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Street Racing Gone Wrong


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damn, pretty lame those dudes got thrown in jail because some dickface pulled out in front of them. From the video it doesnt appear they were going terribly fast, or even racing at all. shitty for everyone nontheless.


WTF were they doing racing in the middle of the day in what it looks like heavy traffic. Both of them are idiots.

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WTF were they doing racing in the middle of the day in what it looks like heavy traffic. Both of them are idiots.


Yes, but wtf was the idiot in the Crown Vic thinking? Not trying to justify them racing on the street in the middle of the day, but the driver of the Crown Vic is a fucking retard

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Yes, but wtf was the idiot in the Crown Vic thinking? Not trying to justify them racing on the street in the middle of the day, but the driver of the Crown Vic is a fucking retard


Videos not the best so its hard to say but i would say those guys are going a good 20-30mph or more faster than the posted speedlimit/other traffic. Considering that the crown vic coulda had plenty of time to cross the road to the other side. But then again it kind of looks like the Vic may have been turning left so he would be definitly in the wrong then...

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Looked to me like the Vic was sitting in the middle, waiting for traffic to clear in order to pull out, and just pulled out despite the fact that he should have easily seen them coming. I mean he didn't even try to stop when the Mustang came up on him. You're right though, it's hard to judge all the details like speed and whatnot based off some low quality video.


It was most likely some old fuck who was way too senile to be driving. I mean who else would drive a Vic lol

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Here's my take, the dudes in the Maro and Mustang needed to go to jail for longer than they did. The person in Crown vic was either just trying to turn left or cross the road. He's not wrong for doing that and when the cars traveling towards him are going that fucking fast it's their fault not his. I think we've been on the unfortunate side of this on more than one occasion.


I think the article was pretty clear on those details too. C.Vic turned, and both the cars were racing/chasing and ended up getting wrecked and both did jail time. Two wrecked cars and two jail sentences vs one innocent totaled car but driver okay. Four wins and one loss in my book.


Sadly, there's a lot of irony in this thread.



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Racing on the street is bad enough by itself. Doing it in traffic deserves the Darwin Award.


About the Vic... If you cant judge the speed of people driving when you are crossing a road you shouldnt have a drivers license. This happened to be a race but people speed all over the place. If you cant determine that before putting your car in front of theirs you should trade in your car for a nice pair of shoes and bus passes. I dont want to be a guy in another lane that gets hit because the crown vics driver has no depth perception or is a horrible judge of speed.


Everyone driving in that video are lucky

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Racing on the street is bad enough by itself. Doing it in traffic deserves the Darwin award.


About the Vic... If you cant judge the speed of people driving when you are crossing a road you shouldnt have a drivers license. This happened to be a race but people speed all over the place. If you cant determine that before putting your car in front of theirs you should trade in your car for a nice pair of shoes and bus passes. I dont want to be a guy in another lane that gets hit because the crown vics driver has no depth perception or is a horrible judge of speed.


Everyone driving in that video are lucky




And it's obvious the guy in the Vic never even looked. It doesn't matter how fast the Mustang is going, so long as he isn't going 140 you're at least going to see it before it hits you and at least make an attempt to hit the brakes. Obviously this doesn't excuse the guys who were racing but like I said, 99% chance it was some old senile fuck driving the Vic. He creeped across both lanes like he had fallen asleep with the car in gear

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Those guys were going way too fast on that road and considering the traffic on that road, the guy probably never had a chance to see them. I can't believe people in this thread actually want to blame the accident on the Crown Vic.
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I blame it on all three. I'm just going off what I'm seeing from a low quality video. Who knows, maybe there was a blind spot where the Vic was crossing the road and you can't see traffic until you're starting to pull out, and it wasn't his fault at all? Maybe he was sitting in the far left lane, blocking it, waiting to cross?


People drive like idiots, guys who race in traffic, and slow ass senior citizens. That's all I'm saying

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Those guys were going way too fast on that road and considering the traffic on that road, the guy probably never had a chance to see them. I can't believe people in this thread actually want to blame the accident on the Crown Vic.


Going back to study the film... Maybe you guys are seeing something Im not.

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About the Vic... If you cant judge the speed of people driving when you are crossing a road you shouldnt have a drivers license. This happened to be a race but people speed all over the place. If you cant determine that before putting your car in front of theirs you should trade in your car for a nice pair of shoes and bus passes. I dont want to be a guy in another lane that gets hit because the crown vics driver has no depth perception or is a horrible judge of speed.


Watch the video again. The road is pretty straight and clear. The two jerks passed (I counted six vehicles) at a much, much faster rate of speed then they were all traveling at and they were not slowing down.


FFWD to :16 and you can see where the Vic began to turn left and likely saw them way, way down the road. However, FFWD just a mere 4 seconds and BAM! Impact. No way in hell that driver would have seen them and judged them going that fast. 4 seconds dude. That's fast and traffic there was going like 35mph. You can see the Camaro's Speedo early in the video and he was already at 70mph. The Vic was in mid turn and they were instantly upon him. Again, all too familiar.


End result, proof that even if the drivers were technically right....they were nearly dead and IMO close to being charged with reckless homicide.

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Watch the video again. The road is pretty straight and clear. The two jerks passed (I counted six vehicles) at a much, much faster rate of speed then they were all traveling at and they were not slowing down.


FFWD to :16 and you can see where the Vic began to turn left and likely saw them way, way down the road. However, FFWD just a mere 4 seconds and BAM! Impact. No way in hell that driver would have seen them and judged them going that fast. 4 seconds dude. That's fast and traffic there was going like 35mph. You can see the Camaro's Speedo early in the video and he was already at 70mph. The Vic was in mid turn and they were instantly upon him. Again, all too familiar.


End result, proof that even if the drivers were technically right....they were nearly dead and IMO close to being charged with reckless homicide.


Your off on the camaro's speed. Based on shift points, and the down shifts during the 5 seconds he was slowing down I put him at 70-80ish on impact (if you dont believe me read up on the shifting points). The vic hit the back of the mustang and kept rolling. There was nothing blocking his view from the camera angle (view of the mustang). I'm not saying vic's at fault (illegal activity trumps judging speed) but if a half what ok driver would have been behind the wheel there would not have been an accident...


Maybe the vic only saw the mustang and thought it was clear behind it, who knows... who cares. I have crossed plenty of roads with people speeding and can tell when they are covering ground too fast.. its part of driving. If it were a blind turn sure. Its hitting the mustangs rear end that I dont get. Does the driver not have brakes or was he turning and had to straighten the car up to avoid taking the stang out? Its hard debating things with a shitty video looking from the outside in.

Edited by V8 Beast
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he floored it first gear shifted to second and let out half way thru 2nd? 98 a4, prob has 323 gears would put him at maybe 75mph and slowing down. he let off well before the car failed to yield on a left turn.... how was that a street race? that was two kids being stupid. he was simply driving too fast and the crown vic failed to yield.


anyone know where that was? I can't believe they did time for that.....

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I never even saw the Vic til :22, and it looks like he is crossing the road at like 3 mph. But like I said, too hard to tell. Yes they were driving too fast, but if the Vic only gets from the center lane to the middle/right lane in 4 seconds, he is obviously going wayyyyyy too slow, and wasn't paying attention.


And they were slowing down. Listen to the Camaro's RPM's. Plus judging by the way that road looks, I'd assume the speed limit was at least 45

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