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Ghost Adventures +Ghost Hunters real or fake ?


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If it is not fake, they have "found" some pretty cool things.


Although, do you recall the "Live" version several years ago where they were "alone" in a room doing what they do, and a black guy w/ dreads walked in on them? They were like "wtf, get out"...


I will look for the clip...



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Ghost adventrures is pretty entertaining, I think its funny seeing that one big tough guy walking around getting freaked out by ghosts.


I dont know if its real or not, but theres some pretty freaky shit they catch on video sometimes. Also that one place in kentucky, its like a country bar or something, they've been there twice, both times have gotten some scary ass footage.

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It's not real. It's not "freaky", or paranormal. It's absolutely, without any doubt whatsoever, staged for television. If anybody reading this actually believes for half a second that these "ghost hunter" folks are anything other than actors that weren't good enough for film, I may have some snake oil laying around somewhere that cures cancer, makes your dick bigger, and can tell you your fucking future. First $1000.00 takes the whole future-tellin, dick-growin bottle.


Here's some hilarious articles to read.








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does anyone notice how ghost stories have changed dramatically since the invention of cameras and high def photography? it seems like back in the day every tom dick and harry had a story of an hourlong chat with a specter from beyond the grave that was vivid as daylight.


now, ghost stories usually revolve around "well if you sit in this corner of the room during waxing moon at low tide in september, and place a fork facing magnetic north in the exact center of the hypotenuse of this table, the window will close itself around 12pm."


I lived in a supposedly haunted room at Boston U (Eugene O'Neill died at the Sheraton Hotel on Bay State Road, its now known as Shelton Hall and is a dorm), and a whole metric fuckton of nothing suspicious ever happened there.


ghost stories are as retarded as the people who believe them.

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does anyone notice how ghost stories have changed dramatically since the invention of cameras and high def photography? it seems like back in the day every tom dick and harry had a story of an hourlong chat with a specter from beyond the grave that was vivid as daylight.


Good point, I'll also note that now that we have really good crime investigation systems there don't seem to be people disappearing at "haunted houses." Now with the news media we get the misfortune of hearing about every disappearing person, death, and injury that occurs all around us. We put out hundreds if not thousands of people to find a missing camper/hiker.


So I have a feeling if a group of kids were to go into a haunted place and one gets lost we'd have crews tearing the place down board by board and checking every inch for any hair/skin cells to find out what happened.

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I can say from the things I have experienced in the past, I do believe in ghosts. That is part of the reason my wife and I started ghost hunting about 8 years ago. I will admit, you get a hell of a lot more nothing then getting something to happen. 99% of locations I investigated were not "haunted." Most of the paranormal events they experienced could be rationally explained and completely normal events.


As for Ghost Hunters and Ghost Adventures TV shows, I have met both groups of shows during my years of volunteering at the Mansfield Reformatory. I have talked to a lot of them about the show and what of it is faked. First off, most of the time they show up at a location, they do investigate them for a couple days if not longer. But the show is only filmed on one of the nights they are there. When the show isn't filming, they use their own equipment. The production companies won't let them air anything they capture on their own equipment. If nothing happens the nights they are in production, they will "recreate" the events they captured on their own. Personally, I think this is deception, and the main reason I don't watch the shows. They should at least explain that it is a recreation. Not all of the evidence they capture is not recreated. They have captured quite a lot on the production equipment. But there is a whole lot of editing and none of it is done by anyone in the paranormal field. And lastly, it is a TV show for entertainment. Ratings and money.


If you don't believe, that is fine with me. I was not a believe until I experienced some pretty crazy things years ago. I also don't believe any "evidence" that other people collect. I only believe evidence or experiences that I actually witnessed or captured.

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Like what?


Do I have to answer this every f'n Halloween? Seems like every October I have to tell parts of this story.


Basically, while I was in college, some friends and I ran into an old family farmstead in Licking County. No one had lived on the property since the 70's. There was an old farm house, couple old buildings and the family cemetery. Long story short, there is something very evil and violent there. We were physically attacked many times out there, a friend of mine was possessed, shit like that. From the experiences there, is what started me looking into doing paranormal investigations.

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Do I have to answer this every f'n Halloween? Seems like every October I have to tell parts of this story.


Basically, while I was in college, some friends and I ran into an old family farmstead in Licking County. No one had lived on the property since the 70's. There was an old farm house, couple old buildings and the family cemetery. Long story short, there is something very evil and violent there. We were physically attacked many times out there, a friend of mine was possessed, shit like that. From the experiences there, is what started me looking into doing paranormal investigations.




Please tell more, I love this kind of stuff. Although I have never had any experience with something paranormal, I do believe that there is/are stuff that happens that cant be explained. Whether or not its ghost or not, I dunno but it is very interesting to say the least.

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Do I have to answer this every f'n Halloween? Seems like every October I have to tell parts of this story.


Basically, while I was in college, some friends and I ran into an old family farmstead in Licking County. No one had lived on the property since the 70's. There was an old farm house, couple old buildings and the family cemetery. Long story short, there is something very evil and violent there. We were physically attacked many times out there, a friend of mine was possessed, shit like that. From the experiences there, is what started me looking into doing paranormal investigations.


Where at in Licking County? I have been to just about every known "haunted" area around the county and have yet to have anything like that happen. I am planning on doing the Mansfield 24hr stay next spring/summer as well. I am into this shit, most times you have to be more worried about someone shooting you for trespassing, then you do actually seeing a "ghost".


I like Ghost Hunters, I don't like the other show with the muscle bound dude. Atleast TAPS trys to debunk most of the things they encounter before saying "omgz its casper". Anyone remember MTV's show Fear, I used to love that show.

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With the advent of video technology, and even more recently every single person in the modern world having a mini-camcorder right in their god damn pockets, one would think that if such nonsense (ghosts, demons, poltergeist activity) existed, at least ONE PERSON WITH A CELLPHONE would be able to catch it on film and prove to the world that they are not just making it up. And not just Dick and Jane out in the creepy-woods/house/cemetery, but some huge event like a football game, or wedding. "But a ghost/demon wouldn't want to make itself known to that many people ..." Well why the fuck not ? Cause that would get 'whatever it wants done', done really fucking fast ? Or cause that breaks some rule that ghosts/demons have that I must not be aware of? Or because its too inconvenient for the people that like to tell stories like this, because they don't actually exist.



This is the same bullshit as Bigfoot hunters and all that stupidity. You know what Bigfoot was ? A guy with a huge footprint stamper, that laughed his ass off for 40 years before he died, and even when he admitted what he had done, people still wouldn't stop buying into it. Keep in mind not only have we never seen the creature in credible video evidence, but zero credible photos(which photos basically aren't now), zero carcasses, and zero fossil-record of such a primate in North America.


Yet here we are, with Ghost Hunting shows, and faux-scientific equipment that "measures"(as if that somehow makes sense) how much "ghost" there is. You want to know what's really freaky? Quantum Theory, and we can't observe that either.


Here's an experiment. Get yourself a ping-pong ball, and a radio(preferable with headphones), and a room with an overhead light. Put the radio on any channel that is just playing static, and make it loud enough that it's pretty much all you can hear. Take the ping-pong ball and cut it in half. Put one half over each eye, and sit back for about an hour. When everything "goes black" and you start hallucinating, what you are experiencing is just your brain lazily "filling in space", you will have some really fucked up trips, and with that knowledge in mind(lol 'in mind') you can begin to understand just how much your brain is capable of. Or you may experience nothing if you are not susceptible to it (ironically this phenomena is linked to para-psychology and is somehow thought to measure or increase telepathic capability, so go ahead LEARN THE FORCE).

Edited by sol740
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I think the shows are all bullshit. It really doesn't help that the main guy on Ghost Adventures is one of the biggest douchebags I've ever seen on TV.


Anyway nearly all the "evidence" can either be staged or just misinterpreted - or outright faked in post-production. Why do they only investigat at night, in the darkness? This is in stark contrast to their clients' reports of activity WHILE THEY ARE AWAKE, not during the middle of the night! My reasoning is that so they can get evidence of such a shitactular quality that they can say any blur or even artifacting is a ghost, when otherwise in good light there would not exist any anomalies to even question. The same exact phenomenon exists with UFO videos - they are always of shit quality that you can't make anything out. The point is that it comes down to a question of what is more likely - that what is shown is actual proof of ghosts, or is it misinterpreted or outright faked "evidence" that is presented for the goal of entertainment, without any heed to journalist integrity? The latter is much, much more likely in my mind.


Also the investigators demonstrate a very poor knowledge of how their equipment works or even an understanding of physics or even scientific thinking. Logical fallacies in science are quite frequent on the shows. Ghost Lab is fucking ridiculous in this aspect, so much it's actually hilarious at times.


That being said, I'm not 100% skeptical but I don't believe in ghosts. I've had some weird shit happen in my experience but nothing so extraordinary to make me believe.

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There's an old TB sanitarium in kentucky or tennessee that i watched some special on awhile back that was kinda interesting and showed some weird shit, but so much of it was story telling it was hard to believe about the actual paranormal activity shit. The history of the building itself was really interesting though.


I just think all that shits fake, especially the damn ghost hunter shows. However, the south park about the was hilarious.

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There's an old TB sanitarium in kentucky or tennessee that i watched some special on awhile back that was kinda interesting and showed some weird shit, but so much of it was story telling it was hard to believe about the actual paranormal activity shit. The history of the building itself was really interesting though.


I just think all that shits fake, especially the damn ghost hunter shows. However, the south park about the was hilarious.


I watch the shows sometimes because I love historic places.

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does anyone notice how ghost stories have changed dramatically since the invention of cameras and high def photography? it seems like back in the day every tom dick and harry had a story of an hourlong chat with a specter from beyond the grave that was vivid as daylight.


now, ghost stories usually revolve around "well if you sit in this corner of the room during waxing moon at low tide in september, and place a fork facing magnetic north in the exact center of the hypotenuse of this table, the window will close itself around 12pm."


I lived in a supposedly haunted room at Boston U (Eugene O'Neill died at the Sheraton Hotel on Bay State Road, its now known as Shelton Hall and is a dorm), and a whole metric fuckton of nothing suspicious ever happened there.


ghost stories are as retarded as the people who believe them.

best post ever

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There is supposed to be some house out near Licking that's haunted. I can't remember the name for the life of me but I've had friends go up there and come back scared out of their minds.


I'm not a believer in this stuff. I think most people just put it in their mind and make it real.

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