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over a month tobacco free


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thanks to E cigarettes


i love these things, they work great!

dont crave a a real cigarette at all..

no carcinogens, no smell, and a hell of alot cheaper..

if you are wanting to quit this is the way to go..



and if any of you want some info on what im using (i did alot of research before i purchased, so i know i was getting the best stuff i could get at the best price) let me know i have it all written down and have emailed alot of people the info who were interested.

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I actually quit smoking about a month ago. I used being sick as a jumping off point and just haven't gone back. I do miss it immensely but I don't really enjoy the actual smoking part anymore. My cigs taste like shit. And that almost depresses me more. Hard to explain in short on here. My smoking was at it's worst and I never thought I'd be able to do it. Especially, since my gf smokes.


For those who've got some insurance or whatever, talk to you doctor about Zyban. It was originally a very mild anti-depressant and they realized it was incredible at stopping the urge to smoke. I went cold turkey in less than 2 weeks with NO urge to smoke at all. I was leaving the house wtih no cigs within a week. It made the metal side of quittting FAR easier than this time and my mood never got shitty. I only had a few doses that were given to me by a friend, too, so I can only imagine how great a full prescription would do.

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I just started smoking again here and there after quitting for 2 weeks...again. I don't find it hard to quit, I just find it hard to not start again because I enjoy it. When I took that first hit after not smoking for a while, feels good man.
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