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LCD tv question.


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Are you asking which is a better namebrand samsung vs. vizio? If so I would say you would probably be better off checking them out in store and with the same media. I have 2 vizios and a samsung and both appear the same depending on what I am watching and how I have it hooked up. I do prefer the style of the vizios though.
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  wnaplay said:
Are you asking which is a better namebrand samsung vs. vizio? If so I would say you would probably be better off checking them out in store and with the same media. I have 2 vizios and a samsung and both appear the same depending on what I am watching and how I have it hooked up. I do prefer the style of the vizios though.


I am asking am I better off and just get the samsung with 120hz then the vizio 240hz. never had vizio but from what I hear and saw they are low end lcd.

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When manufacturers of electronic components get the parts back from the factory, they test them to see how well they work. If they test out to a very strict set of specs (tolerances), they go in the premium pile. If they only test out to a looser set of specs, they go in the medium pile. And, if they fail altogether, they go in the trash bin. The TV manufacturers then order the parts to within a specific set of tolerances. And, the higher quality the parts, the more expensive they (and the TV) will be. Since vizios are often found at walmart I would say they are most likely made with parts that arent as good and if I was looking for quality as my major decision factor, then I would go with the samsung. What is the most important factor when you make your purchases? For me its almost always price.
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Can't say much about Vizio, but I am a huge Samsung fanboy, (more like when I get a good product I stick with it). I have a 55' DLP that has worked great for 3 years. A 24 in LCD monitor that is awesome 2 yrs and a one month old 32 in LED that is amazing! I would go with the Sammy unless you want the 3D down the road. Either way IMO 120hz makes movies look fake.
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  wnaplay said:
When manufacturers of electronic components get the parts back from the factory, they test them to see how well they work. If they test out to a very strict set of specs (tolerances), they go in the premium pile. If they only test out to a looser set of specs, they go in the medium pile. And, if they fail altogether, they go in the trash bin. The TV manufacturers then order the parts to within a specific set of tolerances. And, the higher quality the parts, the more expensive they (and the TV) will be. Since vizios are often found at walmart I would say they are most likely made with parts that arent as good and if I was looking for quality as my major decision factor, then I would go with the samsung. What is the most important factor when you make your purchases? For me its almost always price.


most important factor is quality then price. I'll buy a namebrand tv for a lil bit more before I get some offbrand tv Ive never heard of. Sounds silly but oh well.

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Not silly, to each their own. I go cheap and then bitch until I either get my money back or the problem is fixed. Even if its years down the road. Its risky but I have found the risk so far outweighs not taking it. Of course I also think that everything is made by one boig super company and then store just slap their own name on them. You see this alot with certain items sound under one namebrand or model number dirt cheap at walmart and the a slighty diferent model with the same characteristics at best buy for alot more. I doubt they really completely designed 2 different items yet look almost exactly the same.
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  Paula Deen said:
most important factor is quality then price. I'll buy a namebrand tv for a lil bit more before I get some offbrand tv Ive never heard of. Sounds silly but oh well.


No it's logical, your name brand product will usually last longer and may not have higher specs, but will be of a higher quality. For even an extra hundred or so, over the lifespan of your product you will get a better deal on the higher priced item. This is assuming your shopping smart and not just buying the most expensive thing because of its price.

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Check the specs on both to see what the quality of the picture is going to be like. Deep blacks, nice contrast ratios / dynamic range are important. Most folks are sold on LCD's just like they are on point & shoot cameras because they mistakenly think extra sharp images with sharp color changes and "punchy images" are what make a good picture. Not true. You want a uniform and deep dynamic range. I'm not a huge fan of LCD's personally, but I'm Panasonic Biased as I worked there for years. Eventually the LCD Lamp is going to go in them and it's just a matter of time before pixels begin to die or lock up. Just keep that in mind as whether you by Samsung or Vizio you'll eventually face both issues, it's just a matter of when. Costs to fix either will be about the same.


FWIW, what I've seen of the new Vizio's in person is actually pretty nice. Especially for the money. If you do lots of gaming or watch a lot of sports, the higher refresh rate will help not just in terms of quality, but also fatigue on your eyes over the course of a day. We are at a point where it's close in terms of really seeing a huge benefit there but it still exists.

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i helped my buddy make this exact decision this morning, same 2 tv's.

in the end, we decided to get him the Samsung. not because of the Vizio name, i actually like them pretty well. it was more on the tv thickness, and the size of the surrounding bezel. the image quality was a push IMHO.



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most people who hate on Vizios have 0 experience with them and only are repeating what they have heard others say.


My Vizio is going on 4 years strong, 0 problems, 0 dead pixels, great picture quality for what it was at the time (720p) and it gets A LOT of usage.

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Only experience with Visio is that my buddy has red dots appear every so often all over the screen. It is under warranty but didn't seem to be the easiest to get it taken care of.


With that said it could be solved temporarily by unplugging it. I cant say I'm on the Visio bandwagon yet though.


I have had multiple Samsung products (no TV's) but I've been happy with all of them. A Samsung will be my next TV purchase.

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