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I dont play Gran Turismo, too boring like Forza. However MAG was a terrible game and the ONLY good game for PS3 was Metal Gear Solid4.


The PS3 does the media center well but thats about it, gaming on that console makes me feel like I have some cheap thing in my hand I bought from the dollar store.



And billions care about Halo since it has spawned millions of other peices of media from books to movies and apparel


Playstation has had a bunch of PS exclusives that were good like Resistance, Infamous, Uncharted, SOCOM, God of War, Killzone, Little Big Planet. Like it or not, Gran Turismo is a sweet game. But the 2 consoles share most games that are worth getting.


Just because something becomes popular doesnt mean it's any good. IE Halo, Xbox, Toyota Prius...Playing Halo is really no different than playing the original Doom, except slightly better graphics and more 12 year old kids yelling at their mom's to let them play for 5 more minutes :lol:

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Halo is a great game, and how do you like Gran Turismo 4.... on ps2... How is Forza on PS3?


Nope, it sucks. And GT4 plays on my PS3 just fine. But GT5, which I'm picking up Nov 2, will be sweet in 1080p 3D though. Forza has AWD cars that do RWD burnouts... :rolleyes:

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How's Halo look on the ps3? oh wait..


Who the hell even cares about Halo? That game I don't think i've played more than 5 minutes of ever, out of the entire series because taking half an hour to die or kill someone else who's good just isn't my idea of a good time. Not to mention halo's pace is just dog slow in comparison to the COD franchise.

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They polished a turd on Myth Busters.


Best post in a PS3 VS Xbox thread EVER!


XBOX: Good online play, worry it might fail everytime I turn it on


PS3: Great media center but every xbox person looks at you like a leper for owning one


Own both and be a man among boys :)

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Playstation has had a bunch of PS exclusives that were good like Resistance, Infamous, Uncharted, SOCOM, God of War, Killzone, Little Big Planet. Like it or not, Gran Turismo is a sweet game. But the 2 consoles share most games that are worth getting.


Just because something becomes popular doesnt mean it's any good. IE Halo, Xbox, Toyota Prius...Playing Halo is really no different than playing the original Doom, except slightly better graphics and more 12 year old kids yelling at their mom's to let them play for 5 more minutes :lol:


I loved the first Killzone, Killzone2 however was a steaming pile along with Resistance one and two.

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Resistance 1 was good, 2 was ok. But ever since COD4 came out, they suck in comparison, but they are old games, halo on the other hand came out after MW2 and its the exact same thing as any of the other Halo's, except you now have a jetpack.
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Resistance 1 was good, 2 was ok. But ever since COD4 came out, they suck in comparison, but they are old games, halo on the other hand came out after MW2 and its the exact same thing as any of the other Halo's, except you now have a jetpack.


gameplay is for sure different not including the jetpack

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Resistance 1 was good, 2 was ok. But ever since COD4 came out, they suck in comparison, but they are old games, halo on the other hand came out after MW2 and its the exact same thing as any of the other Halo's, except you now have a jetpack.




Yeah, it’s the exact same thing except the jetpack.. oh and night vision. Oh and new weapons, assassinations, a pile of new online game modes, ability to upgrade your character with purchased items, all new maps, reticle spread, twice as many polygons used, and an awesome completion to the storyline.

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Yeah, it’s the exact same thing except the jetpack.. oh and night vision. Oh and new weapons, assassinations, a pile of new online game modes, ability to upgrade your character with purchased items, all new maps, reticle spread, twice as many polygons used, and an awesome completion to the storyline.


I've played it, not going to fool me into thinking its its any good. It's behind the curve as far as first person shooters. COD yO!

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I've played it, not going to fool me into thinking its its any good. It's behind the curve as far as first person shooters. COD yO!



From a purely subjective point of view that's a fair enough assessment. However though they may share genre space(FPS), they begin to diverge in regards to the specific type of gameplay each employs.


Specifically the two very different damage profiles, and thus play styles weigh heavily into what type of strategies a player employs, especially in regards to competitive multiplayer, and even while they both may be FPSs, they are actually quite difficult to compare each other to.


Aside from that if I'm going be a little subjective, from my own experience in both game series, the Halo Series in team-oriented gametypes, lends itself better to actual team-tactics, and the playstyle also encourages more cooperative thinking in regards to goals.

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Oh god not this again...

PS3 is better, and has always been better than the xbox. 3D is just a nice bonus. Only thing that xbox has on ps3 is that you can probably find some HD DVD movies in a trash can for free somewhere.


I feel this guy likes everything thats not as popular just like brian from family guy


Kickss give the man a huge finger for me bro

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