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question for Sprint Evo & Epic owners


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do you have any 4g love in CBUS?

clearwire says NO

Sprint says NO

Time Warner says YES.........WTF


time warner is touting their mobile 4g service commercials for Columbus. i call them up and after a few dopes, they say THERE IS service in Columbus for all these different parts/areas they tell me. so i get down to them finally saying they resell their service from sprint.


anyone getting 4g lit up on their phones?

what kind of speeds?


Verizon/ATT/Tmobile fanboys: eat a dick, and die in a fire!

your dumb ass comments are not needed.

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just asked this question at the sprint store yesterday getting my shattered evo screen replaced. he says 12-12-10 is the official roll out date, but some are picking it up already.. polaris and short north are the 2 "test" areas that may see it sooner
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I live close to Polaris and ive never seen 4g on my EVO

I wouldnt listen to a single word time warner says they are a joke.



You need to revisit this....cause 4G first existed on Polaris. I get it there ALL the time. I now have it at my home around Easton. It's spotty downtown where I work. It's broadcasting from the Time Warner building off 315. I went in there to replace a box and had the strongest 4G signal to date. There was a sign "4G is here"...yes it IS!


Even w/out 4Gs, the EVO is a work of art!!!


Polaris is the only area that has 4g right now.


Not true


This is from downtown the other day..



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You need to revisit this....cause 4G first existed on Polaris. I get it there ALL the time. I now have it at my home around Easton. It's spotty downtown where I work. It's broadcasting from the Time Warner building off 315. I went in there to replace a box and had the strongest 4G signal to date. There was a sign "4G is here"...yes it IS!


Even w/out 4Gs, the EVO is a work of art!!!




Not true


This is from downtown the other day..




Is that a custom rom?

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