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Ohio riders spring get together.....


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I'm in for sure..I think I'll bring a guy or two as well...I might drive a car bring some side dishes or dessert, then drive back and get my bike???

shweet... or if you want I can meet you the night before and you can drop off stuff in the fridges (we have several) that way stuff will keep and you can ride in the next day and not worry about it....and you can bring girls too.... lol

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shweet... or if you want I can meet you the night before and you can drop off stuff in the fridges (we have several) that way stuff will keep and you can ride in the next day and not worry about it....and you can bring girls too.... lol

OH yea...That would make sense too! Either way works...Whatever is best for you!

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I'm in for sure, I read somewhere there is a Kroger near by, I'll probably come, see what we need and then go get it since I'll be on the bike. If there is anything specific that is known to be needed, Let me know.

If anyone in the Dublin area wants to meet beforehand and ride over together, that would be cool. We can stop and meet the Westervillians too if you guys want.

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bring people mostly and looks like we need salad type stuff, desserts, veggie dishes, and anything else food related that peeps wanna bring.... I got the burgers dogs and buns taken care of... also will need someone to DJ (i.e. bring music that everyone will like) or I'll just set up the stereo and play the radio station...

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Who has signed up to bring what so far? I will be shoving what I can in a book bag, so I can bring stuff like plastic wear, plates, napkins, cups...etc. Or stuff that won't spill, like chips, dip (the kind with a lid, nothing homemade). Maybe some cookies? mmmmmm. cooooookies

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Who has signed up to bring what so far? I will be shoving what I can in a book bag, so I can bring stuff like plastic wear, plates, napkins, cups...etc. Or stuff that won't spill, like chips, dip (the kind with a lid, nothing homemade). Maybe some cookies? mmmmmm. cooooookies

damn you i was gonna do cookies again!!! :lol:

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I am keeping my fingers crossed as I missed the Xmas party due to family illness. I hope I will be there this time and if I can make it I will bring a large tray of a unique pasta/beef casserole type dish...which can easily feed 50+.

Anybody want Chili......even something different lamb or turkey ?

Cooking is my hobby/passion whatever so I will be happy to cook....any other suggestion.....? Please feel free to ask...

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Who has signed up to bring what so far? I will be shoving what I can in a book bag, so I can bring stuff like plastic wear, plates, napkins, cups...etc. Or stuff that won't spill, like chips, dip (the kind with a lid, nothing homemade). Maybe some cookies? mmmmmm. cooooookies

cookies are cool..... again I have all the utensils and burgers/ dogs and adult beverages there at the hall... as previously posted the adult beverages come at a cost... what we need is side dishes, desserts, AND Peoples....

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