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Verizon to get iPhone4 confirmed! Early 2011.


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When I owned an iphone i had no carrier issues what so ever. Now I have switched over to an android phone and have realized what a better OS it is and how open ended it is. I'll probably never go back to the iphone unless it is an open OS like android.
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Un-true, I use the web while talking on the phone all the time, it would be really annoying not being able to do so.


I do this all the time too. I love it. At times I find myself searching the internet, listening to music, and talking on the phone at the time. Some convo's can be a little dry at times especially with my little sister, lol.

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I'm really curious what happens in June/July, will AT&T see an iPhone 5 and will Verizon too? As a customer of Apple right now, no way I would buy in February to see it outdated in 5 months. Maybe Verizon will see a refresh every year with Verizon in January, 6 months behind AT&T every year.
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I'm really curious what happens in June/July, will AT&T see an iPhone 5 and will Verizon too? As a customer of Apple right now, no way I would buy in February to see it outdated in 5 months.


Q: Will it be on a one year refresh cycle?

Tim: We don't comment on that.



They don't want to comment for a reason.

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I wonder what it is about the iPhone that everyone wants it even after it's been 1-upped?


Because most think it hasn't been 1 upped. I personally like it because all my content works on it and would not on android. More people own iTunes music and content than you think.

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Because most think it hasn't been 1 upped. I personally like it because all my content works on it and would not on android. More people own iTunes music and content than you think.


It hasnt been 1 upped.. at least not yet. Its perfect for iTunes users, and avid apple customers like Ben who actually know the product. What I hate are the brain dead zombie wanna be trendy people that are doing it just because everyone else is doing it.


What really concerns me is that its a 3g phone, being made knowing a 5 is in production, on a company that has 4g phones coming out in a few months. Thats like beating off to the ugly girl in the movie knowing the hot girl will be on in 15 minutes. If Verizon gets the new one around the same time as AT&T you will see a lot of pissed off people paying full retail. If not that you will see people on their 4g android phones while the verizon apple people are stuck on 3g... and go right back to AT&T to keep up with the Joneses.

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I'm seeing potential unhappy customers who are going to switch from AT&T to Verizon for 2 reasons.


1) No voice + data (not a big deal to most people)

2) Do a speedtest on an AT&T iphone and you will be pulling down 3-4mb/s. Do a speedtest and a verizon phone and you'll be getting 2-300kb/s :( (both on 3G)

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