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Catholics are going to hell and the Pope is taking them


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Sorry, Norm (Littleguy). ;)


Pope Stamps Approval on U.S. "Miracle"


A man is suffering severe back pain due to his lower vertebra squeezing his spinal cord. He has surgery to repair it. 5 days after the surgery and still in pain he prays not to God but to a 19th century Cardinal. Now the pope is claiming that is wasn't the surgery that helped, but that it was the centuries old cardinal.


Now, it's been awhile since I've had my head in a bible, but I'm fairly certain I remember Moses catching some serious slack for not giving God credit for some shit. To me, this almost borderlines blasphemy, however, it's Catholicism, and like many religions... who the hell knows. They'll make it up as they go along, I guess.






Disclaimer: As usual, this it not meant to incite. It's a discussion. This is the opinion of the OP and not neccesarily those of ColumbusRacing.com. :D

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You're right. Worshiping anyone but God will get you killed/sent to hell according to the Bible, but see the Catholics are different, they get to worship whoever they want to as long as they made them a saint first. This is why I no longer believe in anything, because it's all made up bullshit.
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Worshiping anyone but God will get you killed/sent to hell according to the Bible...


Not necessarily true but I respect your opinions/beliefs. :)


I will graciously bow out of this convo before it turns into the debacle...I mean debate that the OP was trying to avoid with his disclaimer. :)

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Not necessarily true but I respect your opinions/beliefs. :)


I will graciously bow out of this convo before it turns into the debacle...I mean debate that the OP was trying to avoid with his disclaimer. :)


That's just what I've always been taught, as a non-catholic. No saints, just God and Jesus...and the holy spirit I guess, but it's different.



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That's just what I've always been taught, as a non-catholic. No saints, just God and Jesus...and the holy spirit I guess, but it's different.


I meant the "get killed" part. It's not as if Jesus, whether it's Raptor Jesus, Buddy Jesus, or any version anyone wishes to use, is going to toss a lightning bolt down. :)

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I meant the "get killed" part. It's not as if Jesus, whether it's Raptor Jesus, Buddy Jesus, or any version anyone wishes to use, is going to toss a lightning bolt down. :)


I was exaggerating a bit, but let's take the story of the golden calf. God's original plan was to kill those who worshiped it, but Moses convinced him not to.


At first he was like:


but then he:


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There's a difference between saying a prayer to and worshipping.


Also, you dont pray to nor worship priests. They are more like assists in getting your message to god. Sort of like doing down court alone or with another teammate in the break. Its more helpful to have that assist, someone to pass the ball back and forth to as you go for the hoop. But you don't need him there.


Also, as for confession, you're confessing to god, but the priest is there to help you interpret your issues and help with figuring out an atonement that makes sense. In that sense they are councilers along the lines of Rabbis.


and so on...


But as with anything regarding catholicism, outside commentators (and quite a few practitioners) get it all fucked up.




I now return you to your regularly scheduled religion bashing, as the OT *intended.*

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The only way to communicate to God is through the holy spirit. That is what I got out of church when I used to go. Using a priest to help doesn't seem right. They should be there to console and teach you, not to be a middle man of communication to God. That is just my opinion.
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This is a common misconception of the Catholic church. I am a practicing Catholic, and here is what is the view of the Catholic church.


When you have a problem, illness, etc... and you pray to the virgin mary, a saint, etc...you are not praying to that saint or person to solve your problem for you or to worship that person. What you are doing is asking that saint, virgin mary, etc... to pray for you to God. An example I can give is the confession prayer:


I confess to you almighty God,

and to you,

my brothers and sisters,

that I have sinned through my own fault,

in my thoughts and in my words,

in what I have done and what I have failed to do,

and I ask the blessed Mary,

ever virgin,

all the angels and saints,

and you,

my brothers and sisters,

to pray for me to the lord our God.


This is not meant to circumvent your prayers to God, just to ask others to pray for you. Obviously I'm not here to debate the right or wrong of religion/Catholicism, I just wanted to make sure to bring some clarity as to the actual views of the church.

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That is cool littleguy, just never made sense to me to pray to a dead person. :)




"Nobody goes to the Father except through me."


I believe that Christs meets us on a personal level and therefore do not feel the need to ask for a Saints help.


I fully respect Catholocism though, I just do not agree with it.

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That is cool littleguy, just never made sense to me to pray to a dead person. :)




"Nobody goes to the Father except through me."


I believe that Christs meets us on a personal level and therefore do not feel the need to ask for a Saints help.


I fully respect Catholocism though, I just do not agree with it.


Everybody should find their own truth when it comes to religion and their personal relationship with God, as well as a church that works for them. I can definitely respect that people have other beliefs, after all, if you guys agreed with the Catholic church, you would be Catholic, lol.

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Everybody should find their own truth when it comes to religion and their personal relationship with God, as well as a church that works for them. I can definitely respect that people have other beliefs, after all, if you guys agreed with the Catholic church, you would be Catholic, lol.


Good job, buddy. I knew there was a reason I told you to pop in here other than to yank your chain. And this is one of the reasons you and I bestest buddies! lol For so serious a subject as most people make religion, you and I have never had a 'religion problem' though are views and beliefs are quite different. :D It's simply a matter of respect and understanding, not necessarily agreement.

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I just don't understand why anyone who claims to be a christian would pray to anyone other than Jesus. Who died on the cross for your sins? Not a pope...not a cardinal...the the virgin mary...but JESUS.


"10Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole.


11This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner.


12Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved."


So who saves you? Ohh that's right...Jesus does.


Was Mary blessed among women, yes. But tell me where in the scripture Jesus or any other apostle instructed people to pray to her or anyone else other than Jesus.


As for priests being there to help relay a message to God? Is that implying God can't can't hear or understand your prayers? As if God would need "help." He Wouldn't be God then would he?

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I just don't understand why anyone who claims to be a christian would pray to anyone other than Jesus. Who died on the cross for your sins? Not a pope...not a cardinal...the the virgin mary...but JESUS.


"10Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole.


11This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner.


12Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved."


So who saves you? Ohh that's right...Jesus does.


Was Mary blessed among women, yes. But tell me where in the scripture Jesus or any other apostle instructed people to pray to her or anyone else other than Jesus.


As for priests being there to help relay a message to God? Is that implying God can't can't hear or understand your prayers? As if God would need "help." He Wouldn't be God then would he?


And this is the problem with religion. You guys can't agree on shit. lol And you never will. Too much left to interpretation, too much that's been warped by time and man, too blind to see you all have the same ultimate goal/belief. What a waste. :( I find it hard to believe there's a god up there watching all these different religions kill and condemn each other and fighting for 'who's right'.


Eh, I'll stop there before I offend someone. It's not my intent.

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And this is the problem with religion. You guys can't agree on shit. lol And you never will. Too much left to interpretation, too much that's been warped by time and man, too blind to see you all have the same ultimate goal/belief. What a waste. :( I find it hard to believe there's a god up there watching all these different religions kill and condemn each other and fighting for 'who's right'.


Eh, I'll stop there before I offend someone. It's not my intent.


Not at all. I don't get offended.


Also, I agree. As a Christian I hate religion. It eff's everything up. I am not Catholic nor do I believe in catholocism but I have many friends that do. That's awesome. If that's how they connect to God then so be it. Who am I to determine how Christ reaches people?


I think I really messed with some random SacroSatanist kid's vision of Christians when I didn't argue in a post of his like some of is other friends were. I told him I agreed that Christians can be tools and have no idea what Christ is all about. That's why I avoid being "religious" or a "Christian" and strive to be a Christ follower. Sure I go to a church and it belongs in a denomination, but that doesn't mean that my church, my denom, and my personal beliefs are the ONLY way. Christ is the only way. Get at him however it works for YOU. Not me.

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I just don't understand why anyone who claims to be a christian would pray to anyone other than Jesus. Who died on the cross for your sins? Not a pope...not a cardinal...the the virgin mary...but JESUS.


"10Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole.


11This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner.


12Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved."


So who saves you? Ohh that's right...Jesus does.


Was Mary blessed among women, yes. But tell me where in the scripture Jesus or any other apostle instructed people to pray to her or anyone else other than Jesus.


As for priests being there to help relay a message to God? Is that implying God can't can't hear or understand your prayers? As if God would need "help." He Wouldn't be God then would he?


Of course you don't agree with it. Every religion is going to disagree, it is natural.


As for the last part, a priest isn't like a middle man between you and God. God can hear and understand our prayers, but a priest can help us to understand them better, and give us new insight on the word of God and how it can pertain to us. Protestant preachers give advice on how to pray just like catholic priests.

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