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Why does everyone hate Obama, Pelosi, and Reid?


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Oh yes, the US has great Universities.


#1 Reason the Indians, Japanese, Chinese and Canadians and others I personally have worked with come here is because the US offers endless study choices. Just about every field of study is available in this country. If you can think of it, you can probably find some place in America to study it. That and the fact that we have the best professors out there teaching at our Universities.


Again, lack of opportunity to have success? Bullshit. There's no other country that offers the opportunity we do right here than the United States. You can come from anywhere in the world and become a millionaire if you work hard and work smart. All the tools to do it are here. We too as Americans are climbing that ladder. Many will find it.

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I am not saying any of this actually, haha. There are very many opportunites for people in the US, there are also opportunities for people that live in Socialist countries too. I am not saying that Socialism is better as it has issues as well. I feel that using the best ideas from both ideologies will gives us the best results. Obamas ideals I can only assume but health care needed changing but the healthcare reform bill is not exactly the change I was looking for but it is a start. I wish there would have been more honest debate and less obstruction that would have lead to a better bill but I consider it a foot in the door. What comes through is still in the air and can be guided by votes.


You said:


I do expect people to work for what they want and for them to be provided the opportunity to succeed, not success itself.


In context of your thread, you're stating that you don't believe they have that now and/or that socialistic programs like Obama is preaching will yield them more opportunity. On the latter, I'm asking you how?


I'm also saying that there are no more better opportunities in a Socialistic Country than what our system here in the US will offer someone. I do believe that for a fact. You will by far stand a better chance of being successful here in the US than you will in a socialistic society. Even where the two may be called equal in terms of achievement, it's much harder to do outside the US than with the programs we offer here.


Can we improve things, sure. However, improvement doesn't mean hurt the ones who have achieved success in order to further help those that don't have it. Make them work harder; don't allow them to take the path of least resistance.


Back on point from my very first posts.....I've shown you countless reason why I dislike Obama. Many others have shared their thoughts too.


  • Have we made our point to you?
  • Any other questions or needs to hear further on why he's a dumbass?
  • How about you share what you support of his efforts?


Welcome to page 9 of likely 25

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#1 Reason the Indians, Japanese, Chinese and Canadians and others I personally have worked with come here is because the US offers endless study choices. Just about every field of study is available in this country. If you can think of it, you can probably find some place in America to study it.


That and the fact that we have the best professors out there teaching at our Universities.


Again, lack of opportunity to have success? Bullshit. There's no other country that offers the opportunity we do right here than the United States. You can come from anywhere in the world and become a millionaire if you work hard and work smart. All the tools to do it are here. We too as Americans are climbing that ladder. Many will find it.





college, like most things, is what you make of it. you can have endless opportunities at a school like OSU, for example. sure, its not a harvard, but i went to OSU with plenty of people who went to harvard/brown/unniv. of penn/etc for their undergrad degrees and i wasn't overly impressed. hard work is 90% of college---showing up to class, studying, and taking the time to talk with professors to make connections. helped me get scholarships in undergrad, got me into medical school, and the specialty of my choice at the hospital that i wanted to go to. its not being lucky, or gifted, etc.--just hard work.


while the public school system might be a joke---colleges in america are not.

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college, like most things, is what you make of it. you can have endless opportunities at a school like OSU, for example. sure, its not a harvard, but i went to OSU with plenty of people who went to harvard/brown/unniv. of penn/etc for their undergrad degrees and i wasn't overly impressed. hard work is 90% of college---showing up to class, studying, and taking the time to talk with professors to make connections. helped me get scholarships in undergrad, got me into medical school, and the specialty of my choice at the hospital that i wanted to go to. its not being lucky, or gifted, etc.--just hard work.


while the public school system might be a joke---colleges in america are not.


Agreed completely.

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To answer the thread topic.


Because I am republican, Because I believe in less goverment control and more free enterprise.


Because those democrats that you mentioned are extremely short-sided with their views. They just want change for changes sake.


Have you heard? Ohio is sueing Obamacare!

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So you're saying people in the US don't have opportunity to succeed already? Do you need me to do the google research on how many once upon a time boys in the hood are now successful?


Are you trying to say obamas ideals are necessary and will further contribute to this opportunity?

The only problem for this is that for every one that does make it out of the hood and becomes sucessful another 5 are sent to prision. I can promise you this more young black men will find themselves in prision as a means to get out of the hood than the ones that get degrees and go on to live a good life making <than 50k a year. As quoted by the Washington Post

According to 2005 Census Bureau statistics, the male African-American population of the United States aged between 18 and 24 numbered 1,896,000. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, 106,000 African-Americans in this age group were in federal or state prisons at the end of 2005. See table 10 of this report. If you add the numbers in local jail (measured in mid-2006), you arrive at a grand total of 193,000 incarcerated young Black males, or slightly over 10 percent.
These numbers are on the rise and continue to grow every year. Also to the person that quoted the American Dream, all I question is this what is the American Dream defined as. Last time I checked it was different for every person and really had no true definetion. The Dream your thinking of is the so called Dream that is painted into our heads by our Government. The American Dream is an illusion, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer that is how this country works and yes there is exception to the rule but it is just that exception. Why else can you decribe the once thriving middle class disappearing more and more everyday and of those once middle class are now falling to lower class or worse below the poverty line, with the hope that one day the Government will fix this crisis instead of just digging the hole deeper for those truely in need.
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yay!! lets have a sue obama party!!


This is how you troll correctly. See how he stops in and makes random comments before heading off to another thread. If you troll in one place for too long people become annoyed with you. We may get tired of Michael from time to time but never enough for serious talks of bans or beheadings to arise. He comes in and purposely tries to get on select members nerves. I can bet that every time he has hit submit in this thread it was done with a devilish smirk on his face. Applause to you my friend... applause to you.

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The only problem for this is that for every one that does make it out of the hood and becomes sucessful another 5 are sent to prision. I can promise you this more young black men will find themselves in prision as a means to get out of the hood than the ones that get degrees and go on to live a good life making <than 50k a year. As quoted by the Washington Post These numbers are on the rise and continue to grow every year. Also to the person that quoted the American Dream, all I question is this what is the American Dream defined as. Last time I checked it was different for every person and really had no true definetion. The Dream your thinking of is the so called Dream that is painted into our heads by our Government. The American Dream is an illusion, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer that is how this country works and yes there is exception to the rule but it is just that exception. Why else can you decribe the once thriving middle class disappearing more and more everyday and of those once middle class are now falling to lower class or worse below the poverty line, with the hope that one day the Government will fix this crisis instead of just digging the hole deeper for those truely in need.


This is how you properly debate. See how he covers himself by saying there is an exception thus taking away an easy comeback. General in areas while specific in others... David is doing just enough to prove a point while leaving the conversation open. And not just randomly open, open in a way to steer the conversation his way. A good debate is like a game of chess and slowbalt is playing checkers.


I applaud you again sir.

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Tim for President!!! GO AMERICA!!!


Your name is Tractor...

I bet you have a tractor you drive with pride and an American flag draped across your heart. I applaud you my fellow American... I applaud you like a stripper with no hands or legs that has to make her booty clap.



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This is how you troll correctly. See how he stops in and makes random comments before heading off to another thread. If you troll in one place for too long people become annoyed with you. We may get tired of Michael from time to time but never enough for serious talks of bans or beheadings to arise. He comes in and purposely tries to get on select members nerves. I can bet that every time he has hit submit in this thread it was done with a devilish smirk on his face. Applause to you my friend... applause to you.


Im so sneaky :)


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The only problem for this is that for every one that does make it out of the hood and becomes sucessful another 5 are sent to prision. I can promise you this more young black men will find themselves in prision as a means to get out of the hood than the ones that get degrees and go on to live a good life making <than 50k a year.


And your point? That's a choice they are making, not me. The opportunity for them to make better choices is there for them to take or not. Do you not agree? Are you trying to say it's up to me and others to something different to help influence them away from their poor choices? You can take the boy out of the hood but you can't take......you know the rest. That all begins at home and in their heart.


Also to the person that quoted the American Dream, all I question is this what is the American Dream defined as. Last time I checked it was different for every person and really had no true definetion.


You started off correct and then ended badly. The true definition is whatever that individual wants it to be. I'm living mine others have to aspire to live theirs. No amount of socialism will inspire them or motivate them. Motivation comes from within.


those once middle class are now falling to lower class or worse below the poverty line, with the hope that one day the Government will fix this crisis instead of just digging the hole deeper for those truely in need.


The above is the difference between how I see life and those others you speak of. I don't hope that one day anyone will do anything to put me in Utopia. I control my own destiny and change course when the course changes on me. I'm sorry, but I refuse to believe the Gov't will fix anything that impacts me more than what I can influence myself. Again, life isn't fair and I never said classes shouldn't exist. I actually believe they should because not all people live their lives equally as well and thus those that don't should be separated in their own little slice of this planet.

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“While I appreciate that the president reduced the length of his proposed pay freeze from three to two years,” Hoyer said in a statement, “it would have produced significantly more savings had that sacrifice been shared between federal civilian and military personnel — with a strong exception for the members of our military and civilian employees risking their lives on our behalf in Afghanistan, Iraq, and anywhere else they are serving in harm's way.”


Why would scott be concerned with this...i dont know him personally, but im pretty sure hes over in the sand box, and would be considered in that "strong exception"...did you read past the title?

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Saw that in the Stars and Stripes. So far it's not going to affect the Military, but you never know. Unfortunately, I'm hopefully taking a job at the VA in Dallas come February time frame. Not sure if it'll impact me or not when I take the job. Thank God I've only got a year left on my contract, I'm getting the hell out of the Army thanks to what I see in store for the future.

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im pretty sure hes over in the sand box, and would be considered in that "strong exception"...did you read past the title?


To freeze the pay of any of our military is not what I would deem fair. Outside the likely higher earning officers, I doubt the average Joe is making much at all. How about the dickhead official supporting that bill drop his salary to their level and freeze it for two years.

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And your point? That's a choice they are making, not me. The opportunity for them to make better choices is there for them to take or not. Do you not agree? Are you trying to say it's up to me and others to something different to help influence them away from their poor choices? You can take the boy out of the hood but you can't take......you know the rest. That all begins at home and in their heart.

You started off correct and then ended badly. The true definition is whatever that individual wants it to be. I'm living mine others have to aspire to live theirs. No amount of socialism will inspire them or motivate them. Motivation comes from within.

The above is the difference between how I see life and those others you speak of. I don't hope that one day anyone will do anything to put me in Utopia. I control my own destiny and change course when the course changes on me. I'm sorry, but I refuse to believe the Gov't will fix anything that impacts me more than what I can influence myself. Again, life isn't fair and I never said classes shouldn't exist. I actually believe they should because not all people live their lives equally as well and thus those that don't should be separated in their own little slice of this planet.


I can dig what your saying. Here is what I got. One I do expect someone to step in and do something about the poor choices that many young African Americans make every day, and influence them in the right direction. That is called parents and proper parenting which is something that tends to be missing for many of these unguided young adults. With proper parenting and being taught the knowledge of right and wrong at a young age and haveing a proper family social setting where mommy isn't on welfare and daddy left, or even worse is in prision, these kids wouldnt be prown to live the ganster and thug lifestyles that dominate a majority of their lives. This quote came from an article found online called Single-Parent Families-Demograpic Trends,

There was a dramatic increase in single-parent families in the United States in the last three decades of the twentieth century; only 13 percent of families were headed by a single parent in 1970. Over one-fourth of children in the United States lived with a single parent in 1996, double the proportion in 1970. Approximately 84 percent of these families are headed by women. Of all single-parent families, the most common are those headed by divorced or separated mothers (58%) followed by never-married mothers (24%). Other family heads include widows (7%), divorced and separated fathers (8.4%), never-married fathers (1.5%), and widowers (0.9%). There is racial variation in the proportion of families headed by a single parent: 22 percent for white, 57 percent for black, and 33 percent for Hispanic families
This has to have something to do with it. It is also the job of the school systems to insure that every student not be left behind, and they are tought many of the same qualites that parents should be pounding into their heads. But with improper Government aids that the schools are getting now and teachers that quite frankly dont give a rats ass this is never going to be achieved.


Next I never said socialism had anything to do with the American Dream, I'm actually not for the idea of socialism due to the fact that it never works because people are greedy and you will never find a true un- greedy leader. Thats like finding a perfect person, it will never happen. I'm on your side, registured replublician just tend to go more moderate when it comes to social issues helps me keep an open mind. All I was really stating is that The American Dream is nothing more than an illusion imprinted into our minds giving us a blueprint on how we should live our lives...


Your third point makes sense but something tells me being a National Sales Rep your social class is more than likely above the line of Middle Class. I'm not attacking you just making a point. The majority of the Middle class is made up of blue collar workers, ie construction workers, home builders, farmers ect ect... Of these people a vast majority are without a college degree. They don't have the credentials on paper to just go out and find a job right now because all of the jobs out there are in the business fields and or white collar jobs. They really have no choice but to wait and hope that the economy will be saved and they will get work again in their fields of expertice. And I know in your mind it is their job to better themselves right? Maybe go back to school and get that paper that says your trainable and get a new job, in a new field, you never know you may make more money right? That sounds fine and dandy but many of these people we are talking about are married, have children, two dogs and a home to pay for, they don't have the time to go back to school because in the end it is up to them to put food on the table today, tomorrow, and next week. Making more money and having a job in four years is not going to do anything about the problems of today. I also agree that yes we need social class. That is what makes life competative and keeps us striving for goals and aspirations. But the disappearence of a once dominate, and voical social class that was made up of the majority of our countries population is not a good thing... Trust me.

On another note shout out to V8 Beast, I'm just trying to get my point across the best ways I can and as properly as a can. Thank you for noticing.

Edited by I Eat Rice
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“While I appreciate that the president reduced the length of his proposed pay freeze from three to two years,” Hoyer said in a statement, “it would have produced significantly more savings had that sacrifice been shared between federal civilian and military personnel — with a strong exception for the members of our military and civilian employees risking their lives on our behalf in Afghanistan, Iraq, and anywhere else they are serving in harm's way.”


Why would scott be concerned with this...i dont know him personally, but im pretty sure hes over in the sand box, and would be considered in that "strong exception"...did you read past the title?


The people around him not holding a gun would get a pay freeze, so he would still be hearing about it. All while Clowngress isn't taking a pay freeze themselves, although its cool to freeze everyone else's pay.


It's no different than some company not giving raises to anyone, then giving the CEO a $5 million bonus for the year.

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