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Street Racing Gone Wrong


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I dont want to be a guy in another lane that gets hit because the crown vics driver has no depth perception or is a horrible judge of speed.


Should we review the demographic of people that drive crown vics? They are either a) the popo or b)blue hairs . One of the two of these has a severely deteriorated depth perception.


I'll blame medicare for this for keeping old people around. Fn'ing social safety nets!!!!

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How many people are going to make excuses for these jackasses and blame the accident on the other driver?! How many people on this forum have to die or get arrested before people start realizing it's a stupid, dangerous thing to do?

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How many people are going to make excuses for these jackasses and blame the accident on the other driver?! How many people on this forum have to die or get arrested before people start realizing it's a stupid, dangerous thing to do?


Based on your post I'm going to assume your judgment is clouded by past activities. If you read the thread you will notice people stopped blaming the vic. What we are saying is the driver is stupid for putting his car in front of oncoming traffic. The fact that the other party was involved in illegal activity negates who is at fault so stop bringing it up.. thats not up for debate. Pay close attention and you might notice that the person on this forum that is most against street racing is actually in this thread. As a matter of fact he just typed as a matter of fact....


In real life people speed and do all kinds of things they are not suppose to. This is one of the reasons you are required to have working eyes before you get a drivers license. Putting your car in front of other moving vehicles is bad for your health.

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Based on your post I'm going to assume your judgment is clouded by past activities. If you read the thread you will notice people stopped blaming the vic. What we are saying is the driver is stupid for putting his car in front of oncoming traffic. The fact that the other party was involved in illegal activity negates who is at fault so stop bringing it up.. thats not up for debate. Pay close attention and you might notice that the person on this forum that is most against street racing is actually in this thread. As a matter of fact he just typed as a matter of fact....


In real life people speed and do all kinds of things they are not suppose to. This is one of the reasons you are required to have working eyes before you get a drivers license. Putting your car in front of other moving vehicles is bad for your health.




and they werent racing. thier intentions to race were there and they would have done it as the next light. but that video was not of a race.....

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and they werent racing. thier intentions to race were there and they would have done it as the next light. but that video was not of a race.....


I believe most laws define a race as one of three circumstances:

  • trying to outdistance or outdistancing other vehicles, (Ding! Ding!)
  • trying to prevent or preventing other vehicles from passing, (Ding! Ding!)
  • or driving at excessive speed to try to arrive at or arriving at a destination ahead of one or more other vehicles.


Typically, these instances must occur in a situation where road conditions indicate that the operator is is driving without reasonable consideration for others or their driving may cause harm to a person. (Ding! Ding!)


I really don't care if the "law" defines the above or not. That's how I define racing. Your mileage may vary.


IMO, they were absolutely racing. Either way, reckless operation and in this case, with near deadly consequences.

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4510.036 of the Revised Code, "street racing" means the operation of two or more vehicles from:

  • a point side by side at accelerating speeds in a competitive attempt to out-distance each other
  • or the operation of one or more vehicles over a common selected course, from the same point to the same point, wherein timing is made of the participating vehicles involving competitive accelerations or speeds.

Persons rendering assistance in any manner to such competitive use of vehicles shall be equally charged as the participants.


  • The operation of two or more vehicles side by side either at speeds in excess of prima-facie lawful speeds established by divisions (B)(1)(a) to (B)(7) of section 4511.21 of the Revised Code or rapidly accelerating from a common starting point to a speed in excess of such prima-facie lawful speeds shall be prima-facie evidence of street racing.

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What he is saying is those cars are slow as dirt.


Speaking od racing... Who races their spouses? I love taking seperate ways home from the same location to see who gets their first. Only rule is you cant go more than 5 miles above the speed limit. I always lose because red lights hate me :(

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4510.036 of the Revised Code, "street racing" means the operation of two or more vehicles from:

  • a point side by side at accelerating speeds in a competitive attempt to out-distance each other
  • or the operation of one or more vehicles over a common selected course, from the same point to the same point, wherein timing is made of the participating vehicles involving competitive accelerations or speeds.

Persons rendering assistance in any manner to such competitive use of vehicles shall be equally charged as the participants.


  • The operation of two or more vehicles side by side either at speeds in excess of prima-facie lawful speeds established by divisions (B)(1)(a) to (B)(7) of section 4511.21 of the Revised Code or rapidly accelerating from a common starting point to a speed in excess of such prima-facie lawful speeds shall be prima-facie evidence of street racing.


well they were never side by side. one passed the other and was trying to catch up.

so the mustang passed the camaro and the camaro saw his front tire was about to fall off so he sped up to alert the mustang, but the mustang was in a hurry so they had to go over the speed limit to catch him.....


they didnt take off at the same time and they weren't going to a pre identified stopping point..


I know their intentions were to racing, but that video was not racing. they got what they deseved, as in the ticket. they didn't deserve to have someone pull out in front of them...

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Based on your post I'm going to assume your judgment is clouded by past activities. If you read the thread you will notice people stopped blaming the vic. What we are saying is the driver is stupid for putting his car in front of oncoming traffic. The fact that the other party was involved in illegal activity negates who is at fault so stop bringing it up.. thats not up for debate. Pay close attention and you might notice that the person on this forum that is most against street racing is actually in this thread. As a matter of fact he just typed as a matter of fact....


In real life people speed and do all kinds of things they are not suppose to. This is one of the reasons you are required to have working eyes before you get a drivers license. Putting your car in front of other moving vehicles is bad for your health.

No, it just seems like too many people in here are blaming the other car when, obviously, speed contributed to the accident. The fact that the Crown Vic stopped in the middle of the intersection tells you that he either didn't see them coming, or didn't expect them to be approaching that quickly. If he NEVER saw them, he would have kept going through the intersection.


People have no idea what it looked like from the Vic's point of view, yet they jump to the defense of the two cars that were clearly breaking the law.


Also, the camera doesn't pan up until after the Mustang starts pulling away. You don't know if they were driving side by side before the camera pans over. Sure, they don't 3 honk it, but you expect me to believe that they were video taping a Sunday drive and this Mustang just happened to drive by? They were probably side-by-side, the Mustang got the jump, and the camera panned over late. But it really doesn't matter too much because they were both clearly going much faster than traffic on that road and that's the true cause of the accident and the reason for its severity. Even the guy driving called it a race, but everyone else wasn't to internet quarterback this crap.

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well they were never side by side. one passed the other and was trying to catch up.....


Oh really? Do you know for sure they were never side by side?


Bullshit, the Mustang past, the Camaro punched it to catch up / keep him from passing, etc.....fucking racing. All this pussy footing around the obvious makes people look stupid. :rolleyes: Spade is a Spade man. Dudes in the Camaro were video taping a cruise to the grocery store. When the mustang past, both cars were attempting to out distance one another. That's a fucking race no matter how you try and hide it.


If you don't think they were racing then you obviously didn't read the article either. In the Camaro owner’s own words, he explains what happened, “My day took an unexpected turn when a driver pulled out in front of me at a traffic light shortly after a “race.” :gtfo:


We've lost two if not more here on CR to similar situation and the bullshit finger pointing about details sure as hell didn't change anything there either. One was eerily all too similar. A race is a race and on the streets gets people killed and it's no one else's fault but those racing. Period.

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No, it just seems like too many people in here are blaming the other car when, obviously, speed contributed to the accident. The fact that the Crown Vic stopped in the middle of the intersection tells you that he either didn't see them coming, or didn't expect them to be approaching that quickly. If he NEVER saw them, he would have kept going through the intersection.

Devil's advocate here, but: If not expecting cars to be travelling at a certain speed is grounds to dismiss blame, then why can't I park on the highway and say I didn't expect people to be going 65?


It doesn't matter what you EXPECT. Accidents happen because things you don't expect occur. That's what your eyes and ears are for. The Vic wasn't paying attention and left his car in the way of moving traffic.


This is a good example why we need actual TESTS for people who drive. In 2007 (latest CDC stats I can find) 12,000+ people were killed by handguns, and 42,000+ were killed by vehicles. However we give anyone with a heartbeat a license to drive.


People have no idea what it looked like from the Vic's point of view, yet they jump to the defense of the two cars that were clearly breaking the law.

The point being made is that the accident occurred because THREE people, not two, were idiots.

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Devil's advocate here, but: If not expecting cars to be travelling at a certain speed is grounds to dismiss blame, then why can't I park on the highway and say I didn't expect people to be going 65?


It doesn't matter what you EXPECT. Accidents happen because things you don't expect occur. That's what your eyes and ears are for. The Vic wasn't paying attention and left his car in the way of moving traffic.


This is a good example why we need actual TESTS for people who drive. In 2007 (latest CDC stats I can find) 12,000+ people were killed by handguns, and 42,000+ were killed by vehicles. However we give anyone with a heartbeat a license to drive.



The point being made is that the accident occurred because THREE people, not two, were idiots.


This.. We are not pushing any kind of blame. What we are saying is if you cant judge the difference between 40 and 70 then the end result will be a crash. If not ricers then a soccer mom thats late for choir practice.

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Devil's advocate here, but: If not expecting cars to be travelling at a certain speed is grounds to dismiss blame, then why can't I park on the highway and say I didn't expect people to be going 65?


because you have no business parking on the freeway. doing so is vastly different than someone just simply trying to make a left turn as anyone there would and getting slammed by two reckless drivers racing at what clearly appears to be double the normal speed on that road.


The point being made is that the accident occurred because THREE people, not two, were idiots.


No, two were reckless idiots and the other was simply an innocent driver guilty of not realizing the two idiots would be "racing" down the street he was crossing over. Is he/she guilty of failure to yeild/assure clear distance? Perhaps; but are they the cause of the accident. Fuck no.


This.. We are not pushing any kind of blame. What we are saying is if you cant judge the difference between 40 and 70 then the end result will be a crash. If not ricers then a soccer mom thats late for choir practice.


Soccer mom would be just as guilty of being a reckless idiot IMO. Take away the racers actions and speed and it's not likely the Vic would have been involved in a crash.

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because you have no business parking on the freeway. doing so is vastly different than someone just simply trying to make a left turn as anyone there would and getting slammed by two reckless drivers racing at what clearly appears to be double the normal speed on that road.




No, two were reckless idiots and the other was simply an innocent driver guilty of not realizing the two idiots would be "racing" down the street he was crossing over. Is he/she guilty of failure to yeild/assure clear distance? Perhaps; but are they the cause of the accident. Fuck no.




Soccer mom would be just as guilty of being a reckless idiot IMO. Take away the racers actions and speed and it's not likely the Vic would have been involved in a crash.


The vic going across the street appeared to be going about 4mph faster than parked. If you dont expect speeding and creep your car into the intersection you are not judging based on on the cars on the road. Thats the only thing that makes sense for how slow he was going across a 3 lane highway. If you exchange the ricers for a police car doing 100mph is the police car at fault? I mean you dont expect a police car to be flying down a road. I saw a lady almost get taken out at Post and 161 this way. I know we have all had sirens come by us so fast that you cant hear them until they are extrememly close.


So a soccer mom doing 75 is less likely to cause a crash than a camaro going 75? Have you not seen how people late for work drive???? There are plenty of tickets handed out for doing 30 over the limit everyday. I guess technically its the other way around because the exhaust on the race car is typically louder. You are more likely to hear them speeding since they are not purposely quieted down.... but at the same time the suv would be bigger and easier to see so its kind of a draw.

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Soccer mom would be just as guilty of being a reckless idiot IMO. Take away the racers actions and speed and it's not likely the Vic would have been involved in a crash.

Now, come on. Take away the Vic and the two racers wouldn't have crashed either. Hell, take away every car and there'd be no crashes on any roads.


The accident happened as a whole. You can't take parts out because they are inconvenient. Three drivers created that accident. Two were reckless, one wasn't paying attention.

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The vic going across the street appeared to be going about 4mph faster than parked. If you dont expect speeding and creep your car into the intersection you are not judging based on on the cars on the road. Thats the only thing that makes sense for how slow he was going across a 3 lane highway.


We have no idea why he turned as he did. My take is he was watching the truck turning right onto the road he was intending to turn onto and didn't want to cross the road and run up the trucks ass. My guess is he looked right and saw oncoming traffic, but it was in the distance and he didn't recognize them as racing as that's not likely something they see everyday. Then their focus was likely on the truck. The Oh Shit moment was them realizing the racers were flying down the street.


If you exchange the ricers for a police car doing 100mph is the police car at fault? I mean you dont expect a police car to be flying down a road.


Would the police be at fault? That depends, in such a situation the police are to have their strobes and sirens on. Perhaps ricers racing down the street should put flashers and sirens on their cars?



Technically its the other way around because the exhaust on the race car is typically louder.


Technically the sound waves of an exhaust don't travel forward of the racing car and reverberate inside someone turning left though.


Now, come on. Take away the Vic and the two racers wouldn't have crashed either. Hell, take away every car and there'd be no crashes on any roads.


Why take away the Vic who is simply turning left? He/She wasn't breaking the law or doing anything out of the norm. There's also no sense in taking the other cars away either as they were traveling at a safe speed and completely legal. My point is you take out the reckless racers/illegal actions and their speed and you have no accident.


The accident happened as a whole. You can't take parts out because they are inconvenient. Three drivers created that accident. Two were reckless, one wasn't paying attention.


The accident clearly happened because of illegal act of those racing. Otherwise, Vic would have continued on with his very legal act of turning....irregardless of his speed doing so. Two not three drivers caused this accident.

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Why take away the Vic who is simply turning left? He/She wasn't breaking the law or doing anything out of the norm. There's also no sense in taking the other cars away either as they were traveling at a safe speed. My point is you take out the reckless racers and their speed and you have no accident.




The accident clearly happened because of illegal act of those racing. Otherwise, Vic would have continued on with his very legal act of turning....irregardless of his speed doing so.


Actually I'm pretty sure that Vic was guilty of failure to yield to oncomming traffic. You can't just pull into traffic and expect it to stop. That IS illegal. So, no, the Vic was not going about a "very legal act."


Three idiots created that situation, not two.


Anyways, enough armchair quarterbacking for me, I'm off to waste a portion of my life playing WoW.

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