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Noob from Athens


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Hi my names Bob from Athens,(OU) Thought I would Join the Forum. I Just had my 91 MR2 recently restored. Thx to Paul Armstrong and the Slowmo guys BTW!! and just getting it on the road its still a Project.I dont do much racing...Yet! I would like to try to do some AutoX. I have a few Ideas for mods for the car when the time is ready. well hope to talk to U guys sometime. ttyl





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I love MR2's. Not keen on the sleepy eye mod or CF hoods, but it's sharp. Restored? Wouldn't mind seeing some more pics.




Thx and Sure on some more pics..Ive owned the car for 10yrs and its had some bad luck. and My Ex wouldnt let me put ne cash into her! Thats why shes the ex NOW:P

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Thx!! Still waitin on some missin trim as U can see but It will get done! and for tint:) already done looks alot darker in the pic then it is!http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs301.snc4/40377_431545447205_508362205_4779675_2257204_n.jpghttp://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs182.ash2/44536_431545597205_508362205_4779677_5755114_n.jpg
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