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new xbox 360 dashboard


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Kinect comes out on the 4th this week. You should have had an email from Live Friday. It explained the update.


On November 1, 2010, there will be a mandatory service update to Xbox LIVE. This update will both add new features to your service and also enhance the interface, navigation, and responsiveness of Xbox LIVE.


Full details of the new features being added to your service can be found on xbox.com.


To prepare you for the update, here are some Frequently Asked Questions and resources you can refer to as needed:


Q: Is there anything I need to do to start the update?

A: Beginning on November 1, 2010, you will receive a notification that an update to Xbox LIVE is available as soon as you start your Xbox 360 console. Use your controller to accept the update according to the on-screen instructions.


Q: What if I decline the service update?

A: If you decline the update, you will not be able to connect to Xbox LIVE until the update is accepted. You will still be able to use all of the offline features of your Xbox 360 console. Xbox LIVE features will be unavailable until the update is complete.


Q: How long will the update take to complete?

A: The time required to complete the update will vary based on your Internet connection speed. However, for most users, the update will require between 5 and 10 minutes to complete. You will not be able to use your Xbox 360 console while the update is processing.


Q: How will I know that the update has completed successfully?

A: Once complete, your Xbox 360 will restart as usual. You will notice a change to the layout of the Xbox LIVE Dashboard, a new color scheme, and new fonts being used.


Q: What do I do if the update does not complete successfully?

A: In the unlikely event that the update does not complete, please visit http://www.support.xbox.com for information. This is the best resource for resolving any issues with your Xbox 360 console or LIVE service.


Thank you for being a valued member of Xbox LIVE. We hope you continue to enjoy the best in games, entertainment, and fun, brought to you by Xbox LIVE.


The Xbox LIVE Team

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It looks about the same, only dumber..


Think I have to agree with this. The fonts look terrible on my HDTV. Everything looks pretty much the same for the most part, just plainer.


Just glad it left the background pic I'm using from my PC.


And holy shit just joined an Xbox Live party to try and see what the audio is like (people during the beta said it was better, people who downloaded this morning said worse) and it's AWFUL. Lots of fail so far.

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If you flashed your drive I heard it fucks that up. Can anyone confirm?


Word on the street is that there are new "challenges" to the game itself so M$ will not be able to detect you but fable 3 will NOT play. It is the first game to take advantage of these new checks but if you are running LT as your firmware, you are safe AFAIK. LT+ is on the way and should be released by the end of the year. As always it is recommend that you stay offline until new firmware is released to be completely sure.

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