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Can't open port 21 - Windows 7 issue


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I created an FTP server. I had it all working (had to disable Windows Firewall to get Port 21 open, more on this later). After a reboot, I can not gain access to port 21 (testing using canyouseeme.org). I was able to see this port with this site prior to the reboot, through my router and Windows Firewall disabled.


- Already did the port forwarding in my router. But even rulled it out by bypassing my router and going straight to my modem


- Can't be an ISP issue, as I was able to do it prior to rebooting the PC


- No 3rd party anything on here - no antivirus, no 3rd party firewall, fairly new Windows 7 Ultimate 64 install. All updates have been done.


- I can get through port 80, so they aren't all blocked


- First tried the "Allow Program" feature and enabled. I even created an incoming connection rule and added in ports 20 and 21, TCP and UDP. Neither of these should matter when the firewall is disabled, but I tried it anyway.


- Tried restoring Windows Firewall defaults and opening the ports, no go.


- Yes, my network connection shows me on my "Home" network


- I ended up going into services, stopped and disabled the Windows Firewall and ICS services. No dice. Rebooted, and still no go.


I am running out of ideas. Google has been uterly useless, mostly router issue crap and disabling firewalls.

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Let's start with some simple troubleshooting. You said it wworked before rebooting. Are you on a static IP address for that machine or is the ip assigned through dhcp? If dynamic your address could have changed and the portforward in your router could be assigned to a wrong address now.
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For some unknown reason, it started working again.


I went to Portforward.com and downloaded their Port Forward checker software, as it is supposed to be better than the web-based stuff. Tried it once, no dice. Tried again - success. Rebooted a couple times, still worked fine. The web based one started working again too.


Makes no sense, as I didn't change anything. I did make sure to un-install Windows IIS and FTP client after just to ensure they weren't causing some sort of intermittent issue.

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no, just firefox. if he cant hit the FTP from outside, he can try to hit it through firefox, id imagine he could just type in the ftp:// whatever in the searchbar and try.

Wasn't a browser issue, as I couldn't get through with my FTP server either, nor could I with my FTP client.


Lucikly it is working now and killing my shitty Time Warner upload speed. :)

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