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Electrical wtf?


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As far as I know the radio was off when I left.

I tried turning the key back and forth and wiggled it around for a little, but it didnt help. I can still turn the radio on with the key out.


I took the faceplate off. I'm just hoping the car doesnt have enough draw to drain the battery

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something is grounding itself out. So i would check your radio install to see if a wire came loose. or you can do a voltage draw test. Just hook a multimeter up and unhook your ground. touch one end to the battery ground and the other to the ground cable. Dial the multimeter in correctly to voltage. report back with what the draw is. If it is high remove a fuse one by one and check the voltage each time.
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  Twistedrx7 said:
something is grounding itself out. So i would check your radio install to see if a wire came loose. or you can do a voltage draw test. Just hook a multimeter up and unhook your ground. touch one end to the battery ground and the other to the ground cable. Dial the multimeter in correctly to voltage. report back with what the draw is. If it is high remove a fuse one by one and check the voltage each time.


I think you meant to say amp draw...... if he puts his meter in parallel like that on voltage it will blow the fuse in the meter. You have to switch the leads and setting to amps to do this.

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  KillJoy said:
In my Grand Am, I have had a similar issue.


If I put the Gear Lever not quite into Park, the key will turn to not quite OFF. The key will still remove, but all aux items still work as the Key is in.


This the issue?




Basically, but its a 5sp.


It hasn't done it since that day, but I'm going to try to check it all out when I get some free time

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  rossignolboarder43 said:
it seems like most of the aux stuff works. Radio, lights etc. no windows.


The volt gauge is lit too. its as if the key is in with it turned to the first notch.




Not what I would call isolated.


  das borgen said:
electrical problems never fix themselves


because this is isloated to your radio, i d say your ignition switch is fine



echo on the checkin of your radio wiring... you (or the installer) probably fcuked something up during install





Have you looked at the actual switch under the dash? I would check to make sure no wiring is shorted together also.

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