goes:


I mentioned before that this was being used to perpetuate hate and to mislead people away from real issues. This made me curious about who was funding it. Look what's turned up.


"Terror mosque" funding is coming from partial Fox News owner. Now, we know hes bad cuz they said it on...ready, Fox. So, if you wanna cut off the money to the terror mosque, then you need to stop watching Fox. It's the only way to cutoff the revenue stream.


Al-Waleed bin Talal of the Kingdom Foundation is funding the mosque (Not the first one he's funded and he's had ties to funding more "zealous" Muslims, as well), that Feisal Abdul Rauf is building (who's currently Imam of Masjid al-Farah, a mosque in New York City.) Funny, how Fox has demonized the leader of the Kingdom Foundation without ever mentioning his name or the fact that he owns Fox. So, what is it? Are they so fucking ignorant that they don't know who owns the 2nd largest majority in Fox (and just so happen to have never mentioned the name) or are they not mentioning his name because it doesn't fit in with their 'terror' campaign?

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I hardly force my beliefs onto people. I debate people. You say what you believe and why. Then I say what I believe and why and then we discuss. You have the option of being ignorant if you want , that's your perogative. If you disagree with what I say, please state why and then I can explain to you why you are wrong ;)


Nothing you have said is 100% accurate. Unless you interpreted the Quran yourself you do not know the true interpretation of what the Quran says. You have information that was given to you from another source that may be wrong. I may have wrong information.


I believe you have an opinion. I believe it is wrong. I have a opinion that you believe is wrong.


Neither of us are going to change the other persons view.

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this is bau for fox. They know what they are doing and they cater to the majority of americans. The problem is that a lot of people do not fact check and believe what they are told. There are some really good interviews on youtube by one of those "liberals" at some tea partty conventions. Guess where everyone gets their misleading "news" from? You guessed it, fox news.
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Nothing you have said is 100% accurate. Unless you interpreted the Quran yourself you do not know the true interpretation of what the Quran says. You have information that was given to you from another source that may be wrong. I may have wrong information.


I believe you have an opinion. I believe it is wrong. I have a opinion that you believe is wrong.


Neither of us are going to change the other persons view.


I think we have a philosopher here :) you haven't stated what I have said that is incorrect. The interpretation of the Quaran will change based upon who reads it. Now from what I understand about the book, if 2 interpretations conflict, it is the most recent passage that takes presedence. This is of little concern to me as there will always be crazy people doing crazy things and justifying them as they will. My point is not what the quaran says but what people do. I know muslims that are hard working honest people, I know people of many faiths that are not. Yes, islam played a part in 911 but to the same extent that kooky christians blow up clinics. Its not the fact that they are muslim, its that they take it to far, just like anyone else that acts like this.

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I understand what you are saying Scott. I am not a fan of Islam or any organized religion for that matter. The Islamic holy books just like the Bible can be used for good or evil (defining these if possible is for another discussion). What it comes down to is evil people will do evil things and will use whatever they can to justify the acts. We see this all over and with just about anything. It takes religion to make good people do evil things. Muslim people are not inherently evil or terrorists just like Christians do not all bomb abortion clinics and enterpret the Bible litterally. If everyone just used reason and had humanistic values, we could all get along much better.


Do people really cry when an Abortion doctor is blown up? Lettuce get real here. Innocent men, women and children VS. someone who kills fetuses? Like I've said before you won't see a bunch of Catholics protesting in the street, I don't see militant Christians taking over countries, nor have I seen any wrong done by Israel. I will agree with you that organized religion can effect people on many different levels. I maybe Catholic myself, granted not exactly practicing, but still have a firm belief.


A small point I will bring to light is radical Islam is very much on the rise. The significant activity/actions carried out in the world today, aren't some lone gunmen. Take a good look in who usually claims responsibility.

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What you meant to say was. "In your opinion" instead of "from what I understand."


No, I said what I meant to say but I am still waiting for what is incorrect.


As for the abortion debate, I have my opinions about that but it is probably for another thread. It is not illegal to perform an abortion but it is illegal to kill someone. I am by no meanssaying that morals should be based on laws but to say that a doctor that does his job as requested by his patients deserves to be murdered is beyond my understanding.


I don't mind that Islam is on the rise so long as individuals are held responsible for their actions. Any group that condones and expects violence towards innocent people should be held responsible regardless of what book they read.

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I like Fox News because of that filthy cunt on MSNBC and that sniveling faggot too. (I'm talking about Keith Olbermann and Rachael Maddow)

Because I love America:



Girls and guns = Better than apple pie

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I love my country as well but my idea of loving it isn't that the decisions we make as a whole are right because that's the choice we made. I want the best for this country and our people. We are a relatively young country and bound to make mistakes. Its what we learn that matters. I watch fox news everyday because I find it more entertaining than other options but not more informative.
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