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Kasich or Strickland


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thats the only way he can balance the budget AND cut taxes. It's just a matter of how we are goin to take cuts. Are we just goin to get fucked up the ass again on the next contract or is it going to be him privatizing and if you want a job you have to accept what the private company offers you (which will be pennies on the dollar)


Yeah they balance the budget but fucking all these people over but then spen 30k on office furniture :). Sons a crooked bitches.

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The commercials this year seem worse than usual, to the point where I'm almost ashamed to live in a country where this is how political races are ran. Not with straight facts, but with exaggerated bullshit.


If I had to choose, I would probably go with Kasich based on Strickland's subpar performance. But as with all political elections, it's not about picking the best man or woman. It's about picking the least crooked one.

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Wow! I'm really surprised at what I'm reading here. I would have thought that Kasich's Lehman Brothers connection would be bothering people more.


I don't know if you all remember the early days of the current recession in the Fall of 2008, but Lehman Brothers, who had gambled their investors' money by promoting and investing in sub-prime mortages (for people who couldn't possibly afford them), went bust to the tune of 613 billion dollars. Millions of people lost their homes. Pensioners lost their life savings. Interest rates jumped. Credit dried up. All of our pocketbooks took a big bite.


As you recall, as we were reeling from all this, it came out that Lehman Brothers was dishing out big bonuses to its execs during all this time, right up to their bankruptcy. We were out for blood then. We wanted to tar and feather those execs. :mad: They robbed the taxpayer! They robbed our economy! They robbed our grandparents of their life savings! So what did you ever do about those execs? Well, I guess you want to elect one as your next governor. I'm sure you've heard tell that John Kasich was a managing director of Lehman, a job he took right after leaving Congress. Some people believe he got the job as payback for throwing his support to Bush. Hard to know.


But what we do know is that in 2008, the year of the economic collapse and the Lehman Brothers bankrupcy, John Kasich's tax return shows that he made 1.4 million dollars, $590,000 from Lehman, $432,000 of which was his bonus.


That fact alone prevents me from voting for him, Republican though I am.

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Devil's advocate, Doc...and I hate to use the "lesser of two evils" approach...


If Kasich was such a bad guy for selling sub-prime when everyone up to Barney Frank was selling the future of America as everyone owning homes, is Strickland so much better for rewriting/managing policy that hasn't solved a single problem for Ohio?

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I am totally torn on who I am voting for up to this point.


I like Kasich's policies over Strickland


but Strickland has proven to be a friend of the 2nd amendment, while Kasich has not.




BTW, vote Yost and Mingo for state and franklin County auditors. 2 of the best men I know.

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Here is some info:



Here is the debate:



Video wouldn't play for me but the transcripts are there.


I am still on the fence. I do like how savvy Kasich is with budgetary concerns but the recession hasn't hit us as bad as it probably could have with Strickland in office. Anyone who is saying that Strickland has done a bad job could you please elaborate why it is you feel this way? For any of those saying "vote the bums out" this is a silly way to go about politics....If one is doing a good job, why vote them out for the hell of it? I found a good article comparing viewpoints but I can't seem to track it down. Kasich is a bit too religious for my taste but he seems decent enough. Anyone have any good articles/ info to contribute?


Dont forget about the other candidates as well and I also found this. May be a bit biased but it touches on a bit of what Doc had to say.http://hubpages.com/hub/Ohio-2010-Governor-Race-After-the-2nd-Debate

Edited by Slowbalt
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Also check this out http://www.wcmhblogs.com/ohiovotes It has a lot of info on it for all of the Ohio races. Fact checks, issues, blah blah blah.


Nice job on the site. I like the fact checked ads videos. I wonder who fact checks the fact checkers? haha. From reading the bits of the transcripts, watching analysis videos from after the debates and watching some of these fact check videos I am liking Strickland over Kasich. I can't seem to find actual videos from the debate except for little clips. Anyone find any? Please post links.

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I'm normally a pretty hard line conservative, but I will say that Strickland is an old school democrat so he isn't that bad and it could be much worse.


Not saying I'd vote for Strickland with a good republican candidate in opposition. I think I'll go with Kasich this time.

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Wow! I'm really surprised at what I'm reading here. I would have thought that Kasich's Lehman Brothers connection would be bothering people more.


I don't know if you all remember the early days of the current recession in the Fall of 2008, but Lehman Brothers, who had gambled their investors' money by promoting and investing in sub-prime mortages (for people who couldn't possibly afford them), went bust to the tune of 613 billion dollars. Millions of people lost their homes. Pensioners lost their life savings. Interest rates jumped. Credit dried up. All of our pocketbooks took a big bite.


As you recall, as we were reeling from all this, it came out that Lehman Brothers was dishing out big bonuses to its execs during all this time, right up to their bankruptcy. We were out for blood then. We wanted to tar and feather those execs. :mad: They robbed the taxpayer! They robbed our economy! They robbed our grandparents of their life savings! So what did you ever do about those execs? Well, I guess you want to elect one as your next governor. I'm sure you've heard tell that John Kasich was a managing director of Lehman, a job he took right after leaving Congress. Some people believe he got the job as payback for throwing his support to Bush. Hard to know.


But what we do know is that in 2008, the year of the economic collapse and the Lehman Brothers bankrupcy, John Kasich's tax return shows that he made 1.4 million dollars, $590,000 from Lehman, $432,000 of which was his bonus.


That fact alone prevents me from voting for him, Republican though I am.






I am glad there are still a few intelligent people left.

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Wow! I'm really surprised at what I'm reading here. I would have thought that Kasich's Lehman Brothers connection would be bothering people more.


I don't know if you all remember the early days of the current recession in the Fall of 2008, but Lehman Brothers, who had gambled their investors' money by promoting and investing in sub-prime mortages (for people who couldn't possibly afford them), went bust to the tune of 613 billion dollars. Millions of people lost their homes. Pensioners lost their life savings. Interest rates jumped. Credit dried up. All of our pocketbooks took a big bite.


As you recall, as we were reeling from all this, it came out that Lehman Brothers was dishing out big bonuses to its execs during all this time, right up to their bankruptcy. We were out for blood then. We wanted to tar and feather those execs. :mad: They robbed the taxpayer! They robbed our economy! They robbed our grandparents of their life savings! So what did you ever do about those execs? Well, I guess you want to elect one as your next governor. I'm sure you've heard tell that John Kasich was a managing director of Lehman, a job he took right after leaving Congress. Some people believe he got the job as payback for throwing his support to Bush. Hard to know.


But what we do know is that in 2008, the year of the economic collapse and the Lehman Brothers bankrupcy, John Kasich's tax return shows that he made 1.4 million dollars, $590,000 from Lehman, $432,000 of which was his bonus.


That fact alone prevents me from voting for him, Republican though I am.


Doc, I think it's mostly a matter of scale... you point out how he had a $432k bonus from Lehman, but when you put that up against what the other moneychangers were taking, well, it's peanuts by comparison. He's also got the whole late 90's budget surplus halo, so that works in his favor as well. That said, and as others have said, advertisements are so damned negative and vicious that I don't even bother to read/listen/watch them anymore. I can't handle it anymore.

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Devil's advocate, Doc...and I hate to use the "lesser of two evils" approach...


If Kasich was such a bad guy for selling sub-prime when everyone up to Barney Frank was selling the future of America as everyone owning homes, is Strickland so much better for rewriting/managing policy that hasn't solved a single problem for Ohio?


Hey at least Kasich knows how to make some coin. Regardless if you agree with him having done so. Being honest, i would set aside some prayers on Sunday to have a gig that brought me $1.4M including a $400k+ bonus. :o

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This entire election season has infuriated me to the point that I refuse to support any candidate. If I were to vote, it would only be to vote against Pat Tiberi. That guy makes my blood boil.


He spoke at my high school 5 years ago and proved to us all that he was the biggest greaseball in politics. He pointedly refused to defend his stance on gay marriage...to an auditorium of 300 highschoolers. Its not because I disagree with his policies that I'd vote against him, its because if you can't defend your views to the future of the voting population, you're not an honest, hardworking politician. Instead, he goes on the radio to spout off nonsense about how every Demoncrat candidate is a peon of Nancy Pelosi, as if she's somehow campaigning in OH.

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Wow! I'm really surprised at what I'm reading here. I would have thought that Kasich's Lehman Brothers connection would be bothering people more.


I don't know if you all remember the early days of the current recession in the Fall of 2008, but Lehman Brothers, who had gambled their investors' money by promoting and investing in sub-prime mortages (for people who couldn't possibly afford them), went bust to the tune of 613 billion dollars. Millions of people lost their homes. Pensioners lost their life savings. Interest rates jumped. Credit dried up. All of our pocketbooks took a big bite.


As you recall, as we were reeling from all this, it came out that Lehman Brothers was dishing out big bonuses to its execs during all this time, right up to their bankruptcy. We were out for blood then. We wanted to tar and feather those execs. :mad: They robbed the taxpayer! They robbed our economy! They robbed our grandparents of their life savings! So what did you ever do about those execs? Well, I guess you want to elect one as your next governor. I'm sure you've heard tell that John Kasich was a managing director of Lehman, a job he took right after leaving Congress. Some people believe he got the job as payback for throwing his support to Bush. Hard to know.


But what we do know is that in 2008, the year of the economic collapse and the Lehman Brothers bankrupcy, John Kasich's tax return shows that he made 1.4 million dollars, $590,000 from Lehman, $432,000 of which was his bonus.


That fact alone prevents me from voting for him, Republican though I am.



Can you crucify one man who held a position at one of the guilty lenders? I believe the only reason Lehman was made an example of was due to Paulson and his dislike of the CEO, any one of 8 large banks BOFA, Merril,Goldman,Chase ect were all following the SAME policies. I think to say Kaisch was instrumental in the implementation of the economic collapse or a huge part of the problem is not doing him any justice. Frankly he made pennies compared to others in actuality (for better or worse).


I agree with Clay, I would bring more blame to the policy makers like Barney Frank (whom never should hold an elected office, lisp and all.. HE IS A CROOK), and Paulson, and others on that advisory board, they allowed this to happen, they were the enables, the banks just went after the money, and all of them (firms) were equally guilty, not just the nice connection with Kaisch and Lehman...(after all we know Americans were out for blood, so Paulson sacrificed his least favorite and saved the rest)


Strickland is starving our school systems of funding and implementing Obamas ridiculously stupid testing system for school funding...It cant work. I wont vote for him alone on this issue. I also do not like his jobs policies, they suck, Ohio is a horrible state to have a business, something like the 8th worst, and with Ohio's geographic location alone it should be in the top 15 easy, again poor policy leading companies out of Ohio. I am not saying Kaisch is the fix for this, but you bet your ass he will favor more small business's and economic/job growth he is a capitalist.





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Intelligent Local Politics conversation on CR? I'm proud of us! Confused, but proud.


I am seriously considering voting libertarian strictly to be voting anti-two party system.


For those upset about losing "Cost of living" raises, I feel your pain, however, temper your rage with the knowledge that inflation has been nothing for 2 years. So, logically, the cost of living has NOT gone up. (Realistically, it has, but the CLA is based on inflation)

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Strickland is starving our school systems of funding and implementing Obamas ridiculously stupid testing system for school funding...It cant work. I wont vote for him alone on this issue. I also do not like his jobs policies, they suck, Ohio is a horrible state to have a business, something like the 8th worst, and with Ohio's geographic location alone it should be in the top 15 easy, again poor policy leading companies out of Ohio. I am not saying Kaisch is the fix for this, but you bet your ass he will favor more small business's and economic/job growth he is a capitalist.






I am curious where you have found this info or what you are basing these statements on? According to information I have seen Ohio has the 6th best economy of all the states right now. We lost a lot of jobs because besides Michigan we have the highest amount of auto workers. There were job losses all over the US as well. What specific job polices do you disagree with? Also can you explain what is wrong with school funding? From what i understand school funding has increased under Strickland and partly due to Ohio school funding being declared unconstitutional so there HAD to be changes made to it. Also Ohio education ranks 6th best in the nation in 2009 up from 7th in 2008 so something is working.




Also for anyone saying who they are voting for could you please say WHY you are voting for that candidate? This will increase constructive and intelligent debate and conversation.

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Ok over 10% unemployment... http://money.cnn.com/news/storysupplement/economy/gapmap/

God knows if they actually kept real unemployment stats past six months it would be over 16%. Our states personal per capita GDP ranks 42 over the last 10 years, our state is ranked 45th among prospecitive small business start ups, also the perspecitve of growth is pathetic due to BAD policy maybe not stickly on Strickland, but he isnt my guy to solve the solution. (The unions also like him which goes against every bone in my body)


The dispatch placing ohio in the bottem 25




This was one 15 second google search. I will spend more time if necessary, however I just read articles as they come over time.


Stirckland supports teachers merit pay, which will only make inner citys worse. promoting good teachers fighting for the suburb schools whom have parents who care about their children. It will not make test scores rise, or fix the root cause of the issue which is public city schools and their sub par results.


Stickland also is promoting policy to limit special needs funding in public schools, so that we can have even more children whom can live on welfare and off the government because we didn't use our obligation to help them more so then students whom are not challenged...It isn't a solution I can support.












I am curious where you have found this info or what you are basing these statements on? According to information I have seen Ohio has the 6th best economy of all the states right now. We lost a lot of jobs because besides Michigan we have the highest amount of auto workers. There were job losses all over the US as well. What specific job polices do you disagree with? Also can you explain what is wrong with school funding? From what i understand school funding has increased under Strickland and partly due to Ohio school funding being declared unconstitutional so there HAD to be changes made to it. Also Ohio education ranks 6th best in the nation in 2009 up from 7th in 2008 so something is working.




Also for anyone saying who they are voting for could you please say WHY you are voting for that candidate? This will increase constructive and intelligent debate and conversation.

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