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The picture for this article has epic internetz potential.


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I have a rule...absolutely no dicks in my creations.


Speaking of dicks, I saw your car parked at the Hampton in Hilliard I work at a couple months back. Either you were in the dog house the night before or you were just using our lot and next time, "YOU'RE FUCKIN OUT!" - Mr. Powers


Do the dick 'shop.

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lol Have a lot of stock photos of dicks on your computer? ;)


no :) you know how long it took me to find a picture of a dick in the correct position/angle....


i don't have microsoft word so i couldn't rotate any image i found...so it had to find it...then played around in ms paint...i'm really good using word and paint to get things made...but my word expired, leaving me with only paint


we have photoshop on my fiance's computer, but i have no idea how to use it

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