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16 year old kid beats bus driver


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This kind of shit is what happens daily in some places. This is sick and this kid needs to be put away. So...here's the question, who is at fault? The bus driver, the kid, the parents, society, schools, hippies, hookers? Lets here it?

Personally I think the parents are to blame due to the way in which they were raised in the shadow of the hippie movement. The whole aspect of the era of the sixties and seventies started the whole trend of people losing their moral compass to make sure everyone can have their cake and eat it too. It was the roots of the mind numbing laziness that has taken over this country. Looking back it seems to me that it was the time in which people no longer can say "hey that's wrong" because it might offend someone and interfere with the way they live their lives.

Among many other factor i believe that many problems stemmed from the era of the sixties and seventies. Obviously this is not all of it but lets get this started...

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Stupid ghetto thugs should be exterminated.

"I ain't one to be messed wif yo."

"Go on into that room to receive you free gold teef and 26" rims." (door slams) "Yo maan, dere aint no rims up in here, whats dat smell? Aw maaan, i's gettin da gas...." :D

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Tomcat. I thnk you hit ti right on the head. The shadow of the hippies. And now they're running our colleges, the ones that society tells ALL of our youth they have to go through to be anything. So now theses hippies have found a way to push their ajenda. and what can we do? Find a college or even a class at a college that teaches conservative , moral beliefs and though processes.

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Tomcat. I thnk you hit ti right on the head. The shadow of the hippies. And now they're running our colleges, the ones that society tells ALL of our youth they have to go through to be anything. So now theses hippies have found a way to push their ajenda. and what can we do? Find a college or even a class at a college that teaches conservative , moral beliefs and though processes.


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i keep imagining someone doing that to my mom (fortunately, she doesn't drive a bus) and i keep thinking i have to go buy a wood chipper.

actually you can rent them, probably be more cost effective that way, seeing as your probably only gonna use it once :D

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